Vilazul Seaside Lofts Condominium Association, Inc.

Vilazul Seaside Lofts Condominium Association, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Miami Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 6, 2006.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Vilazul Seaside Lofts Condominium Association, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJun 6, 2006
FEI Number205486728
Principal Address
7728 Collins Ave
Miami Beach

Vilazul Seaside Lofts Condominium Association, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Vilazul Seaside Lofts Condominium Association, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Vilazul Seaside Lofts Condominium Association, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Spillane Kristen Officer (Dire) Kristen Spillane
3934 Sw 8th St
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

Raffo Daniel Officer (Pres) Daniel Raffo
1925 Brickell Ave
FL 33129
(Miami-Dade County)

Daniel Raffo
3934 Sw 8th St
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

Daniel Raffo
7728 Collins Ave
Miami Beach
(Miami-Dade County)

Daniel Raffo
7728 Collins Ave #2
Miami Beach
FL 33141
(Miami-Dade County)

Daniel Raffo
7728 Collins Ave Apt #2
Miami Beach
FL 33141
(Miami-Dade County)

Daniel Raffo
7728 Collins Ave Apt 2
Miami Beach
FL 33141
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Daniel Raffo
Gomezvalle Nurseries LLC - Officer (MGR)
Kbro LLC - Registered Agent
Popperball LLC - Registered Agent
R.O. Agro LLC - Registered Agent
Sunny Boys Land, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Steven J. Lachterman, P.A. Registered Agent Lachterman Steven
2655 Le Jeune Rd
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Lachterman Steven
2655 Le Jeune Rd
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Lachterman Steven
The Emerald At Brickell Condominium Association, Inc. - Registered Agent
The Shores Condominium, Inc. - Registered Agent
Decelles Christopher J Officer (Secr) Christopher Decelles
3934 Sw 8th St
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

Missair Andres Officer (Trea) Andres Missair
193 N Shore Dr
Miami Beach
FL 33141
(Miami-Dade County)

Andres Missair
3934 Sw 8th St
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Andres Missair
Avanti Homeowners Association, Incorporated - Officer (Trea)
Conforti Raymond Officer (VP) Raymond Conforti
3934 Sw 8th St
Coral Gables
FL 33134
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Vilazul Seaside Lofts Condominium Association, Inc. is located at 7728 Collins Ave in Miami Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

Dessau & Mm Inc (7832 Collins Ave) Americana Assets Corp (7824 Collins Ave) Daisy Danna Pllc (7824 Collins Ave) Dcbc Holdings Corp (7824 Collins Ave) Bruno Baiao, P.A. (7800 Collins Ave) Gh Enterprises Usa, LLC (7800 Collins Ave) Mexem LLC (7800 Collins Ave) Luiz Felipe Cavalcanti, Pa (7800 Collins Ave) Maria Las Tres LLC (7824 Collins Ave) Collins Park Condominium Association, Inc. (7824 Collins Ave) Morro Corp. (7824 Collins Ave) Unit 1015 Sunset Harbor South, L.L.C. (7800 Collins Ave) The Thunder Films LLC (7800 Collins Ave) Futuros Properties LLC (7800 Collins Ave) Lelion Properties, LLC (7800 Collins Ave) Proinve LLC (7800 Collins Ave) Rond Point Condominium Association, Inc. (7800 Collins Ave) Baltic Wood Inc. (7800 Collins Ave) Vurbano Films LLC (7800 Collins Ave) Tara O'Brien West, P.A. (7800 Collins Ave) Harding & 78th LLC (310-314 78th St) Mario Fruits And Produce Inc (235 78th St) O.M.J. Tile & Marble, Corp. (235 78 Street Apt 19) Nancy Lee Condo, Inc. (7800 Harding Ave) Dmha Investment LLC. (7832 Collins Ave) Renoir Rodriguez Productions LLC (7832 Collins Ave) Carrito Gelato Management Group, LLC (7832 Collins Ave) Alejandro Amador Gonzalez P.A. (7832 Collins Ave) R.O. Agro LLC (7728 Collins Ave) Love Loaf LLC (7744 Collins Ave) Vilasol Condominium Association, Inc. (7744 Collins Ave) Nbh1, LLC (7724 Harding Ave) Tomorrow`S Capital LLC (7724 Harding Ave) Harding Dormis, LLC (7725 Harding Ave) Baltic Hotel Incorporated (7643 Harding Ave) Haatzmaut Hospitality LLC (7643 Harding Ave) Seaside Apartment Hotel LLC (7710 Harding Ave) G & G Consulting, Inc. (7700 Collins Ave #2) The William Lee, Inc. (7720 Harding Ave) Cristian Latina, LLC (7723 Harding Ave) Popperball LLC (7728 Collins Ave) Keys Psychology, LLC (7728 Collins Ave) Franc & Zoilo LLC (7728 Collins Ave) Jdmd Corp (7728 Collins Ave) Jetlagmode LLC (7728 Collins Ave) Leeward Research LLC (7600 Collins Avenue Suite 607) Marielza LLC (7600 Collins Ave) Sauced, LLC (7600 Collins Ave) Corrine, LLC (7600 Collins Ave) Justops LLC (7600 Collins Ave) Plutonial Inc. (7600 Collins Ave) Benzzo Corporation (7600 Collins Ave) Be Lighthouse Inc. (7600 Collins Ave) 103 Ocean Blue (7600 Collins Ave) Esbg Design, LLC (7600 Collins Ave) Communikids, LLC (7600 Collins Ave) Rhodes For Dinner, LLC (7605 Collins Ave) Elizabeth B. Perez P.A. (7605 Collins Ave) Bullseye Productions, Inc. (7605 Collins Ave) Rubet Music Publishing, Inc. (7605 Collins Ave) Adam Rhodes Music, Inc. (7605 Collins Ave) Fercas Services, LLC (7640 Harding Ave) 7640 Harding Invest LLC (7640 Harding Ave) 608 Investments LLC (7615 Harding Ave) Vilamur Condominium, Inc. (7700 Collins Ave) Obea'S Enterprises Inc (200 76th St) Ocean Shore Coop. Apts., Inc. (200 76th St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.