Foodlosophy LLC

Foodlosophy LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 27, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Foodlosophy LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJul 27, 2020
FEI Number85-2295274
Principal Address
900 Sw 8th St
FL 33130

Foodlosophy LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Foodlosophy LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Foodlosophy LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Murcia Angela Officer (AMBR) Angela Murcia
900 Sw 8th St
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Orozco Silva Edwin Officer (MGR) Silva Orozco
6033 34th St W
FL 34210
(Manatee County)

Orozco Jesus D Registered Agent Jesus Orozco
900 Sw 8 St
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Jesus Orozco
900 Sw 8th St
FL 33130
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Foodlosophy LLC is located at 900 Sw 8th St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

La Carreta Enterprises Re Holdings, LLC (3663 Sw 8th Street 3rd Floor) La Carreta Enterprises Inc. (3663 Sw 8th Street 3rd Floor) Orlosh Usa Corp. (3663 Sw8th St) 2772 Sw 8th St, LLC (2772 Sw 8th St) Sunset Express & Associates Inc. (3402 Sw 8th St) Ferca, LLC (3663 Sw 8th Street 3rd Fl) A & A Patterson Body Shop, Inc. (820 Sw 8th Ct) A & Patterson Investment Group, Corp. (820 Sw 8th Ct) New Life Family Therapy, Inc (861 Sw 8th St) New Life Medical Institute Adhc. Inc (861 Sw 8th St) New Life - Medical Institute, Inc. (861 Sw 8th St) New Life Property Management LLC (861 Sw 8 St) 2nd Chance International Corp. (847 Sw 8th St) Rod & Kuan Corp. (847 Sw 8th St) Miami Brickell Cleaners & Coin Laundry Corp (840 Sw 8th St) Pulperia Olanchito Inc (829 Sw 8 Street) Unikjewelry LLC (827 Sw 8 St) Paseo Catracho Usa, Inc. (824 Sw 8th St) Step Two Inc (812 Sw 8th St) Rwcre LLC (1157 Strawberry Ct) Alphas International Realty, LLC (900 Sw 8th St) Doer By Nature, LLC (777 Sw 9th Ave) M D J Construction & Maintenance Serv Inc (777 Sw 9th Ave) Brickell Vista Condominium Association, Inc. (900 Sw 8th St) Sanpocho Restaurant Inc. (901 Sw 8th St) Jea Investments LLC (777 Sw 9th Ave Apt 404) Miami 777 Sw 9 LLC (777 Sw 9 Ave #207) Disproyco, Inc. (777 Sw 9 Avenue) Comfort Residence, Inc. (935 Sw 9 Street) Angelito'S American Corporation (891 Sw 9th St) Danna Cleaning Corp (893 Sw 9th St) B Y G Art. Welding, Corp (893 Sw 9th St) R Media LLC (2742 Sw 8th St) Angy Italy 1 LLC (2742 Sw 8th St) Christ'S Nation Ministries Inc. (2742 Sw 8th St) E M Dental Corp (2742 Sw 8th St) Dalcielo Inc (2742 Sw 8th St) La Favorita Discount Corporation (2742 Sw 8th St) Lou Nails Salon, Corp (2742 Sw 8th St) Bonehay Miner International Corp (2742 Sw 8th St) Yoyito Music Production, Inc. (2742 Sw 8th St) Cova Inc. (3663 Sw 8th St 3rd Fl) Dova Corp. (3663 Sw 8th St 3rd Fl) Gogaco, Inc. (3663 Sw 8th St 3rd Fl) El Paraiso Flowers Inc. (3400 Sw 8th St) 2201 Investment Holdings, Inc. (3663 Sw 8th Street - Penthouse) Global Distributors, Inc. (3663 S W 8th St 3rd Fl) La Carreta Group Inc. (3663 S W 8th St 3rd Fl) Fec Investments Inc. (3663 S W 8th St 3rd Fl) Muskegon Lumber 1 LLC (3663 Sw 8th St) Veuer Marketing Group LLC (3663 Sw 8th St) Airport Concessions Group, Inc. (3663 Sw 8th St) Advantage Trade Co, Corp. (3663 Sw 8th St) Robert Santana, Jr. Pa (3663 Sw 8th St) Gmb Partners Corporation (3663 Sw 8th St) International Export Corporation Of Miami (3663 Sw 8th St) Arahy Bakery No. 2, Company. (950 Sw 8th St) Jose Brichenall P.A. (900 Sw 8 Street) Inversiones Cpc, LLC (900 Sw 8th St) Mgh 81 LLC (900 Sw 8th St) Cad Advantage, Inc (900 Sw 8th St) Ghope Usa, Corp. (900 Sw 8th St) Raffaele Quattrocchi, P.A. (900 Sw 8th St) Mhope Usa Corp. (900 Sw 8th St) Howard Townsend, Pa (900 Sw 8th St) Eternity Medical Group Corp. (900 Sw 8th St) Artemedica, LLC (900 Sw 8th St) Needles & Moxa Wellness Center, Inc. (900 Sw 8th St) Watchout Productions Inc. (900 Sw 8th St) 900bv, LLC (900 Sw 8th St Unit 604) I Love The Magic City, Miami, Inc. (900 Sw 8 Street) Servicios M Ortiz, LLC (677 Sw 9th Ave Apt 304) Hdr Design Studio, LLC (677 Sw 9th Ave) Cayena Production LLC (677 Sw 9th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.