High Pointe Community Association, Inc.

High Pointe Community Association, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Port Saint Lucie. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Nov 6, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by High Pointe Community Association, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateNov 6, 2020
Principal Address
590 Nw Mercantile Pl
Port Saint Lucie

High Pointe Community Association, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for High Pointe Community Association, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between High Pointe Community Association, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
William N. Handler Officer (PD) Handler William
590 Nw Mercantile Pl
Port Saint Lucie
(Saint Lucie County)

Charles W. Edgar, Iii, Esq. Registered Agent Edgar Charles
8409 North Military Trail Suite 123
Palm Beach Gardens
FL 33410
(Palm Beach County)

Edgar Charles
Cherry Edgar & Smith Pa
Palm Beach Gardens
FL 33410
(Palm Beach County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Edgar Charles
Harbor Villas Palm Beach Condominium Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
Julio Recio Officer (STD) Recio Julio
590 Nw Mercantile Pl
Port Saint Lucie
(Saint Lucie County)

Rene Flowers Officer (VPD) Flowers Rene
590 Nw Mercantile Pl
Port Saint Lucie
(Saint Lucie County)

Principal Location

High Pointe Community Association, Inc. is located at 590 Nw Mercantile Pl in Port Saint Lucie.

Companies Located Nearby

Square One Services Inc (575 Nw Mercantile Place - Suite 114) Driven Dynamics Investments, Inc. (574 Nw Mercantile Pl) Je Glass, LLC (575 Nw Mercantile Pl) Monarch Agency LLC (575 Nw Mercantile Pl) 3s Custom Upholstery Inc (575 Nw Mercantile Pl) Cuesta'S Air Conditioning And Heating Inc (575 Nw Mercantile Pl) Eko Skin Essentials, Inc. (585 Nw Mercantile Place #100) Dean Devries P.A. (585 Nw Mercantile Pl) Sani Effect Environmental, Inc (585 Nw Mercantile Pl) Enterprise Global Investment, Inc. (585 Nw Mercantile Pl) Migun Corporation (585 Nw Mercantile Pl) Lipo Naturals LLC (585 Nw Mercantile Pl) Summer Grace Holdings LLC (585 Nw Mercantile Pl) Kenwood Capital, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Kcm Hayworth, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Gatlin, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Edgarce LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Gatlin 1144 LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Mercantile LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Sr60 West LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Macedo LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Sea Holly LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Midway Road LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Fondura Square LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Commercial LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Oslo 27 LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho 1430 Slw Blvd, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Oslo 36 LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Three Oaks, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 4 Lakes, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Meadowood, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Timberlake, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Lake Sapphire, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Berkley Square, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Summer Lake, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Serenoa, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Segovia Lakes, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho St. Lucie, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 1, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 2, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 3, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 4, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 5, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 6, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 7, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 8, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 9, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho 10, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho The Strand, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Properties, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Arabella Reserve, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Huntington, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Eagle Trace, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho High Pointe, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Lily'S Cay, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) The Gho Homes Agency LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Pointe West Commercial LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Ravenswood LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Grbk Gho Homes, LLC (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Fondura Square Property Owners Association, Inc. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Orchid Landing Property Owners Association, Inc. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Belterra Homeowners Association, Inc. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Lucaya Pointe Property Owners Association, Inc. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Homes Corporation (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Fieldstone Ranch Corp. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Timberlake Corp. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Bedford Park Corp. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Serenoa Corp (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Lake Sapphire Corp (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Oak Alley Corp (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Shoreline Luxury Homes Corp. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Newco C Corp. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Berkley Square Corp. (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Segovia Lakes Corp (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Gho Arabella Reserve Corp (590 Nw Mercantile Pl) Adams Apple, Inc. (615 Nw Mercantile Pl) Euro Woodworks, LLC (545 Nw Mercantile Place #111) Frank Russo Enterprises Of Fla LLC (545 Nw Mercantile Pl) C & M Custom Welding, Inc. (545 Nw Mercantile Pl) Crg Realty, Inc. (581 Nw Mercantile Place Unit D4) 873 LLC (201 South Phillips Ave Suite 200) Field Components Inc. (562 Nw Mercantile Pl) Oculus Surgical, Inc. (562 Nw Mercantile Place Suite 104) Cb Lakefront Properties, LLC (562 Nw Mercantile Pl) Amtek Air Conditioning, Inc. (571 Nw Mercantile Pl) Williams Floor Covering Inc. (575nwmercantile Pl) Santa'S Workshop And Warehouse, LLC (575 Nw Mercantile) K. Gordon Construction Inc (575 Mercantile Pl) Complete Wholesale & Supply, Inc. (575 Nw Mercantile Place Ste 114) Southshore Communications, LLC (575 Nw Mercantile Pl) Southshore Services LLC (575 Nw Mercantile Pl) B&M Holdings, LLC (571 Nw Mercantile Pl) Electrical Express, Inc. (571 Nw Mercantile Pl) Anthony'S Flooring Design'S, Inc. (575 Nw Mercantile Pl) Divine Way, LLC (574 Nw Mercantile Pl) Textile Care Supply, LLC (574 Nw Mercantile Pl) Kairos Solutions, LLC (574 Nw Mercantile Pl) Kuebler Mechanical LLC (574 Nw Mercantile Pl) West Park Industrial Center Association, Inc. (575 Mercantile Pl) Yo-Zuri America. Inc. (600 Nw Enterprise Dr) Black Street Enterprises, LLC (535 Nw Mercantile Pl) Nes Cryo, Inc. (532 Nw Mercantile Pl) 1/2 Price Auto Sales, LLC (532 Nw Mercantile Pl) Brock Logistics LLC (532 Nw Mercantile Pl) W2ds Inc (532 Nw Mercantile Pl) Always Dreaming, LLC (534 Nw Mercantile Pl) Tropics Floor Covering, Inc. (534 Nw Mercantile Pl) Big Box Toys, Inc. (534 Nw Mercantile Pl) Brothers Wholesale Inc. (534 Nw Mercantile Pl) The Momentum Foundation Inc (552 Nw Mercantile Pl) Senior Salon Services Inc (546 Nw Mercantile Pl) Rtg1 Services LLC (545 Nw Mercantile Pl) Steve'S Discount Wholesale Inc. (545 Nw Mercantile Pl)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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