Solstice Society LLC

Solstice Society LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Sep 16, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Solstice Society LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateSep 16, 2020
FEI Number85-3142691
Principal Address
495 Brickell Ave

Solstice Society LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Solstice Society LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Solstice Society LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Virani Shawn Officer (AMBR) Shawn Virani
10301 Burnet Road #2222
TX 78758
(Travis County)

Virani Sunny Officer (AMBR) Sunny Virani
495 Brickell Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Virani Suleman Registered Agent Suleman Virani
12 Sweetwater Ct
FL 77479
(Fort Bend County)

Principal Location

Solstice Society LLC is located at 495 Brickell Ave in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

The Dream Vr Inc. (485 Brickell Ave) Atlantic Bluenet, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) 500 Brickell #1204 LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Jla Miami LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon Brickell 3-3811, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Awake2114, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon 3-2111, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon 4910, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon 4911, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Recflection Media Productions LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon 1, 4502, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Grupo Ffv, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Zinet Florida LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Viceroy 4004 LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Viceroy Beach Management LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Mitoz LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Fn Miami Properties, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Arv 3602, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Nbm Trading LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Ipayment Solutions, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Dynofiles LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Aviano International LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Liveelitemiami LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Garoma Mayva, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Trydent Music Group LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Vera Icon Ad, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Fiore Di Liz LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Ecm America LLC (485 Brickell Ave) River Run 205 LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Sebydaddy Real Estate LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Estelar Technik, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Hollywoodvito Mgmt Group LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Rodriguez Construction Ca LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Iconbrickell Condominium No. Three Association, Inc. (485 Brickell Ave) Global Trust Inc. (485 Brickell Ave) Vivre Co. (485 Brickell Ave) Sweetness Properties Corporation (485 Brickell Ave) 2903 Viceroy LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Light57 Company, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) 2405 Iconcp LLC (485 Brickell Ave) 2002 Icon Viceroy LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Oceanside Miami Holdings LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon Brickell 3-1702, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon Brickell Viceroy 3008 LLC (485 Brickell Ave) First Art Nouveau 104 LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Ancalybari, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon 4701, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Andrew Baumann Builder, Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Foniat Corp (495 Brickell Ave) Tepui 5001 LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Invest To America Lp (495 Brickell Ave) Inversiones Bck, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Location3 Investments, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Financial Solutions & Investment Group, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Bekalum Systems, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Choice One Financial LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Baraka Miami, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 5504 Icon, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Topa Advisors, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) International Rica, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 23209 Brickell LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Lissa Investments LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Bikini Films LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Amaypa Investments, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Rutenia 1-3014 LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Ee Real Estate, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Saraza Industries LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Jam133 Investments, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Torres Groupe LLC (495 Brickell Ave) De La Canal-Knapp Group, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 1949 Investment, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Too Much Gh, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Air & Sea World Trade, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Ecb Real Estate 4201, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Blue Water Enterprises, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Joey Lg Enterprises, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Alley Cat Properties, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Akiro One LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Miami Property Expert, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Icon 4002, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Personal Chef Calvin, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Anacus Two LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Akiro Two LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 8143 Harding Avenue Development, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) House Of Salad Fl (495 Brickell Ave) Fernandes Rios Enterprises, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 2150 Park Avenue LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 2150 Park Avenue Manager LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Drago Capital Miami LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Earl Heinemann Enterprises LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 250 Collins Propco LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Drago Us Holdings LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Farinole Capital LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 250 Collins Investment LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 250 Collins Holdco LLC (495 Brickell Ave) 7718 LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Cloud Venus LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Hextech Consulting LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Franco Palacios, M.D., Pllc. (495 Brickell Ave) Innova Capital LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Brickell Condo Real Estate LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Dmt|C Realty LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Asna Beauty LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Mayell Miami LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Franco Palacios Holdings, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Iconbrickell Condominium No. Two Association, Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) M.A.C. Computer Consulting Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Hr Solutions, Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Alderton Trading Corporation (495 Brickell Ave) Jm Real Estate Consultants, Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Xpert Group Technologies, Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Joseph Ryan Grider, Dds, Pa (495 Brickell Ave) Nyf Corp. (495 Brickell Ave) 5509 Mediterranean Corporation (495 Brickell Ave) Olave Consulting, Inc (495 Brickell Ave) Global Pharma Strategies, Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Sch Marine, Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Hector De La Canal P.A. (495 Brickell Ave) Valentina Maddaluno, P.A. (495 Brickell Ave) Carolina Arenas P.A. (495 Brickell Ave) Mash Logistics Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Ginevra Construction Group Inc (495 Brickell Ave) Mariana Trentini Pa (495 Brickell Ave) Alexandria Greenstein P.A. (495 Brickell Ave) Beraja Multiservices Corp (495 Brickell Ave) Vas Usa Corp (495 Brickell Ave) Kanary Inc. (495 Brickell Ave) Blink Innovations, Inc (495 Brickell Ave) Well Works Group Inc (495 Brickell Ave) Enrique J. Viciana, M.D., P.A. (495 Brickell Ave) William & Sons Group, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Margarita 2019 LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Icon Brickell T2 3110 LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Miami Icon 2-3704 LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Zero Aleph LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Emotion Real Estate Enterprises, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Cororo Corporation (495 Brickell Ave) Aticon4004, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Collin Icon Properties, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Naeusse, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Rameda Group, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Rzrgroup Fl LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Aleluia, LLC (485 Brickell Ave) Icon 5603, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Bal Harbour Golden Cross LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Icon Iii - 3201 Corp. (495 Brickell Ave) Myami Prop LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Aristarcho, LLC (495 Brickell Ave) Nathalie Fernandez, P.A. (495 Brickell Ave) The First Presbyterian Church Of Miami, Florida (609 Brickell Ave) Poketrailer LLC (609 Brickell Ave) Key Point Academy Pta, Inc. (609 Brickell Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.