Pembroke Pines Girls Softball, Inc.

Pembroke Pines Girls Softball, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Pembroke Pines. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 10, 1992.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Pembroke Pines Girls Softball, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJul 10, 1992
FEI Number650351183
Principal Address
Fletcher Park 7900 Johnson St
Pembroke Pines

Pembroke Pines Girls Softball, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Pembroke Pines Girls Softball, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Pembroke Pines Girls Softball, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Crespo Antoinette Officer (D/TR) Antoinette Crespo
1901 S Federal Hwy
Ft. Lauderdale
(Broward County)

Antoinette Crespo
10561 Sw 6th St
Pembroke Pines
(Broward County)

Antoinette Crespo
1310 Sw 68th Bvd
Pembroke Pines
FL 33023
(Broward County)

Antoinette Crespo
1642 Nw 143rd Way
Pembroke Pines
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Antoinette Crespo
Lauderdale Inflatables LLC - Officer (AMBR)
Zodiac Of Lauderdale LLC - Registered Agent
Herrera Pedro Registered Agent Pedro Herrera
11300 Ne 2nd Ave
Miami Shores
(Miami-Dade County)

Pedro Herrera
1900 Biscayne Blvd
(Miami-Dade County)

Pedro Herrera
5300 East Ave
West Palm Beach
(Palm Beach County)

Pedro Herrera
1110 N 74th Ter
FL 33024
(Broward County)

Pedro Herrera
12010 Nw 19 Street
Pembroke Pines
FL 33026
(Broward County)

Lorenzo Samantha Officer (SD) Samantha Lorenzo
17020 Nw 78 Ave
FL 33015
(Miami-Dade County)

Lorenzo Ricardo Officer (VP) Ricardo Lorenzo
17020 Nw 78 Ave
FL 33015
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Pembroke Pines Girls Softball, Inc. is located at Fletcher Park in Pembroke Pines.

Companies Located Nearby

Aluex Inc (7785 Nw 22nd Ct) Zetlands Holdings, Inc. (2170 Nw 78th Ave) Madi Real Estate Holdings, L.L.C. (7735 Nw 23rd St) Mobli, LLC (7735 Nw 23rd St) Force One, LLC (2299 Nw 77 Way Apt #201) Time For Israel, LLC (2299 Nw 77th Way) The Enginears, Inc. (1411 Nw87th Way) Multicultural Women Presence, Inc. (9441 Nw15th St) Passion For Health, Inc (7545 Nw !9 Drive) Safest Place Inc. (1900 Nuniversity Dr) Rumbletime LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Overeem Enterprises LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Full Throttle Kustomz Holdings LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Frmb Consulting LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Cox Productions LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Demon Slayer Productions LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Cubes Consulting LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Rumbletime Holdings LLC (C/O Fms Lawyer Pl) Little Angels LLC (1311 Nw 70way) Ava Investments Group Corp (7790 Nw 23rd St) Ava Construction Inc (7790 Nw 23rd St) Hair Clips And Fingertips, Inc. (C/O Ronda Lynn Hersch) Buey Arriba, LLC. (2150 Nuniversity Dr) Deintec North America, Inc. (C/O Rcg Accounting & Associates Inc) Placon Usa, Inc. (C/O Ncg Resources Inc) Institute Of Health Services, Inc. (10031 Pines Blvd Suite # 103) Edward Frisbee Trailer Park, Inc. (Edward Frisbee Trailer Park Inc) Club Entente, Inc. (Edner Bodet) Steps 2 Progress Learning Development Center LLC (7617 Davie Ext Rd) Whispering Woods Of Coral Springs Homeowners Association, Inc. (C/O Association Specialty Group Llc) Cavalla Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. (C/O Association Specialty Group Llc) Randy Smith Enterprises, Inc. (Roland Smith Jr) Paul A. Koprowski, C.P.A., P.A. (Paul A Koprowski Cpa) Mister Latin Cafe Inc. (Mister Latin Cafe Inc) Law Offices Of Andrew M. Cargill, P.A. (Pines Professional Center 9050 Pines Blvd) Aardvark Lock & Safe, Inc. (C/O Wayne Gentry) Le Nautique At Haulover Inlet Condominium Association, Inc. (C/O M Postman Management Llc) Chapman Developement, Inc. (% Victor Chapman) Dragon Wah, Inc. (6706 & 6708 Stirling Rd) Glen Siegel, P.A. (% Dr Glen Siegel) Islands-Jamaica Association, Inc. (C/O Tl Property Services) Therapy In Transit Physical Therapy Services LLC (2173 Nw 78th Ave) Real Family Financial Inc. (2173 Nw 78th Ave) Rich Port Collective L.L.C. (2200 Nw 78th Ave) Pofinity Apps LLC (2250 Nw 78 Ave) Dr. Marlon Demeritt, Od, Mba, LLC (2250 Nw 78th Ave) Whach-A-Pet, LLC (2250 Nw 78th Ave) Benn M. Kushner, D.D.S., Professional Association (C/O Benn M Kushner) North Perry Chapter Of The Florida Aero Club, Inc. (C/O Anthony Restaino) Mcinturf Enterprises, Inc. (C/O Jim Shr) Danny'S Fuel, Corp. (4221nw66th Ave) West English Of Hollywood Congregation Of Jehovah'S Witnesses, Inc. (C/O Henry Ingenito) 2209-2213 North University Drive Property Owners Association, Inc. (C/O Jose Torres Md) E S Drywall, Inc. (3140nw72av) Solo Reporting, Inc. (C/O Lois E Guffey) Monte Carlo Townhomes Homeowners' Association, Inc. (Monte Carlo Townhomes Hoa) H & C Mortgage Investments Realty Inc, (10031 Pines Blvd Suite) Saith Associates LLC (C/O 7801 Nw 42nd Ct) Jacore LLC (8770 Johnson St) Distrimax Elec Corp (8770 Johnson St) Certitude Group Inc (Heyer Tax & Associates) Miami Sports 27 Inc (2298 Nw 78th Ave) Tyrone Mitchell And Associates, Inc. (7790 Nw 23 Street) Bd Life LLC (7720 Nw 23 St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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