B&G Luxe Properties LLC

B&G Luxe Properties LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Pompano Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Oct 5, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by B&G Luxe Properties LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateOct 5, 2020
FEI Number85-3344039
Principal Address
2401 E Atlantic Blvd
Pompano Beach
FL 33062

B&G Luxe Properties LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for B&G Luxe Properties LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between B&G Luxe Properties LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Hadida Gary Officer (MGR) Gary Hadida
2401 E Atlantic Blvd
Pompano Beach
FL 33062
(Broward County)

Gary Hadida
135 Nw 20th St
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Gary Hadida
135 Nw 20th St # G-22
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Rashkin Brandon Registered Agent Brandon Rashkin
4730 Nw 2nd Ave
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Brandon Rashkin
2401 E Atlantic Blvd
Pompano Beach
FL 33062
(Broward County)

Brandon Rashkin
4800 Nw 2nd Avenue Suite #5
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

Brandon Rashkin
7635 Ne Spanish Trail Ct
Boca Raton
FL 33487
(Palm Beach County)

Principal Location

B&G Luxe Properties LLC is located at 2401 E Atlantic Blvd in Pompano Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

La Solaia Homeowners Association, Inc (2509 Ne 2nd St) Michael G. Platner, P.A. (2401 E Atlantic Blvd) American Toner And Ink Corporation (2401 E Atlantic Blvd) Freedom Partners Of South Florida, Inc (2401 E Atlantic Blvd) Apogean Marketing, Inc. (2401 E Atlantic Blvd) The Freedom Marketing Group LLC (2401 E Atlantic Blvd) Giunta & House, P.A. (2401 East Atlantic Blvd) Ocean Breeze Recovery, LLC (2413 E Atlantic Blvd) 18 S Federal, LLC (24 Ne 24th Ave) Jorde Carey Inc. (24 Ne 24th Ave Ste 101) Applied Culinary, LLC (24 N E 24th Ave) Cruise Cheaper Corp. (2451 East Atlantic Blvd) Platner Partners LLC (24 Ne 24th Ave) Unisource Marketing Group, Inc. (24 Ne 24th Ave) Mck Concepts, LLC (24 Ne 24th Ave) Meyer Regent LLC (33 Ne 24th Ave) L & G Ventures, LLC (35 Ne 24th Ave) Cascade Falls Condominium Association, Inc (35 Ne 24th Ave) 35 N.E 25th Avenue, Inc. (35 Ne 25th Ave) Scott E. Cable, D.V.M., P.A. (35 Ne 25th Ave) Vacationshark, Inc. (2451 E Atlantic Blvd) Greater Pompano Beach Chamber Of Commerce, Inc. (2335 E Atlantic Blvd) The Kilby Foundation, Inc. (2335 E Atlantic Blvd) The Margate Chamber Of Commerce, Incorporated. (2335 E Atlantic Blvd) Florida Lawyers Assistance, Inc. (2335 E Atlantic Blvd) Simon Tran LLC (2539 E Atlantic Blvd) Lanna L.L.C (2539 E Atlantic Blvd) 2401 Ne 2nd Street Operations LLC (2401 Ne 2nd St) Stake And Sketch Inc. (206 Ne 24th Ave) J Car Distributors Inc (223 Ne 24th Ave) Trans Atlas "L.L.C" (221 Ne 25th Ave) Atlantic Urban Village Homeowners' Association, Inc. (34 Ne 23rd Ave) First Church Of Divine Power Corp. (31 Ne 23rd Ave) Pompano One Professional Complex LLC (1 N E 23 Avenue) Brian P. Rask, D.M.D., P.A. (1 N E 23 Avenue #2) Real Estate Success Corp. (2301 E Atlantic Blvd) Maranatha Professional Offices, Inc. (2301 E Atlantic Blvd) National Dance Teachers Association Of America, Inc. (2309 E Atlantic Blvd) Changes, Treatment And Recovery Inc (2310 E Atlantic Blvd) Ata Investments, LLC (2318 E Atlantic Blvd) Moore Trading, LLC (2318 E Atlantic Blvd) Choice Moving LLC (31 Se 24th Ave) Florida Preferred Realty LLC (27 Se 24th Ave) Recovery & Renewal, LLC (27 Southeast 24th Ave) Wpb Dugout Hotel LLC (5847 San Felipe St) Lighthouse List Company, LLC (27 Southeast 24th Ave) The List Connection, Inc. (27 S E 24th Ave) Jojo Enterprises, Inc. (27 Se 24th Avenue Suite 6) Family Nation, Inc. (31 Se 24 Ave) Pj Techtronics, Inc. (31 Se 24 Ave) Jojo Management, LLC (27 Se 24th Ave) Media Source Solutions, Inc. (27 Se 24th Ave) 4061-13, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) Montcalm 804, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) Ul Holdings, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) Titou Holdings, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) Oakal, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) 845-36st, LLC. (17 Se 24th Av 2nd Floor) 634-45, LLC. (17 Se 24th Av 2nd Floor) 231-41st, LLC. (17 Se 24 Th Av 2nd Floor) Law Office Of Douglas Jovanovic, Professional Association (17 Southeast 24th Ave) Azoulay Invest, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) Dovkams, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) Joal Florida Holdings, LLC. (17 Se 24th Ave) Madskov, LLC (17 Se 24th Ave) One Green Estate LLC (17 Se 24th Ave) Wakanda One LLC (17 Se 24th Ave) Townhomes Of Broken Woods, Inc. (17 Se 24th Ave) Pinehurst Professional Office Building, L.C. (17 Se 24th Ave) Frederic Barthe, P.A. (17 Se 24th Ave) Artblend Inc. (17 Se 24th Ave) Gh Bill, Inc. (17 Se 24th Ave) Blue Trine Properties, Inc. (17 Se 24th Ave) Pompano Beach Chamber Of Commerce Education Foundation Inc. (2335 East Atlantic Blvd) Veterans Freedom Care LLC (2401 E Atlantic Blvd) The Freedom Law Group, Pllc (2401 E Atlantic Blvd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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