Miami Diner Sobe LLC

Miami Diner Sobe LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Miami Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Dec 4, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Miami Diner Sobe LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateDec 4, 2020
FEI Number
Principal Address
919 Alton Rd
Miami Beach

Miami Diner Sobe LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Miami Diner Sobe LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Miami Diner Sobe LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Karavias Spyros Aowner Registered Agent Spyros Karavias
8760 Sw 43rd Ter
FL 33165
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Miami Diner Sobe LLC is located at 919 Alton Rd in Miami Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

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(844 Alton Rd) Shtbp, LLC (844 Alton Rd) Sbtc - South Beach LLC (844 Alton Rd) Kc 369 Business, LLC (844 Alton Rd) Dog Bath Rpoperties, LLC (844 Alton Rd) The Tom Sullivan Foundation, Inc. (844 Alton Rd) Park Street Management Inc. (844 Alton Rd) Tim'S Land Acquisition Corporation (852 Alton Rd) Tmfw, Inc. (852 Alton Rd) Go Go Fresh Holdings, LLC (926 Alton Rd) Sunny Alton LLC (910 Alton Rd) Rianotapias LLC (906 Alton Rd) Jogah, LLC (903 Alton Rd) Synergy Yoga South Beach LLC (844 Alton Road Suite #4) 901 Alton Road, Inc. (901 Alton Rd) Moon Dog Entertainment Production, Corp (835 Alton Rd) Meyspring LLC (900 West Ave #1005) Amber Mcghee Design, LLC (900 West Ave) Nutriaction Fit, LLC (900 West Ave) Chic Designs Interior And Exterior, LLC (900 West Ave) Safer Cleaning Services LLC (899 West Ave) Netxabi, LLC (899 West Ave) Pure Soul Design LLC (899 West Ave) Alton Hostel, LLC (810 Alton Rd) West Oaks Condominium Association, Inc. 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(900 West Ave) Style Collective LLC (900 West Ave) Hht Sales,L.L.C (900 West Ave) Movozi LLC (900 West Ave) Beyoutiful Solutions LLC (900 West Ave) Apollo Elite Fitness LLC (900 West Ave) Coaching Ideal LLC (900 West Ave) Fenix Management Group LLC (900 West Ave) Ivp Consulting, LLC (900 West Ave) Richard Guay Construction Inc (900 West Ave) Emerald Aviation, Inc. (900 West Ave) Felimate Inc. (900 West Ave) Zelenia Inc (900 West Ave) Touchkey Inc (900 West Ave) Fisamax Inc. (900 West Ave) Yacht Rental Miami Beach Corp (900 West Ave) Exotic Car Rental Miami Incorporated (900 West Ave) Donquijotech LLC (910 West Ave) Saide Mlayes Inc (910 West Ave) Jimmy Greenup Entertainment, Inc (910 West Ave) Dark Horse Commercial Real Estate, Inc. (910 West Ave) Wood Innovations, Inc. (960 West 84th St) Pleasant Ways, Inc. (959 West Ave) Mb Fit, LLC (930 Alton Rd) Ara International Group LLC (959 West Ave) Lampl LLC (959 West Ave) Sew It All Miami LLC (959 West Ave) Syntropy Labs LLC (959 West Ave) Kaplan Chiropractic Pa (959 West Ave Suite 17) Jose Marti Learning Center Inc (990 West 22 St) Rbda Investments, "LLC" (1000 West Ave #1516) Lumbre Studio LLC (900 West Ave) The Ki Method, LLC (900 West Ave) Media Holdings, Ltd. (960 Alton Rd) Okee Investments, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Royal Media Partners, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Wynwood Holdings, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Wynwood 35, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Robert B Miller Law, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Wynwood 103, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Wynwood 83, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Sunset Harbour, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Shyc, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Wynwood 73, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Lab Investments, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Maritime Investments, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Shyc Holdings, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Sunrise Investments, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Tech, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Baron Skyhour, LLC (960 Alton Rd) Fsy Florida LLC (960 Alton Rd) Media Holdings, Inc. (960 Alton Rd) Casa Paraiso, LLC (932 Lenox Ave) Blue Coast Holdings, LLC (932 Lenox Ave) Blue Coast Designs Firm LLC (932 Lenox Ave) Blue Coast Designs Firm, Inc. (932 Lenox Ave) Etsen Hospitality Group, LLC (955 Alton Rd) Miami'S Very Own LLC (955 Alton Rd) Distilled LLC (955 Alton Rd) Distilled LLC (955 Alton Rd) Guo Tie King Iii, Inc (955 Alton Rd) Prokicks Group Inc (942 Lenox Ave) Cvl Nursing Inc (1025 Alton Rd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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