Police Benevolent Association Of Hollywood, Inc.

Police Benevolent Association Of Hollywood, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Hollywood. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on May 20, 1985.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Police Benevolent Association Of Hollywood, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateMay 20, 1985
FEI Number596158915
Principal Address
1601 S 21 Ave

Police Benevolent Association Of Hollywood, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Police Benevolent Association Of Hollywood, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Police Benevolent Association Of Hollywood, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Zorsky Karen Officer (Asst) Karen Zorsky
3250 Hollywood Blvd
(Broward County)

Deandrade Danielly Officer (Pres) Danielly Deandrade
3250 Hollywood Blvd
(Broward County)

Tango Joseph Officer (Secr) Joseph Tango
3250 Hollywood Blvd
(Broward County)

Smires Margaret Officer (Trea) Margaret Smires
3250 Hollywood Blvd
(Broward County)

Laframboise Andrew Officer (VP) Andrew Laframboise
3250 Hollywood Blvd
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Police Benevolent Association Of Hollywood, Inc. is located at 1601 S 21 Ave in Hollywood.

Companies Located Nearby

Park Side Civic Association, Inc. (2018 Fletcher St) Kenneth Crawford Ii Interiors, Inc. (2028 Fletcher St) Ice Cold Auto Air And Speedometer Service, Inc. (2027 Mayo St) Jkb Logix- Communications LLC (1610 S Dixie Hwy) E & J Asset Management LLC (1610 S Dixie Hwy) Lux Auto Sales LLC (1610 S Dixie Hwy) Durcon Restoration Construction, Inc. (1610 S Dixie Hwy) Ocj Simple Solutions Inc. (1610 S Dixie Hwy) Smith Holdings And Enterprises LLC. (1614 S Dixie Hwy) Exportant Freight, LLC (1614 S Dixie Hwy) Reliable Motor Cars LLC (1614 S Dixie Hwy) Delray Medical Training LLC (1617 S 21 Avenue Suite 21) 106 Gable Blvd, LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) 707 Seybold, LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Weston Re Group, LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Global Business Links Usa, LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Pam R.E. Group, LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Merum Priorati Usa LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Menfis Del Norte, LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) 2012 Cine Group LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Auber Holding LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Jv Real Estate LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) 2012 Jacc Group LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Jk1 Consultants LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) 2013 Navidad LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Jep Barcelona LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) The General Lighthouse Company, LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) M & P Atlantic Business LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Laia Real Estate LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) David 2202 LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) 2016 Jordi C&M LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) 2016 Paul Real Estate LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) Jr Usa Real Estate LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) 2930 Nw 11th Pl LLC (1623 S 21 Ave) A T Management Corp. (1623 S 21 Ave) 4707 Biscayne Corp. (1623 S 21 Ave) Taxi To Go , Inc (1623 S 21 Ave) The Maven Baker LLC (1629 S 21st Ave) Sibian LLC (1637 S 21st Ave) Gm Armory LLC (1637 S 21st Ave) Sober Today Club Inc (1617 S 21st Ave Ste #33) Corona Systems, LLC (1621 S 21st Ave) Tradewind Property Group, LLC (1621 S 21st Ave) Spirit Of Praise International Center, Inc. (1643 South 21st Ave) Hollywood Trendz #1 LLC (1641 S 21st St) Gsam2011 Group Corp. (1653 South 21st Ave) Viva Farms, LLC (1657 South 21st Ave) Lucky Hollywood Corp. (1657 South 21st Ave) Cocos Auto Sales, LLC (2108 Mayo St) Auto Exotic, Inc. (2108 Mayo St) Miami Motoring LLC (2106 Mayo St) Premium Auto Group Of Miami, Inc. (2106 Mayo St) Iq Motors Inc (2106 Mayo St) Body Shop Craejasc LLC (1520 S Dixie Hwy) Spliner, LLC (1520 S Dixie Hwy) Sosa Auto Body & Paint, Inc (1520 S Dixie Hwy) Sosa Bros Auto Sales Corp (1520 S Dixie Hwy) Mb Auto Sales LLC (1614 S Dixie Hwy #14) Yid Inc. (1600 S Dixie Hwy) Shemesh Leasing Co. (1600 S Dixie Hwy) Bh Tag & Title Express Inc. (1600 S Dixie Hwy) Pierre Cd Management LLC (1500 S Dixie Hwy) Exotic Woodworking, Inc. (1500 S Dixie Hwy) A To Z Metal Fabrication, Inc. (1510 South Dixie Hwy) Galaxy Auto Repair LLC (1520 South Dixie Hwy)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.