Lacof Corporation

Lacof Corporation is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Dec 2, 1985.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Lacof Corporation

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateDec 2, 1985
FEI Number592468677
Principal Address
12948 Sw 87th Ave

Lacof Corporation Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Lacof Corporation. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Lacof Corporation and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Lago Emilio President Emilio Lago
580 Ocean Ave
NJ 7760
(Monmouth County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Emilio Lago
Coronado Cape Properties LLC - Officer (MGR)
Ocean Avenue Properties LLC - Officer (MGR)
Vincennes St Properties, LLC - Officer (AMBR)
Lago, Emilio Registered Agent Emilio Lago
12948 Sw 87th Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Lacof Corporation is located at 12948 Sw 87th Ave in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Oud Aroma Bar LLC (8515 Sw 129 Terrace) Brothers Two Windows & Screens, Inc. (8515 Sw 129 Terr) Solguard Industries, Inc. (8510 Sw 129th Ter) Victory Reef Warehouses Condominium Association, Inc. (8725 Sw 129th St) Foodtopia , LLC (12895 Sw 87th Ave) Stop N Go Market Inc (12882 Sw 87 Avenue) Concierge Sleep Medicine Inc. (12884 Sw 87 Ave) The Falls Multi-Service Corp (12884 Sw 87 Ave) The Falls Shop Inc (12884 Sw 87 Ave) Bastori Caroni, Inc. (12845 Sw 87th Ave) Harvest Tropicals, LLC (8595 Sw 128 Street) I Am Fruitful LLC (8595 Sw 128 Street) Vivian Caram P.A. (8595 Sw 128 Street) Kdc, LLC (8862 Sw 129th Ter) Miami Electric Masters, LLC (8862 Sw 129th Ter) To B Happy Productions LLC (8862 Sw 129th Ter) Wiremasters Electric, Inc. (8862 Sw 129th Ter) Om Wellness LLC (8864 Sw 129 Terrace) Hearts & Minds Center LLC (8864 Sw 129 Terrace) Marcel'S Bumper Autowork Corp (8817 Sw 129th Ter) Mulligan Motors Inc. (8819 Sw 129 Ter) Car Check, Inc. (8726 Sw 129 Street) Compusource Engineering Corp. (8723 Sw 129 St) Global Reinsurance Broker Of Florida, LLC (8884 Sw 129 Terrace) Sidertech, L.L.C. (8884 Sw 129 Terrace) Pro Racing, Inc (8884 Sw 129 Terrace) Demandt Architecture, P.A. (8886 Sw 129 Terrace) Nr & Sons Investment LLC (8890 Sw 129th Ter) Auto Tech Collision Inc (12946 Sw 87th Ave) Vzlakite Group LLC (8894 Sw 129th Ter) European Collision Center Inc The Falls (12972 Sw 87th Ave) Sdi General Contractors Corp. (12982 Sw 87th Ave) Drywall Contractors Corp (12982 Sw 87th Ave) Drywall Contracting Services Corp (12982 Sw 87th Ave) Palm Bay Gardens Homes LLC (12982 Sw 87 Avenue) South Dade Lighting, Inc. (13006 Sw 87th Ave) Colonel Jim'S Company (13027 Sw 87 Ave) J.J. Taylor Corp. (13027 Sw 87 Ave) Taylor Leasing, Inc. (13027 Sw 87 Ave) Tamiami Plumbing Co Inc (13027 S W 87th Ave) Burris Corp. (13027 Sw 87 Avenue) Snapper Creek Trading Center, Corp. (13027 Sw 87th Ave) Ufh, LLC (8601 Sw 129 Terrace) Ale Real Estate Holdings, LLC (8601 Sw 129th Ter) 2907 Blue Diamond, LLC (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Sunset By The Sea, LLC (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Starfall Property, LLC (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Clout Ventures, LLC (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Another Production Company, LLC (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Joanne R. Urquiola, P.A. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) D'Transport Solution, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Seidenberg Property, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) 1301 Property, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Grassy Key Property, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) The Duncan House, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) United Pearl Property, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Olivia House, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Southern Bus Lines, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Itransport Services, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Minority Mobile System, Inc. (8601 Sw 129th Ter) Allied'S Mr. Barstool, LLC (8549 Sw 129 Terr) Specialty Car Sales, Inc. (12930 Sw 85 Ave Rd) Anacaona & Lonjeff, Inc. (8780 Sw 129th St) South Florida Vintage Warbird Preservation Society, Inc. (8780 Sw 129th St) Smoky'S Summer Kitchens, LLC (8776 Sw 129th St) Adams Brothers' Property Corporation (8775 Sw 129 Street) Mjm Enterprises Group, Inc. (8774 Sw 129 Street) Steven E. Goldin Insurance, Inc. (8770 Sw 129th St) Benefit Source, LLC (8770 Sw 129th St) Gbr Ventures, LLC (8770 Sw 129th St) Gp Innovations LLC (8842 Sw 129th Ter) General Packing, LLC. (8842 Sw 129th Ter) Pt Packaging Trade Ag, LLC. (8842 Sw 129th Ter) Julia Rohde Designs, LLC (8846 Sw 129 Terrace) Duck Camp 2, LLC (8755 Sw 129 Street) Eric'S Contender Boat Sales, LLC (8755 Sw 129 Street) Key Largo Ventures, LLC (8755 Sw 129 Street) Eric'S Outboard Marine Service, Inc. (8755 Sw 129 Street) K & E Enterprises, LLC (8755 Sw 129th St) Barracuda Performance Propellers, LLC (8756 Sw 129th St) All Dade Exterminators, Inc. (8850-B Sw 129th Ter) European Auto Center, Inc. (8720 Sw 129 St) Seacoast Enterprises Group, Inc. (8747 Sw 129 Street)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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