Aham Education Inc.

Aham Education Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Tamarac. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 25, 2014.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Aham Education Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJun 25, 2014
FEI Number
Principal Address
8010 N University Dr
FL 33321

Aham Education Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Aham Education Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Aham Education Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Bisram Knellee M Officer (CEO,) Knellee Bisram
5570 Nw 44th Street Apt 518
FL 33319
(Broward County)

Knellee Bisram
8010 N University Dr
FL 33321
(Broward County)

Cameron Stephen Officer (Pres) Stephen Cameron
111 N Pine Island Rd
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Stephen Cameron
111 N Pine Island Rd Suite 103
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Stephen Cameron
111 N Pine Island Road Suite 103
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Stephen Cameron
12300 Nw 8 St
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Stephen Cameron
18511 Grevillea Ave
Redondo Beach
CA 90278
(Los Angeles County)

Stephen Cameron
3130a Nasa Dr
(Hampton City County)

Stephen Cameron
5755 Central Ave Ste #A
CO 80301
(Boulder County)

Stephen Cameron
6385 Wyndotte Rd
FL 32526
(Escambia County)

Stephen Cameron
8010 N University Dr
FL 33321
(Broward County)

Stephen Cameron
8010 N University Dr Fl 2
FL 33321
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Stephen Cameron
Artbox Modular Inc. - Officer (VP)
Flatirons Solutions, Inc. - Officer (CFO)
Sc Industries, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Bisram Knellee Registered Agent Knellee Bisram
5570 Nw 44th St
(Broward County)

Knellee Bisram
5570 Nw 44th St
FL 33319
(Broward County)

Knellee Bisram
5570 Nw 44th Street #518
FL 33319
(Broward County)

Knellee Bisram
8010 N University Dr
FL 33321
(Broward County)

Knellee Bisram
9311 Nw 43rd Mnr
FL 33351
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Knellee Bisram
Forging Alliances Inc. - Officer (VP)
Easdale Alex Officer (Trea) Alex Easdale
5570 Nw 44th Street Apt 518
FL 33319
(Broward County)

Alex Easdale
8010 N University Dr
FL 33321
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Aham Education Inc. is located at 8010 N University Dr in Tamarac.

Companies Located Nearby

Stev9nan, Inc. (7797 N University Dr) Stuart G. Reinfeld, Esq. Inc. (7797 N University Dr) Richard C. Pollock, C.P.A., P.A. (7797 North University Dr) Richard C. Pollock & Associates, Inc. (7797 North University Dr) Prosalud, Inc. (7797 N University Dr) Dina Harris-Rodriguez, D.M.D., P.A. (7797 N University Dr) Duysez Investments, LLC (7797 N University Dr) Steven M. Marcus, Inc. (7797 N University Dr) Products Unlimited Distributors, Inc. (7797 N University Dr) Showeather Fc, LLC (7820 North University Dr) Allgar Condominium Association, Inc. (7820 North University Dr) Goat Management, LLC (7820 N University Dr) Fmd Investments, Inc. (7820 N University Dr) Digiorgio Insurance, Inc. (7820 N University Dr) Associated Credit Reporting, Inc. (7737 North University Dr) Lifecare Of Florida, LLC (7777 N University Dr) Healthcare Billing Pros, LLC (7777 N University Dr) Therability Rehab Services, LLC (7777 N University Dr) Mjld Properties, LLC (7777 N University Dr) South Florida Medical Specialists, LLC (7777 N University Dr) Towers Medical Consortium, L.L.C. (7777 N University Dr) Carneke Incorporated (116 Steeple Cir) Dc Health Centers, P.A. (7797 N University Dr Suite 101) Y-N-V Capital, LLC (7797 N University Dr Suite 205) Yarcor Enterprises, LLC (7797 N University Dr Ste 205) David 5929 LLC (7722 Nw 78 Pl) Eitan Polk St (7722 Nw 78 Place) Elite Media Concepts, LLC (7702 Nw 78th Pl) Fugi, LLC (7732 Nw 78th Pl) Cryp I, LLC (7732 Nw 78th Pl) Kang Yun Oriental Medical Center Inc. (5802 N University Dr) Sunrise Lakes Condominium Phase 4, Inc. 3 (8010 N University Dr) Sunrise Lakes Condominium Phase 4/3 Realty Holdings, LLC (8010 N University Dr) Park Place At Plantation Community Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Emerald Oaks Condominium Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Trent Condominium D Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Trent Neighborhood Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Trent Condominium B Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Trent Condominium H Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Trent Condominium F Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Trent Condominium E Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) Trent Condominium G Association, Inc. (8010 N University Dr) World Chiropractic Center Corp (8010 N University Dr) Mazhar Majid M.D. P.A. (7737 N University Dr) Colony Springs Medical Center, Inc. (7737 N University Dr) Kls Investment Holdings, Lllp (7737 N University Dr) Adelson Institute For Esthetics And Implant Dentistry, LLC (7737 N University Dr) Ds Hoble Holdings LLC (7707 N University Dr) Dbc Research.Corp (7707 N University Dr) Slh Management Corp. (7707 N University Dr) Sonocare Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. (7707 N University Dr) R & R Properties Of South Florida, L.L.C. (7707 N University Dr) 3kees Holdings, Inc. (7707 N University Dr) The Centre At Woodmont Condominium Association, Inc. (7707 N University Dr) D & E, LLC (7707 N University Dr) Eunice J. Park, D.C., P.A. (7707 N University Dr) Bhadreshkumar Parikh, Pa. (7707 N University Dr) Innovino International Inc (7707 N University Dr) Neil H.Strauss, Dpm., Pa (7421 N University Drive #304) Brietstein & Strauss, D.P.M., P.A. (7421 N University Drive #304) Central Medical Group, P.A. (7707 North University Drive Ste 107) Laser Skin Technique Inc (7737 N University Dr) You And Me LLC (7737 N University Dr) Vakharia, Cpa, P.A. (7797 North University Dr) Conexxus Group LLC (7797 N University Dr) Abot Group LLC (7797 N University Dr) University Health Center, P.A. (7797 North University Dr) Zimmerman, Joseph & Bayne, P.A. (7797 N University Dr) 7797 University Dr North # 204 LLC (7797 N University Dr) Dr. Ema Realty LLC (7797 N University Dr) Perfect Options, LLC (7797 N University Dr) Therabee Inc. (7797 N University Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.