Fourplex At 84th Avenue, A Condominium Association, Inc.

Fourplex At 84th Avenue, A Condominium Association, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Feb 27, 1989.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Fourplex At 84th Avenue, A Condominium Association, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateFeb 27, 1989
Principal Address
8404 Nw 64th St

Fourplex At 84th Avenue, A Condominium Association, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Fourplex At 84th Avenue, A Condominium Association, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Fourplex At 84th Avenue, A Condominium Association, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Amore Paolo Registered Agent Paolo Amore
2550 S Bayshore Drive #11
FL 33133
(Miami-Dade County)

Paolo Amore
8404 Nw 64 St
(Miami-Dade County)

Paolo Amore
8404 Nw 64 Street
(Miami-Dade County)

Paolo Amore
8404 Nw 64th St
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Paolo Amore
1000 Robles, LLC - Registered Agent
7200 Los Pinos, LLC - Registered Agent
7250 Monaco, LLC - Registered Agent
Acord Capital, LLC - Registered Agent
Amore 1999 LLC - Registered Agent
Amore Marine Holdings, Inc. - Registered Agent
Cocoplum 2030 LLC - Registered Agent
Coral Pines Associates, LLC - Registered Agent
Galeon Partners, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Hispaniola LLC - Registered Agent
Jamaica 2, LLC - Registered Agent
Las Palmas Investment Trust Holdings, LLC - Registered Agent
Los Pinos LLC - Registered Agent
Margui Family Partners LLC - Registered Agent
Margui Family Partners, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Monaco Management Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
The Vistalmar Investment Holdings LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Fourplex At 84th Avenue, A Condominium Association, Inc. is located at 8404 Nw 64th St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Constructora Javier Cruz De Puerto Rico L.L.C. (8374 Nw 64th St) Abysse America Inc (8378 Nw 64th St) Trading Specialties Inc. (8372 Nw 64 St) Milanocare LLC (8372 Nw 64 Street) Raisman Corporation (8371 Nw 64th St) Raisman Us-Bra Corporation (8371 Nw 64th St) Lanes Aero Corp. (8361 Nw 64th St) Royce Manufacturing, LLC (8361 Nw 64 Street) Aviation Industrial & Marine, Corp. (8361 Nw 64 Street) Providers Supplies Aw LLC (8347 Nw 64 St) Certa Solutions, Inc (8345 Nw 64 St) Certa Holdings, LLC (8345 Nw 64 St) 8345 Nw 64 St., Unit 6 LLC (8345 Nw 64 St) Certa Eagle LLC (8345 Nw 64 St) Certa Consultants LLC (8345 Nw 64th St) Aroband LLC (8345 Nw 64th St) Acerto, LLC (8345 Nw 64th St) Gt Brokers Corp (8345 Nw 64th St) Microven, LLC (8341 Nw 64 St) La Paragua Records LLC (8341 Nw 64 St) David Banegas Studio, Inc. (8339 Nw 64 Street) Abel Victores, P.A. (8339 Nw 64 Street) Brisar International, LLC (8337 Nw 64th St) H D & Associates Enterprises LLC (8333 Nw 64 St) Vip Auto Detail Miami Inc (8333 Nw 64 St) Silva Shipping Usa, LLC (8335 Nw 64th St) C & S Group Of Companies, Inc. (8331 Nw 64th St) Libertas Houses LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) L. H. Investors LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) Ml Investors LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) Jl Investors LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) D.L. Investors LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) N.L. Investors LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) Best Time Ever LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) Ventancoship LLC (8329 Nw 64th St) Brew'N'Motion, LLC (8440 Nw 64 Street) Picasso Body Shop, Inc. (8421 Nw 64 Street) 7250 Monaco, LLC (8404 Nw 64th St) Las Palmas Investment Trust Holdings, LLC (8404 Nw 64th St) 7200 Los Pinos, LLC (8404 Nw 64th St) Galeon Partners, LLC (8404 Nw 64th St) Jamaica 2, LLC (8404 Nw 64th St) Acord Capital, LLC (8404 Nw 64th St) Industrial Distributors International Co. (8404 