Aquafood Usa LLC

Aquafood Usa LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Ocala. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 30, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Aquafood Usa LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJul 30, 2020
FEI Number
Principal Address
2030 S Pine Ave

Aquafood Usa LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Aquafood Usa LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Aquafood Usa LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Luzuriaga Orozco Robert P Officer (MGR) Orozco Luzuriaga
2030 S Pine Ave
(Marion County)

Luzuriaga Webster Registered Agent Webster Luzuriaga
1349 Se 18th Pl
FL 34471
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
2023 S Pine Ave
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
2030 S Pine Ave
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
2030 South Pine Ave
FL 34474
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
2030 South Pine Ave
FL 34471
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
2404 Se 27 St
FL 34471
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
2404 Se 27th St
FL 34471
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
9325 S Magnolia Ave
FL 34476
(Marion County)

Webster Luzuriaga
9325 South Magnolia Ave
FL 34476
(Marion County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Webster Luzuriaga
3'S Catering LLC - Officer (AMBE)
Crave Kitchen Corp - Registered Agent
Ipanema Of Ocala Churrascaria Inc - Officer (VP)
Ipanema Of Ocala Corp - Registered Agent
Latino'S Y Mas Restaurant LLC - Registered Agent
Latinos Y Mas, Inc. - Registered Agent
Luzu Pozo, L.L.C. - Registered Agent
Priscilla Investments LLC - Registered Agent
Terra Group Usa LLC - Officer (AMBR)

Principal Location

Aquafood Usa LLC is located at 2030 S Pine Ave in Ocala.

Companies Located Nearby

Personalized Counseling Services Of Ocala, Inc. (2227 S Pine Avenue Suite 102) Floral City One LLC (1741 South Pine Ave) Queen'S Gardens Resort L.L.C. (3340 S Pine Ave) Mareca Investments, Inc. (3340 S Pine Ave) Ace Holdings Of Ocala, LLC (2120 S Pine Ave) John Young LLC (2411 S Pine Ave) Maaprasad LLC (814 S Pine Ave) Latino'S Y Mas Restaurant LLC (2030 South Pine Ave) Droniplay LLC (2030 South Pine Ave) Jj'S Of Ocala, LLC (43 S Pine Ave) Rms Communications Group, Inc. (626 S Pine Ave) Vibe Wireless, LLC (626 S Pine Ave) The Charitable Recycling Foundation, Inc. (626 S Pine Ave) Jast Technologies, Inc. (626 S Pine Ave) Prayosha, LLC (3351 South Pine Ave) Fresh Cutz Barbershop Inc. (424 S Pine Ave) Auto Masters Of Ocala, Inc. (1851 S Pine Ave) 441 Car Wash, LLC (815 S Pine Ave) Ohm Sai Shakti, Inc. (1010 South Pine Ave) Shamrock Inn & Suites Inc. (215 South Pine Ave) Wing Boss LLC (619 S Pine Ave) Tropical Delight 1 Inc (1022 South Pine Ave) Criminal Mitigation Experts, LLC (519 S Pine Ave) Accurate Background Check, Inc. (519 S Pine Ave) South Pine Donuts, Inc (1750 South Pine Ave) Tkc Real Estate Group LLC (1620 S Pine Ave) Phillips Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Inc. (3440 So Pine Ave) Pine Avenue Car Care Center Condominium Association, Inc. (2100 S Pine Ave) H.U.G.S. Charities, Inc. (3111 South Pine Ave) Usa4sale Properties, LLC (22 South Pine Ave) Ocala4sale.Com, LLC (22 South Pine Ave) Zone Health And Fitness, LLC. (524 S Pine Ave) Zone Health And Fitness West, LLC (524 S Pine Ave) Superior Title Insurance Agency Of Marion County, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) Gores Landing, L.L.C. (421 South Pine Ave) Secure Self Storage, L.L.C. (421 South Pine Ave) Killinger Properties, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) Pennick Properties, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) Arletta Rk, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) Bhopco, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) Marion County Taxes, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) 2982 Properties, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) Ehtsegalliv, LLC (421 South Pine Ave) Alomar LLC (519 South Pine Ave) Up And Coming, Inc. (2330 South Pine Ave) Villa Group LLC (207 S Pine Ave) Sunny Tyres LLC (207 S Pine Ave) Er Nour LLC (607 S Pine Ave) Rbms International 2 LLC (426 South Pine Ave) Dream Beauty Supply LLC (418 S Pine Ave) Westport Ocala Self Storage, LLC (2835 South Pine Ave) Yuen Long Shen LLC (723 S Pine Ave) Ocala Funeral And Cremations LLC (720 South Pine Ave) Shield Automotive Group Inc (1423 S Pine Ave) Dayaram LLC (1048 S Pine Ave) Pulmonary Services Consultants Inc (2221 South Pine Ave) Restyling Design Center LLC (12 S Pine Ave) Brester'S Coney Island LLC (506 S Pine Ave) Yard & Tree Army LLC (506 S Pine Ave) Ipanema Of Ocala Corp (2023 S Pine Ave) Ipanema Of Ocala Churrascaria Inc (2023 S Pine Ave) A-1 Tire Store, Inc. (1410 South Pine Ave) Vignashswarai, LLC (2230 South Pine Ave) Luzu Pozo, L.L.C. (2030 S Pine Ave) Priscilla Investments LLC (2030 S Pine Ave) 3'S Catering LLC (2030 S Pine Ave) Terra Group Usa LLC (2030 S Pine Ave) Fl Commercial Investment LLC (2030 S Pine Ave) 301 Hwy Park LLC (2030 S Pine Ave) Fatima Luzuriaga, P.A. (2030 S Pine Ave) Crave Kitchen Corp (2030 S Pine Ave) Latinos Y Mas, Inc. (2030 S Pine Ave) Naf Holding, LLC (421 S Pine Ave) The Laura Gao Law Firm, P.L.L.C. (421 S Pine Ave) Property Development Holding Group, LLC (421 S Pine Ave) Cdh Realty, LLC (421 S Pine Ave) Hardwood Hollow Homeowners' Association, Inc. (421 S Pine Ave) South Pine Property Corp. (421 S Pine Ave) Daniel Hicks, P.A. (421 S Pine Ave) Usa4sale Investments, LLC (22 S Pine Ave) Brick City Digital, LLC (22 S Pine Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.