Venture 1215, LLC

Venture 1215, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Altamonte Springs. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 7, 2021.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Venture 1215, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJul 7, 2021
FEI Number
Principal Address
479 Montgomery Pl
Altamonte Springs

Venture 1215, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Venture 1215, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Venture 1215, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
E Ventures, Llc Officer (AMBR) Llc E
936 Easton Ave
San Bruno
CA 94066
(San Mateo County)

Gulati Law Pl Registered Agent Law Gulati
479 Montgomery Pl
Altamonte Springs
(Seminole County)

Principal Location

Venture 1215, LLC is located at 479 Montgomery Pl in Altamonte Springs.

Companies Located Nearby

Grab Properties, LLC (499 Montgomery Pl) Jv Property Venture, LLC (499 Montgomery Pl) Grab Investments, LLC (499 Montgomery Pl) Gulfstream Concrete, LLC (499 Montgomery Pl) Riser Sportfishing LLC (499 Montgomery Pl) Bakj Investments, LLC (499 Montgomery Pl) Heinkel, Griffin, And Rufrano Construction, Incorporated (499 Montgomery Pl) Euphoric Travel Group, LLC (9968 Boxelder Blvd) Tvs Notary Services, LLC (9968 Boxelder Blvd) Sisters Anointed To Lead Together Inc (9968 Boxelder Blvd) Western Florida Lighting Orlando, LLC (475 Montgomery Pl) Emerald Eagles, L.P. (479 Montgomery Pl) Ssv, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Kpg Properties LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Shores Plaza Investments, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Skst Investments, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Executive Eagles Investments Group LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Silver Eagles 2011, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Daytona Jtt, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Platinum Eagles 2011, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Emerald Eagles 2012, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Premier Florida Title, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Gulati Law, P.L. (479 Montgomery Pl) Diamond Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Eagles Hospitality Management, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Topaz Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Sapphire Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Jmd Enterprise, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Ruby Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Seven Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Matski Homes LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Matski Investment LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Creek Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Isleworth Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Jmd Florida Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) 0thirtyone, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Cfl Land Trustee, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Vineland Hospitality, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Skaa Property, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Pearl Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Blind Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Love Story Josefina, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Lucky Holdings Usa, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Supreme International Usa (Tampa), LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Dadar Properties, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Aq Realty, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Maruti Motel, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Guru Eagles Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Garden City Real Estate Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Celebration Real Estate Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Zsi Real Estate Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Zsi R E Investments, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Atlantis Esplanade, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Atlantis White Plains, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Tree Avengers, LLC. (479 Montgomery Pl) Southeast Bakers LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Eagles Florida Commercial Property, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Jtt Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Sai Kripa Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Global Eagle Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Three Eagles Hospitality, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Tavares Hotel Group, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Jmd Hotels LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Flying High Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Coast Commercial Property, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Jmd Fl, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Springhill Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Courtyard Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Fairfield Eagles, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Legacy Investments Florida, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Sky Victory Global, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Speaktomydoc, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Community Lawns, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Bostic Commercial Property, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Aaaa Property Partners, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Thor Elite Firing Range And Gun Club, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Jmd Hospitality Mgmt, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Lake Tyler Manor, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Rollin N Flava, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) James Turner, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Marathon Power Wash, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Uncle Farms LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) La Maison Bleue Properties, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Armstrong 88 Investments LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Aromanthi, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Araco Holdings, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Zan Sf LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Suncoast Commerce Center, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Magnolia 124, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Rad Realty, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Macotel, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Krishna Investment Ii, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Binion & Harmon, LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Clermont Investments LLC (479 Montgomery Pl) Ssv Professional Center Condominium Association, Inc (479 Montgomery Pl) Florida Independent Liquor Store Owners Association, Inc (479 Montgomery Pl) Biz Brokers Inc (479 Montgomery Pl) World Auto Spot Inc (479 Montgomery Pl) Supreme International Usa Inc (479 Montgomery Pl) Construesse Usa, Inc. (479 Montgomery Pl) B.P.S. Services Corporation (479 Montgomery Pl) Eagles Legacy, Inc. (479 Montgomery Pl) Supreme International Construction, Inc (479 Montgomery Pl)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.