Worldwide Evangelical Gospel Outreach, Inc.

Worldwide Evangelical Gospel Outreach, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Merritt Island. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 9, 1994.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Worldwide Evangelical Gospel Outreach, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJun 9, 1994
FEI Number593249201
Principal Address
137 S Courtenay Pkwy
Merritt Island

Worldwide Evangelical Gospel Outreach, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Worldwide Evangelical Gospel Outreach, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Worldwide Evangelical Gospel Outreach, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Tully Albert Officer (Chai) Albert Tully
1527 S Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Bch
FL 32931
(Brevard County)

Fyffe Jeremiah Officer (Offi) Jeremiah Fyffe
6444 Trieda Dr
FL 32940
(Brevard County)

Lehton Robert Officer (Offi) Robert Lehton
3000 N Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach
FL 32931
(Brevard County)

Soares Jason Officer (Offi) Jason Soares
58 Moore Ave
Merritt Island Fl
FL 32952
(Brevard County)

Dodd Zach Registered Agent Zach Dodd
137 S Courtenay Pkwy
Merritt Island
(Brevard County)

Zach Dodd
315 Brevard Ave
FL 32922
(Brevard County)

Dejong Glenn Officer (Secr) Glenn Dejong
Po Box 410882
FL 32941
(Brevard County)

Buchanan James Officer (Trea) James Buchanan
13302 Winding Oak Ct
FL 33612
(Hillsborough County)

James Buchanan
2301 E Sherwood Cir
(Brevard County)

James Buchanan
2821 N Indian River Dr
FL 32922
(Brevard County)

Principal Location

Worldwide Evangelical Gospel Outreach, Inc. is located at 137 S Courtenay Pkwy in Merritt Island.

Companies Located Nearby

Burr Property Holdings, Ii, LLC (195 S Courtenay Pkwy) Merritt Island Center For Dentistry, Inc. (195 S Courtenay Pkwy) Space Coast Rheumatology & Arthritis Center, P.A. (40 Fortenberry Rd) Merritt Island Medical Research, LLC (60 Fortenberry Rd) Dr. Ricardo A. Serrano, Md, LLC (30 Fortenberry Rd) Fortenberry Medical Plaza, Inc. (30 Fortenberry Rd) Damar Homes, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Brevard Home Mart, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Polyshield Products Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Inshore Offshore Wear, LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) D'Nalraf, LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Vacations And Celebrations LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Primi Properties, LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Zw Ventures LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Space Coast Finds LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) E3 Women Inc (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Shrew, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Mailship Enterprises Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Occidental Holdings, LLC (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) M & D Of Brevard LLC (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Summer Breeze Plantation Homeowners Association, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Wiley Developers Group, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Anihcal Consultants, LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Summerwood Villas Community Association, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Country Club Estates Community Association Of Titusville, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Del Rae Electric, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Country Club Estates Of Titusville, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Maxiland, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Pmb 753) Florida Now, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Primi Enterprises, Inc (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Brevard Web Pro, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Kona Joy Therapy LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Rail Industries, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Parkway Box 677) Inteltech, LLC (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Tropical Delivery, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy) Eagle Ridge Commercial Center, LLC (110 South Courtenay Parkway Suite 2) Courtenay Properties, L.L.C. (110 S Courtenry Pkwy Ste 2) Best Express, LLC (110 S Courtenay Pkwy) The Right Site, Inc. (110 S Courtenay Pkwy) Royal Villas Association, Inc. (137 S Courtenay Pkwy Pmb 753) Cad Southeast Investments, LLC (110 S Courtenay Pkwy) Grant Marlowe, Custom Builder Inc. (101 S Courtenay Pkwy Ste #104) Keldorff Realty, LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Showcase Property Management LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Windhover Associates, LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Jtb Maplewood, LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Jtb Chatham, LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Jtb Nj Commercial, LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Bkk Holdings Of Brevard, LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Jtb Holdings Of Brevard, LLC (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Ms. Smith'S Charity For Children, Inc. (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) Law Office Of Bonnie Haig, P.A. (101 S Courtenay Pkwy) W2s, L.L.C. (226 S Courtenay Pkwy) First Baptist Church, Merritt Island, Florida (140 Magnolia Ave) First Space Coast Foundation, Inc. (140 Magnolia Ave) Always By The Numbers, Inc. (101 S Courtenay Pkwy Suite 201)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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