Blairs' Downtown Condominium Association, Inc.

Blairs' Downtown Condominium Association, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Delray Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 30, 1993.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Blairs' Downtown Condominium Association, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateAug 30, 1993
FEI Number650500121
Principal Address
417 E Atlantic Ave
Delray Beach

Blairs' Downtown Condominium Association, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Blairs' Downtown Condominium Association, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Blairs' Downtown Condominium Association, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ratner Dennis Officer (Pres) Dennis Ratner
415 E Atlantic Ave
Delray Beach
(Palm Beach County)

Dennis Ratner
7284 W Palmetto Park Road Suite 101
Boca Raton
FL 33433
(Palm Beach County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Dennis Ratner
415 Atlantic Avenue, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Petrisis Katie B Officer (Trea) Katie Petrisis
417 E Atlantic Ave
Delray Beach
(Palm Beach County)

Principal Location

Blairs' Downtown Condominium Association, Inc. is located at 417 E Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

Rosen & Son'S LLC (517 East Atlantic Ave) Ocean Invest And Development LLC (517 East Atlantic Ave) Benech Fam, LLC (517 East Atlantic Ave) Sunny And Jude LLC (517 East Atlantic Ave) Sam Bookie LLC (517 East Atlantic Ave) Adami International Realty Inc. (517 East Atlantic Ave) Mikedenoa, LLC (517 E Atlantic Ave) Damami International, In.C (517 E Atlantic Ave) Arthund, Inc. (425 E Atlantic Ave) Sundook Galleries, Inc. (524 East Atlantic Ave) Beachwear Paradise, Inc. (531 E Atlantic Ave) 2 Vistas Design Redux, LLC (521 E Atlantic Ave) Just Hearts, Inc. (537 E Atlantic Ave) Salutations Of Delray, LLC (535 East Atlantic Ave) Nine Line Florida Store 1, LLC (530 East Atlantic Ave) Downtown Atlantic, LLC (10 Ne 5th Ave) Delray Popcorn LLC (10 Ne 5th Ave) The Original Popcorn House Franchise, LLC (10 Ne 5th Ave) Fat Stache Media LLC (12 Ne 5th Ave) Deke'S In Delray LLC. (6 Ne 5th Ave) Mussel Beach Restaurant, Inc. (501 E Atlantic Ave) Boughton Hotel Inc (525 E Atlantic Ave) Netacy LLC (74 Ne 4th Ave) P & M, LLC (65 Ne 4th Ave) Pjb LLC (65 Ne 4th Ave) Js Capital Solutions, LLC (65 Ne 4th Ave) 419 East Atlantic, LLC (419 East Atlantic Ave) Endless Sweets LLC (402 E Atlantic Ave) B.A. Sweetie, Inc. (402 E Atlantic Ave) Aqua Swimwear Inc. (426 E Atlantic Ave) Aqua Clothing And Swimwear Inc (426 E Atlantic Ave) Tipsy Of Delray, Inc (12 Ne 4th Ave) Periwinkle Online, Inc. (339 E Atlantic Ave) Taste The Wine International, LLC (411 E Atlantic Ave) Gelato-Go Delray Beach LLC (411 E Atlantic Ave) Ma Group Partners LLC (411 E Atlantic Ave) Taste The Wine International Enterprises, LLC (411 E Atlantic Ave) First Security Mortgage, LLC (29 Ne 4th Ave) Seabreeze Windows & Doors LLC (29 Ne 4th Ave) Silver Ball Museum Fl LLC (19 Ne 3rd Ave) Page Iv Family, LLC (54 Ne 4th Ave) Janial Properties, LLC (54 Ne 4th Ave) Salina Condo LLC (54 Ne 4th Ave) Williamsburg Delray LLC (54 Ne 4th Ave) Kenneth M. Kaleel, P.A. (54 Ne 4th Ave) The Anna A. Moldrup Foundation, Inc. (54 Ne 4th Ave) Courtuniformity Corp. (54 Ne 4th Ave) Mark D. Mcwilliams, P.A. (54 Ne 4th Ave) Kalbro Properties, Inc. (54 Ne 4th Ave) Delray 54, LLC (54 Ne Fourth Ave) Kare Solutions LLC (74 Ne 4th Ave) Mojo Media, LLC (74 Ne 4th Ave) Cohen & Newmark, Pllc (74 Ne 