The Ashby Foundation, Inc.

The Ashby Foundation, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Sarasota. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 25, 1985.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by The Ashby Foundation, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJul 25, 1985
FEI Number592570514
Principal Address
800 S Osprey Ave

The Ashby Foundation, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for The Ashby Foundation, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between The Ashby Foundation, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Drews Lauren Ashby Officer (DS) Lauren Drews
800 S Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

Lauren Drews
800 S Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

Drews Matt Officer (PDV) Matt Drews
5391 Lakewood Ranch Blvd
FL 34240
(Sarasota County)

Matt Drews
800 S Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

Matt Drews
800 S Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

Suplee T R Registered Agent Suplee
800 S Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

800 S Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

800 S Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

800 South Osprey Ave
(Sarasota County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Suplee
Padrino Regalo LLC - Registered Agent
Stark Miller Carpenter Andris Crawford, Inc. - Registered Agent

Principal Location

The Ashby Foundation, Inc. is located at 800 S Osprey Ave in Sarasota.

Companies Located Nearby

Ffs Sarasota, Inc (711 South Osprey Ave #1) Srq Boxing Club Promotions, LLC (835 S Osprey Ave) Pixlit Productions Inc. (835 S Osprey Ave) Ckmontg Inc. (835 S Osprey Ave) Kam Management Consulting Inc (835 S Osprey Ave) Jimco Tech Inc (835 S Osprey Ave) 824 S Osprey Ave LLC (824 S Osprey Ave) Rdl, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Cooper Appliances, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) Coprint Ventures, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) Punta Gorda Interchange, Ltd. (800 S Osprey Ave) Suplee & Shea, P.A. (800 S Osprey Ave) North Bay Investment Corp. (800 S Osprey Ave) Aspen Trust, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Tower, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Trd Land 43, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Gss Of Sarasota LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Wsw Rental Of Sarasota LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Pearl Rgg Properties LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Fletcher Partners LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Joe The Powerwasher, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Sarasota Land Investment LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Eagles 90 LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Gunther Development Todt Hill, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Enterprises - Nj, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Hptt Holding Company, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Investments, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Enterprises - South Amboy, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Htt Mosaic, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Orange Street Offices, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) 1770 Mound St LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) 800 S Osprey Ave LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint R F Solutions LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Suplee & Associates LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint 681, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) The Overture International Consulting Group, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) 1774 Bay Street LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Gator Bait Investments, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Investments Of Sayreville, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Jr Holdings Of Manatee, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Lake Toxaway Retreat LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) June Fifth LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Suplee Custom Painting, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Blr Management Of Manatee LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Dream Team Of Sarasota LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Keto Life & Health Insurance, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Investments Of Eatontown LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Cheyenne Telecom Investments LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Cheyenne Investments Management, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Sarasota Tower Management LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Craftsman Services Florida LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Avl House LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Founders Plus, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Padrino Regalo LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Fwfl Property LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Irma Schuster Foundation, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) R59 Foundation Corp (800 S Osprey Ave) The Kiwanis Club Of Sarasota, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) Ynr Development Corporation (800 S Osprey Ave) Decision, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) Able Tree Service Corp (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Leasing Company, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) Ccss Enterprises, Lllp (800 South Osprey Ave) Gulf Coast Property Services, Inc. (800 South Osprey Ave) Css Enterprises, Lc (800 South Osprey Ave) Highpoint Tower Technology Holding, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Htt Pine Island, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Htt Rental Holding, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Htt Land Holding, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Htt Centralia Holding, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) 4424 Cleveland Avenue, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Cp Lacrosse LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Forrest Lane, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Tavares Convenience Store, LLC (800 South Osprey Ave) Sarasota Bradenton Modern Pentathlon Organizing Committee, Inc. (800 South Osprey Ave) The Casey Powell World Lacrosse Foundation, Inc. (800 South Osprey Ave) Contoure Int, Inc. (800 South Osprey Ave) Stark Miller Carpenter Andris Crawford, Inc. (800 South Osprey Ave) Intercon Marketing, Inc. (800 South Osprey Ave) The Upside Down Foundation, Inc (800 South Osprey) Highpoint Tower Technology, Inc. (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Tower Technology Capital Investment, LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Enterprises Of Lakewood LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Highpoint Energy Enterprises LLC (800 S Osprey Ave) Revenue Global Ventures, L.L.C. (800 S Osprey Ave) Hansen Property, LLC (1800 Bay Rd) Andrea J, LLC (1800 Bay Rd) Jikiro LLC (825 S Osprey Ave) Stephanie Kitsemble Pllc (825 S Osprey Ave) Ray C. Moore, L.L.C. (1728 Bay St) Broken Rules, Lc (1728 Bay St) Dragonfly Nation LLC (1731 Bay St) Bay Street Holdings, LLC (1731 Bay St) The C. G. Jung Society Of Sarasota, Inc. (1731 Bay St) Executive Property Management Group, Inc. (1751 Mound St) Capital Growth Of Venice, LLC (1751 Mound Street Suite 206) Capgrow Of Venice, Inc. (1751 Mound Street Suite 206)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.