Nw 64th St) Margui Family Partners, Ltd. (8404 Nw 64 Street) Coral Pines Associates, LLC (8404 Nw 64 Street) 1000 Robles, LLC (8404 Nw 64 Street) Los Pinos LLC (8404 Nw 64 St) Cocoplum 2030 LLC (8404 Nw 64 St) Margui Family Partners LLC (8404 Nw 64 St) Hispaniola LLC (8404 Nw 64 St) Monaco Management Holdings LLC (8404 Nw 64 St) The Vistalmar Investment Holdings LLC (8404 Nw 64 St) Amore 1999 LLC (8404 Nw 64 St) Amore Marine Holdings, Inc. (8404 Nw 64 St) Carrara Marmi, LLC (8391 Nw 64th St) Carrara Marmi Usa, Inc. (8391 Nw 64th St) Unicos U.S.A., LLC (8380 Nw 64th St) Tranque LLC (8382 Nw 64th St) Congelados Shellfish Usa Inc (8382 Nw 64th St) Gran Vista Investment Inc (8382 Nw 64th St) Stars Seafood Distributors Corp (8382 Nw 64th St) Arts Connection Foundation, Inc (5775 Nw 84th Ave) Unicity Import-Export Corp. (7300 Nw 84th Ave) Pixel Trading LLC (6500 Nw 84th Ave) Intercol Trading Services, LLC (6500 Nw 84th Ave) U Event Group, Corp (6500 Nw 84th Ave) Fullogic, Inc (6500 Nw 84th Ave) Parpimed LLC (6510 Nw 84th Ave) Hala Madrid Ca LLC (6510 Nw 84th Ave) El Gran Futuro De Oriente Ca LLC (6510 Nw 84th Ave) Multiservicios Primero De Mayo Ca LLC (6510 Nw 84th Ave) Agropecuaria Don Matthias LLC (6510 Nw 84th Ave) G. T. M. International Corporation (6535 Nw 84 Ave) Cool Seas, LLC (6540 Nw 84 Ave) Oscar Air Conditioning Inc (6540 Nw 84 Avenue) D & D Keys Investment, LLC (6540 Nw 84 Avenue) Power Brake Exchange, Inc. (8493 Nw 64th St) Flippen Out Games LLC (8493 Nw 64th St) Statewide Electric & Environmental Solutions, LLC. (8490 Nw 64th St) Preferred Realty & Investments, Inc. (8490 Nw 64th St) Fmw Group Ii Inc (8490 Nw 64th St) Fmw Group Iii, Inc (8490 Nw 64th St) Carlson Fence Company, Inc. (8491 Nw 64th St) Ltg Carlson Fence, LLC (8491 Nw 64th St) R.M.D. Investments, Inc. (8491 Nw 64th St) Florida Fence Rental, Inc. (8491 Nw 64th St) Trench Shoring Tech, LLC (8485 Nw 64th St) E M C Steel And Services Corporation (8485 Nw 64th St) Ptmc Monument Co. (8483 Nw 64th St) United Food Truck LLC (8489 Nw 64th St) Bridge Trust Investments LLC (8487 Nw 64 St) Tlf Transport Inc. (8487 Nw 64 St) Eurograss, Inc (8440 Nw 64th St) World Truck Parts, LLC (6300 Nw 84 Ave) New Doral Investment, Corp. (6300 Nw 84 Ave) Hydraulic Maintenance Inc (6400 Nw 84th Ave) Novagroup LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Retailnova, LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Novatech International, LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Gumsoft LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Novasoft LLC. (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Novacargo LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Property Estates Doral 5033 LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Nova Headquarters LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Yeet Marketplace LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Property Estates Doral 4540-102 LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Property Estates Doral 4320-104 LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) A&F Empire, LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Property Estates Aria On The Bay 2606 LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Dryden Enterprises LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Navalto LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Novatoshi LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) A Tiny Audience, LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Follu LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) All Parts Move LLC (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Globalcom Latin America, Inc. (6392 Nw 84 Ave) Latin Food Service Group, LLC (6300 Nw 84th Ave) Proactive Management Services, LLC (6300 Nw 84 Avenue) Mim Investment Group, LLC (6300 Nw 84 Avenue) Nmc Investment Group, LLC (6300 Nw 84 Avenue)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.