Elevate Christian Academy, Inc.

Elevate Christian Academy, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Coconut Grove. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jan 3, 2017.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Elevate Christian Academy, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJan 3, 2017
FEI Number
Principal Address
2801 Sw 31st Ave
Coconut Grove
FL 33133

Elevate Christian Academy, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Elevate Christian Academy, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Elevate Christian Academy, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Vega Rudy Director Rudy Vega
8501 Sw 32nd Ter
FL 33155
(Miami-Dade County)

Sutherland Shari Registered Agent Shari Sutherland
1340 Se 17th Ave
FL 33035
(Miami-Dade County)

Shari Sutherland
21376 Sw 162nd Ave
FL 33187
(Miami-Dade County)

Shari Sutherland
2801 Sw 31st Ave
Coconut Grove
FL 33133
(Miami-Dade County)

Shari Sutherland
8040 Ne 8 Court
(Miami-Dade County)

Riggien Ruthalene Officer (S/D) Ruthalene Riggien
16580 Sw 103 Place
FL 33157
(Miami-Dade County)

Mcknight Shelly Officer (T/D) Shelly Mcknight
23761 Sw 106th Pl
FL 33032
(Miami-Dade County)

Shelly Mcknight
2924 Se 15th Ter
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Elevate Christian Academy, Inc. is located at 2801 Sw 31st Ave in Coconut Grove.

Companies Located Nearby

Bay Plumbing Company (3029 Sw 28 St) Devco Everglades LLC (3020 Sw 28th St) Pineway, Inc (3020 Sw 28th St) Mijo Holdings, LLC (3044 Sw 28th Ln) Jcuts, LLC (3044 Sw 28th Ln) Sabbatical Entertainment LLC (3044 Sw 28th Ln) Lpc Squared Investments LLC (3044 Sw 28th Ln) Happy Medium Content, LLC (3044 Sw 28th Ln) Run Jorge Run, Inc. (3044 Sw 28th Ln) Baluarte Music Publishing, Inc. (3041 Sw 28th Ln) Studio On The Groove, Inc. (3041 Sw 28th Ln) Hits Don'T Lie, Inc. (3041 Sw 28th Ln) Gaf Management Corp (3041 Sw 28th Ln) Jeneva, LLC (3100 South Dixie Hwy) La Piazza Academy, LLC (3100 South Dixie Hwy) Lpa Holdings, LLC (3100 South Dixie Hwy) La Piazza Foundation, Inc. (3100 South Dixie Hwy) Letca Corporation (3044 Sw 28 Ln) Moni Condominium Association, Inc. (3109 Sw 27 Lane) Hdc Design Corp (3109 Sw 27 Lane) Eden Living Jacksonville, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave Ste 2b) U.S. Condo Exchange, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rs Mary Street Holdings, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Uscx Holdings LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) U.S. Condo Exchange Holdings, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Torah.Com, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rp Bella Vita, LLC. (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rivergate Partners, LLC. (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rp Beacon Hill, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rivergate Capital Partners LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Crown Way Tamarac, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Edengate Tamarac, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Ce Stoneybrook LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Living Development Partners, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Living Partners, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Port Orange B-Note Lender, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Wmg York Sponsor, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden West Development Services LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Condos.Com, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Condo.Com Member, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Wmg Carmel Sponsor, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Wmg Berkeley Heights Sponsor, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Wmg Algonquin Detroit Sponsor, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Pembroke Park Owner Lp (2801 Sw 31st Avenue Suite 2b) Crown Way Living Partners, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Avenue Suite 2b) Pembroke Park Gp LLC (2801 Sw 31st Avenue Suite 2b) Torah.Com Foundation, Inc. (2801 Sw 31st Avenue Suite 2b) Massirman Management, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) The Massirman Group, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mg Realty Advisors, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Crown Way, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Quail Partners, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss 36th, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage 36th Street, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss 79th, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage 79th Street, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage 79th Street Owner, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage 36th Street Owner, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage 1st Street, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage 1st Street Owner, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss 1st, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Edengate Development, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss Ppark, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage Pembroke Park, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Edengate Development, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss Vaughn Sponsor, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage Grove #2, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage Davie Owner, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Las Olas View Sponsor, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Crown Way Vaughn Associates, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Development Services, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss Truck Rental, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Edengate Development & Investment, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Crown Way Inglewood, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss Inglewood, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Development, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Ms Crown Storage Vaughn, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Edengate Las Olas, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Edengate Las Olas Parent, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Crown Way Las Olas, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss Van Nuys, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Crown Way Van Nuys, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Ce Development Partners Tamarac, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Gpc Port Orange, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Gpc Development Partners Coral Springs, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rivergate China, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rivergate International China, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Edengate Port Orange, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Gpc Partners Port Orange, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Gpc Port Orange Owner, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Gpc Port Orange Mezz, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Crown Way Port Orange, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Eden Urban LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Rivergate Management LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Miami City Self Storage, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Wmg Storage Partners, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Mcss Crown Way Acquisitions LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Wmg Acquisitions, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Masskott LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) Atlantic Sailmakers, Inc. (2801 Sw 31 Avenue) Rivergate Companies, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave Ste 2b) North Mb Owner, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave Ste 2-B) Ce Tamarac, LLC (2801 Sw 31st Ave) R. Abreu'S Inc (3099 Sw 28th St) Champ Service, LLC (3091 Sw 27th Ln) Elite Soccer, LLC (3075 Sw 28 Street) Elite U Fitness LLC (3075 Sw 28th St) Elite U Sports Academy, LLC (3075 Sw 28th St) Swp Services LLC (2779 Sw 31st Ave) Swp Ii, Inc (2779 Sw 31st Ave) South Bay Estates, LLC (2793 Sw 31 Ave) 3051, LLC (3029 Sw 28th St) Bay Air Conditioning Company, Inc. (3029 Sw 28th St) Backflow Bob, Inc. (3029 Sw 28th St) Maires Painting And Cleaning Contractor LLC (3151 Sw 27th Ln) Boys And Girls Clubs Of Miami-Dade, Inc. (2805 Sw 32 Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.