4th Ave) Village Grande Of Delray Beach Homeowners' Association, Inc. (65 Ne 4th Ave Unit H) Audit Guardians LLC (504 E Atlantic Ave) 20-6 Se 5th Pizza Corporation (20-6 Se 5th Ave) Big Al'S Steaks Of Delray Beach, Inc. (450 E Atlantic Ave) Cut 432, LLC (432 East Atlantic Ave) Big Al'S Steaks Atlantic Avenue, Inc. (450 E Atlantic Ave) Dg Greatful Bean LLC (12 Se 5th Ave) Ng Diamond Investments LLC (12 Se 5th Ave) House Of Vapor L.L.C. (6 Se 5th Ave) Blairs' Downtown Property Owners Association, Inc. (439 E Atlantic Ave) Offers Til Infinity Inc. (504 East Atlantic Ave) Perkins Capital Advisers, Inc. (310 E Atlantic Ave) Devitt, Thistle & Lorenzo, Pllc (30 Southeast 4th Ave) Meridian International Title, LLC (30 Southeast 4th Ave) Meridian International Title Services Corp. (30 Southeast 4th Ave) J. L. Lorenzo, P.A. (30 Southeast 4th Ave) Global Pursuit Of Delray LLC (400 East Atlantic Ave) Oreste Jewelers Of Palm Beach, Inc. (400 East Atlantic Ave) Koko Atlantic LLC (310 East Atlantic Ave) Lady Katie LLC (417 East Atlantic Ave) Morley Delray, Inc. (415 E Atlantic Ave) Guests Valet Parking, Corp. (432 E Atlantic Ave) Delray News And Tobacco Center, Inc. (429 E Atlantic Ave) Hand'S Office Supply, Inc. (325 East Atlantic Ave) Jmc Serenity Delray Inc (424 East Atlantic Ave) Toesies, Inc. (310 East Atlantic Ave) 301 East Atlantic, LLC (301 East Atlantic Ave) Delray Food Services, Inc. (301 East Atlantic Ave) El Camino Tequilla LLC (428 E Atlantic Ave) Julia & Co LLC (418 E Atlantic Ave) A And V Development Corp. (70 Se 4th Ave) A & V Realty, Inc. (70 Se 4th Ave) Fourth Avenue Associates, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Pineapple Grove Associates LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Craig D. Earnhart, P.A. (70 Se 4th Ave) Crefdi Realty Advisors, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Crefdi Acquisition Group, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Redbone Enterprises, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Fjsr Of Florida, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) 198ne6gp, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) 198ne6, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) 2002 Osa Manager, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) 2002 Osa, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Drc Equity Investors, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Lockwood Development Partners LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Veterans Services Florida LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Lockwood Financial LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Rwood, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Glory Days Capital Investments, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Lw Orlando Vii, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Fb Orlando 7, LLC (70 Se 4th Ave) Delray Central House Foundation, Inc. (70 Se 4th Ave) Dockerty Romer & Co., Inc. (70 Se 4th Ave) Shane M. Farnsworth, P.A. (70 Se 4th Ave) J. Beauregard Parker, P.A. (70 Se 4th Ave) C-Rad, Inc. (70 Se 4th Ave) Manowar Enterprises, Inc. (70 Se 4th Ave) Devitt, Thistle & Devitt, P.A. (30 Se 4th Ave) Jsd LLC (30 Se 4th Ave) Fbdjr LLC (30 Se 4th Ave) Workz,LLC (30 Se 4th Ave) Meridian International Title Partners No. 2500, LLC (30 Se 4th Ave) Ocean Toad LLC (30 Se 4th Ave) Seafloor Holdings, LLC (30 Se 4th Ave) Jersey Shore Fry LLC. (19 Ne Third Ave) Green Owl Inc (11 Se 4th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.