Ika Group LLC

Ika Group LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in North Miami Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on May 19, 2021.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Ika Group LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMay 19, 2021
FEI Number
Principal Address
20161 Ne 16th Pl
North Miami Beach
FL 33179

Ika Group LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Ika Group LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Ika Group LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Kamhazi Israel Registered Agent Israel Kamhazi
20121 Ne 16 Place
(Miami-Dade County)

Israel Kamhazi
20161 Ne 16 Place
North Miami
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

Israel Kamhazi
20161 Ne 16th Pl
North Miami Beach
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

Israel Kamhazi
20189 Ne 16 Place
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

Israel Kamhazi
20189 Ne 16th Pl
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

Israel Kamhazi
2711 S Ocean Drive Apt 1202
FL 33019
(Broward County)

Israel Kamhazi
2711 S Ocean Drive Ste 1202
FL 33019
(Broward County)

Israel Kamhazi
7661 Nw 107th Ave
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

Israel Kamhazi
7661 Nw 107th Ave #2-10
FL 33178
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Israel Kamhazi
2020 Productions LLC - Officer (MGR)
Dream Show Livellc - Officer (MGR)
Grupo Ika, LLC - Registered Agent
Mia Be Bella LLC - Registered Agent
Mia Beauty Center, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Mia Beauty Wellness Center, LLC - Registered Agent
Timepiece International, LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Ika Group LLC is located at 20161 Ne 16th Pl in North Miami Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

Gravy Train LLC (20326 Ne 16th Pl) Ultraya LLC (20326 Ne 16th Pl) Ima Distributors Inc (20326 Ne 16th Pl) Unloathe Corp (20326 Ne 16th Pl) Ultra Mercado LLC (20326 Ne 16 Pl) Vibez Event Center Inc (20328 Ne 16th Pl) Kraft Built, Inc. (20316 Ne 16th Pl) Artistic Interiors International, Inc. (20316 Ne 16th Pl) Miami Life Designs Inc (20314 Ne 16th Pl) Keys Life Apparel Usa Corp (20314 Ne 16th Pl) Aloha Para Inc (20314 Ne 16th Pl) Nina Mala Apparel Inc (20314 Ne 16th Pl) Yagen Chen America LLC (20328 Ne 16 Place) Nine Cp Real Estate Investments, LLC (20328 Ne 16 Place) Mdsh Holdings, LLC (20328 Ne 16 Place) Katzman Holdings, LLC (20328 Ne 16 Place) Pioneer Announcements Inc (20324 Ne 16th Pl) Milva LLC (20249 Ne 16 Place) The Cow Group LLC (20245 Ne 16th Pl) Exito Enterprises, Inc. (20245 Ne 16th Pl) Cal Energy Group Inc. (20245 Ne 16th Pl) Smart Flags, L.L.C. (20249 Ne 16th Pl) Sulmare LLC (20249 Ne 16th Pl) Vamagen LLC (20249 Ne 16th Pl) Rodono LLC (20249 Ne 16 Place) Central Strategy & Public Affairs LLC (20249 Ne 16 Place) South Florida Lift Gas LLC (20251 Ne 16th Pl) A Cubed Group LLC (20245 Ne 16 Pl) R. C. Jewelers Inc. (20177 Ne 16 Place) Bbc Partners Limited (20157 Ne 16 Place) Bbc Holdings, Inc. (20157 Ne 16 Place) Rich & Clear Spa LLC (20125 Ne 16th Pl) Rich & Clear Skincare Co. (20125 Ne 16th Pl) Animal Science Labs, LLC (20141 Ne 16th Pl) Timepiece International, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Mulco Watches, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Mulco Property Investments LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Ck Prive Group 1800, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Mulco Ventures LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Forum Ventures 18 LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Ck Prive Group 196, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Ig Ldi 1800, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Ckpg 1800 Funding, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Las Tres Camaras, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Grupo Ika, LLC (20161 Ne 16th Pl) Big Trade LLC (20312 Ne 16th Pl) Bim LLC (20229 Ne 16th Pl) Clear Formulas LLC (20229 Ne 16th Pl) Bz Hospitality Group LLC (20229 Ne 16th Pl) Khakiware Inc. (20229 Ne 16th Pl) Yalena Realty LLC (20225 Ne 16 Pl) Prime Settings Limited Liability Company (20225 Ne 16 Pl) Prime Style LLC (20225 Ne 16 Pl) Greenpower Wte, LLC (20221 Ne 16th Pl) H&A Oak, LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) H&A Westview, LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) H & A Bayberry, LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) H&A 731 LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) H&A Equity LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) Holiday 448 LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) Avyeh Investments LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) H&A Gotit LLC (20233 Ne 16th Pl) Hna Holdings, Inc (20233 Ne 16th Pl) Isaac Farin Therapy, LLC. (20197 Ne 16th Pl) T.I. Athletics Inc (20197 Ne 16th Pl) Srm Mechanical Design, Inc. (20197 Ne 16th Pl) Nachman Enterprises, LLC (20201 Ne 16th Pl) Reset LLC (20201 Ne 16th Pl) Shefa 465 LLC (20201 Ne 16th Pl) Shefa 101, LLC (20201 Ne 16th Pl) Shefa Ocean, LLC (20201 Ne 16th Pl) Breslov Florida, Inc. (20201 Ne 16th Pl) People'S Insurance Claim Center, Inc. (20201 Ne 16th Pl) Maradona Invest LLC (20195 Ne 16 Place) Bebish2 LLC (20195 Ne 16 Place) R1 LLC (20191 Ne 16th Pl) Focus Usa Technologies Inc (20191 Ne 16th Pl) Southtrend Corp. (20165 Ne 16th Pl) Palm Optical Co., Inc. (20157 Ne 16th Pl) South Florida Speech Partners LLC (20197 Ne 16th Pl) Marlin Plumbing Of Miami, Inc. (20145 Ne 16th Pl) Oceanside Labor & Demolition, LLC (20137 Ne 16th Pl) Oceanside Drywall & Paint, LLC (20137 Ne 16th Pl) Ginza International, Corp. (20137 Ne 16th Pl) Arorga, LLC (20137 Ne 16 Place) Schuman Feathers, Inc. (20141 Ne 16 Pl) Teddy Trading, LLC (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Udose, LLC (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Mac Ud Investment, LLC (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Klm Ud Investment, LLC (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Mk Holdings Of South Florida, LLC (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Atlantic Biologicals Diagnostics, LLC (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Klm-Uds Fl, LLC (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Atlantic Biologicals Corp. (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Kmc Trading Corp. (20101 Ne 16th Pl) Enj Real Estate Holdings LLC (20177 Ne 16th Pl)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.