Child Therapy And Parenting Center, LLC

Child Therapy And Parenting Center, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Hollywood. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 30, 2021.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Child Therapy And Parenting Center, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJun 30, 2021
FEI Number
Principal Address
3860 Sheridan St Suite C

Child Therapy And Parenting Center, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Child Therapy And Parenting Center, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Child Therapy And Parenting Center, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Oami Samantha Registered Agent Samantha Oami
3860 Sheridan St
FL 33021
(Broward County)

Samantha Oami
3860 Sheridan St Ste C
FL 33021
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Child Therapy And Parenting Center, LLC is located at 3860 Sheridan St in Hollywood.

Companies Located Nearby

Mil Spec Components, Inc. (2302 N 37th Ave) Mil Properties, Inc. (2302 North 37th Ave) Vgmarket, LLC (3860 Sheridan St) Schifter (3860 Sheridan St) Critical Hit, LLC (3860 Sheridan St) Law Offices Of Scott Alan Orth, P.A. (3860 Sheridan St) Orthopedic Spine Solutions, Corp. (3852 Sheridan St) Spine Solutions, D.O., P.A. (3850 Sheridan St Suite A) Braysky Holdings, LLC (3850 Sheridan St) Behnam Myers, D.O.,P.A. (3850 Sheridan St) Mg Closet Inc (2430 N 37th Ave) Beyoutiful Nails LLC (2410 N 37th Ave) Oriole Oaks Partners, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) The Southlands 250 Group, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) Vero Blue House, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) Natural Resource Partners Vii-I, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) Natural Resource Partners Vii-Ii, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) Atlantic Blue Partners, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) Atlantic Sea Oak Partners, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) Delucia Properties, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) River Birch Group, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) Road 20 Partners, LLC (3880 Sheridan St) The Four Horsemen Racing Stable, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) Carole M. Gray, P.A. (3880 Sheridan St) Kasco Consultants, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) The Provident Group, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) Ocean Gate Properties, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) Badge Express Solutions, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) Osda Corp. (3880 Sheridan St) Southlands Resolution Corp. (3880 Sheridan St) Jak Consultants, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) Sonic Boom, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) Park Lane Funding Corp (3880 Sheridan St) Red Spruce Bdc Corp. (3880 Sheridan St) Broward Airsoft, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) John A. Kasbar & Company, Inc. (3880 Sheridan St) Saltt, LLC (3878 Sheridan St) Bluekey Wealth Management, LLC (3878 Sheridan St) Fowler Howard & Reid, Pllc (3878 Sheridan St) Bluekey Wealth Advisors, LLC (3878 Sheridan St) Bluekey Equity Partners, LLC (3878 Sheridan St) Dr Ryan Cifuentes Dmd LLC (3878 Sheridan St) 3878 Emerald Village Unit Ii, Corp. (3878 Sheridan St) The Azzendo Group, Inc (3878 Sheridan St) Brana Diversified Corp (3878 Sheridan St) Emerald Village Professional Plaza, Inc. (3880 Sheridan Street Suite B) The Barry Law Group Pc, Inc. (3874 Sheridan St) Norman H. Becker, P.A. (3874 Sheridan St) Ahslg, LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Happy Enterprises, LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Gigantic, LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Becker, LLC (3874 Sheridan St) 4116 Sw 52 Street - Fpc LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Biscayne Paint LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Panda Bear LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Yddet LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Steptwn, LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Starboard Side Holdings LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Davie Panda Bear LLC (3874 Sheridan St) 12e LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Fvv23 LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Littlepio44 LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Pc Mike LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Doggy Proof LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Drep LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Banana Fish 13 LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Mama Y Papa Cuba LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Romeo Group Transport LLC (3874 Sheridan St) First Myers, LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Freddyjax LLC (3874 Sheridan St) Motor City Accident Attorneys P.L.L.C. (3874 Sheridan St) Starboard Properties, Inc. (3874 Sheridan St) David A. Becker, C.P.A., P.A. (3874 Sheridan St) Angelica F. Montealegre, C.P.A., P.A. (3874 Sheridan St) Eap Investments Group Corp (3874 Sheridan St) Baci Property Holdings, Inc. (3874 Sheridan St) Invoicing Made Simple Inc (3874 Sheridan St) Lykos Investment Group, Inc. (3874 Sheridan St) Rapid Elevation Certificates, Inc. (3874 Sheridan St) Grow That Firm Inc (3874 Sheridan St) Prime Construction Associates Corp (3874 Sheridan St) Eap Consulting Inc. (3874 Sheridan St) Koh, LLC (3872 Sheridan St Ste A) Mark S. London, P.A. (3870-C Sheridan St) Gamba Strategies (3862 Sheridan St) Wu Promotions, LLC (3862 Sheridan St) Mvp Concierge LLC (3862 Sheridan St) Lavrich, Marsh & Associates, Inc. (3866 Sheridan St) Melody R. Lavrich, E.A. Accounting And Tax Services, Inc. (3866 Sheridan St) Esteedan Enterprises, LLC (3870 Sheridan St) Dan Mazor, D.D.S., P.A. (3870 Sheridan St) Provident Realty, Inc. (3864 Sheridan St) Sunset Lake Developments LLC (3864 Sheridan St) Cmp Investment Holdings, LLC (3864 Sheridan St) Fmb Group, LLC (3864 Sheridan St) Club Lux Resort LLC (3864 Sheridan St) Sg Sheridan Realty, LLC (3864 Sheridan St) Case Funds, LLC (3864 Sheridan St) Eric T. Salpeter, P.A. (3864 Sheridan St) James P. Gitkin, P.A. (3864 Sheridan St) Law Office Of Jesse L. Casher, P.A. (3864 Sheridan St) Comtrust Development Corporation (3864 Sheridan St) 3862 Sheridan LLC (3862 Sheridan St) Crown Office Supplies, LLC (3862 Sheridan St) Craig Dernis, P.A. (3862 Sheridan St) Wuzi, LLC (3872 Sheridan St) Annie Sturman A.P., Inc. (3872 Sheridan St) Balance Centers, Inc. (3872 Sheridan St) Acupuncture Integrative Medicine, Inc. (3872 Sheridan St) Florida Balance Centers, Inc. (3872 Sheridan St) Gilbert Medical Group Inc. (3868 Sheridan St) Emerald Hills Physical Therapy, Inc. (3868 Sheridan St) Emerald Hills Dental Center, P.A. (3856 Sheridan St) D. B. Snow, P.A. (3856 Sheridan St) South Care 4 All Inc. (3858 Sheridan St) Staffing Vgm LLC (3860 Sheridan St) L & B'S Extreme Trucks LLC (2416 N 37 Ave) Sky Vector, LLC (2300 N 37th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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