E11even Residence 3701 LLC

E11even Residence 3701 LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 16, 2021.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by E11even Residence 3701 LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMar 16, 2021
FEI Number
Principal Address
8312 Nw 30th Ter

E11even Residence 3701 LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for E11even Residence 3701 LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between E11even Residence 3701 LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Sanchez Loury Officer (MBR) Loury Sanchez
1441 Brickell Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Loury Sanchez
3835 Kent Ct
Coconut Grove
(Miami-Dade County)

Loury Sanchez
10 Venetian Way #1002
Miami Beach
FL 33139
(Miami-Dade County)

Loury Sanchez
1441 Brickell Avenue -- 15th Floor
FL 33131
(Miami-Dade County)

Loury Sanchez
8312 Nw 30th Ter
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Loury Sanchez
E11even Residence 3705 LLC - Officer (MBR)
Sea Lyfe, LLC - Officer (AMBR)
Sweetlyfe, LLC - Officer (MGRM)
Reinhard Alfonso Officer (MGR) Alfonso Reinhard
3835 Kent Ct
Coconut Grove
(Miami-Dade County)

Alfonso Reinhard
208 Jefferson Avenue #109
Miami Beach
FL 33139
(Miami-Dade County)

Alfonso Reinhard
2120 Nw 96 Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Alfonso Reinhard
8312 Nw 30th Ter
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Alfonso Reinhard
Advanced Investors & Consultants, Inc. - Director
Aht Global Services, Inc. - Officer (VP)
Aht Marine, Inc. - Officer (VP)
E11even Residence 3705 LLC - Officer (MGR)
Cohen Aaron R Registered Agent Aaron Cohen
445 N Andrews Ave
Ft Lauderdale
FL 33301
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
445 N Andrews Ave
Fort Lauderdale
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
445 N Andrews Ave
Fort Lauderdale
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
1650 Se 17th St
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33316
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
1650 Se 17th St Suite 300
Ft Lauderdale
FL 33316
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
1650 Se 17th Street Suite 300
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33316
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
1655 Se 17th St
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33316
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
6712 Atlantic Blvd
FL 32202
(Duval County)

Aaron Cohen
758 Wellhouse Dr
FL 32220
(Duval County)

Aaron Cohen
802 Ne 20th Ave
Fort Lauderdale
(Broward County)

Aaron Cohen
8128 Nw 63rd Pl
FL 32653
(Alachua County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Aaron Cohen
Aaron R. Cohen, P.A. - Director
Apexx Interventional Radiology Of South Florida, LLC - Registered Agent
E11even Residence 3705 LLC - Registered Agent
Mcg Global LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

E11even Residence 3701 LLC is located at 8312 Nw 30th Ter in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Ann-Sunny LLC (8344 Nw 30 Terrace) Unlimited Freight Consultants, Inc. (8340 Nw 30th Ter) General Transport Trucking LLC. (8340 Nw 30 Terrace) Agricultural & Construction Parts, LLC (8336 Nw 30th Ter) Dzf Investments, LLC (8336 Nw 30 Terrace) Tcc Logistic, LLC (8332 Nw 30 Terrace) Tcc International Usa, Inc. (8332 Nw 30 Terrace) A.T. International LLC (8332 Nw 30th Ter) Map Aviation Properties LLC (8328 Nw 30th Ter) Air Accessories And Avionics, Inc. (8328 Nw 30th Ter) Aria 3010, LLC (8325 Nw 30 Terrace) 30th Terrace Investors, LLC (8325 Nw 30th Ter) Aqua Cultivos Del Lago LLC (8325 Nw 30th Ter) Agropecuaria Nava Serrada LLC (8325 Nw 30th Ter) Procesadora Aqa Mar Sa Corp (8325 Nw 30th Ter) Twin Tails Seafood Corporation (8325 Nw 30th Ter) Health Coalition, Inc. (8320 Nw 30th Ter) R.S. Enterprises, L.L.C. (8320 Nw 30th Ter) Advanced Investors & Consultants, Inc. (8312 Nw 30 Terr) E11even Residence 3705 LLC (8312 Nw 30th Ter) Aht Marine, Inc. (8312 Nw 30th Ter) Aht Global Services, Inc. (8312 Nw 30th Ter) Advanced Home Theater, Inc. (8312 Nw 30 Terrace) Swissjust Corp. (8308 Nw 30 Terrace) Simpson'S Greens & Floral Dist., Inc. (8301 Nw 30th Ter) Cem America Incorporated (8300 Nw 30th Ter) Q & V Management Inc. (8301 Nw 30 Terrace) Ck Family Partnership, Lllp (8299 Nw 30 Terr) Ck Family Holdings, LLC (8299 Nw 30 Terr) Touchdown Investments, L.L.C. (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments 2, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) So French Perfume, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Touchdown Investments Ii, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments 3, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments 4, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments 5, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments 6, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments 7, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Coco Investments 8, LLC (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Bb Trading Worldwide, Inc. (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Fragluxe, Inc. (8299 Nw 30th Ter) Trans-Air Systems, Inc. (8256 Nw 30th Ter) Starlock, Inc. (8252 Nw 30th Ter) Magusa Logistics, Corp (8248 Nw 30th Ter) On Time Trading, Corp. (8248 Nw 30th Ter) Inter Trading And Service Corp (8248 Nw 30th Ter) Plant Fodder, Corp. (8248 Nw 30th Ter) Rock N Road Transportation Group, Corp (8248 Nw 30th Ter) Magusa Expedite, Inc. (8248 Nw 30th Ter) 8248 Nw 30 Terrace Doral, LLC (8248 Nw 30 Terrace) 8244 Doral Business Park, LLC (8244 Nw 30th Ter) Jomanick Usa Inc. (8244 Nw 30th Ter) Cfj Management LLC (8240 Nw 30 Terrace) Audio Systems Consulting, Inc. (8240 Nw 30th Ter) Trident Audio Video, Inc. (8240 Nw 30th Ter) Systems And Services Av Inc (8240 Nw 30th Ter) Low Voltage Supply, Inc. (8240 Nw 30th Ter) Gvms LLC (8375 Nw 30th Ter) Adwear By Levy LLC (8375 Nw 30 Terrace) Levy Advertising Enterprises, Inc. (8375 Nw 30 Tr) Levy Advertising Enterprises, LLC (8375 Nw 30 Tr) Los Andes Group, LLC (8356 Nw 30 Terrace) Caleci LLC (8356 Nw 30 Terrace) Cork Alliance, Inc. (8356 Nw 30 Terrace) Yc Truck Parts LLC (8352 Nw 30th Ter) Yc Courier International LLC (8352 Nw 30th Ter) Services Parts Export, LLC. (8352 Nw 30th Ter) Signature Impact Windows & Doors, LLC (8344 Nw 30th Ter)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.