Ricci 5 Holdings LLC

Ricci 5 Holdings LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Jacksonville. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 2, 2020.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Ricci 5 Holdings LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMar 2, 2020
FEI Number
Principal Address
3721 Dupont Station Ct S
FL 32217

Ricci 5 Holdings LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Ricci 5 Holdings LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Ricci 5 Holdings LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ricci Whitney Registered Agent Whitney Ricci
3721 Dupont Station Ct S
FL 32217
(Duval County)

Whitney Ricci
4539 Hanover Park Dr
FL 32224
(Duval County)

Whitney Ricci
7563 Philip Hwy Ste 101
FL 32256
(Duval County)

Whitney Ricci
7563 Philips Hwybuilding 100 Ste 210
FL 32256
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Whitney Ricci
Medadvance Financial, LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Ricci 5 Holdings LLC is located at 3721 Dupont Station Ct S in Jacksonville.

Companies Located Nearby

Buie Real Estate, Inc. (6278 Dupont Station Court Ste 1) Buildings Pro Supply LLC (3627 Dupont Ave) Sudden Crave, Inc (3627 Dupont Ave) Dupont Coin Laundry, Inc. (3627 Dupont Ave) Tod B. Eikner, P.A. (3744 Dupont Station Ct S) North Florida Mediation Center, LLC (6272 Dupont Station Ct) Brett Q. Lucas, P.A. (6272 Dupont Station Ct) G. Michael Burnett, P.A. (6272 Dupont Station Ct) Woods Engineering, Inc. (6260-D Dupont Station Ct) Communities In Schools Of Jacksonville, Inc. (6261 Dupont Station Court East) Key Financial Group Of Jacksonville, Inc. (6271 Dupont Station Court East) Pension Specialists, Inc. (6271 Dupont Station Court E) Gardner & Co., Inc. (6271 Dupont Station Court E) Winsome Properties Sm, LLC (6277 Dupont Station Court E) Almond Engineering, P.A. (6277 Dupont Station Ct E) Price Enterprise Holdings, LLC (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Jakab Law Pllc (6277 Dupont Station Court East) Metro South 6277 Condominium Association, Inc. (6277 Dupont Station Court East) Vintage Motorcycle Alliance, LLC (6278 Dupont Station Ct) 11366 Trade Court LLC (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Craft Results, LLC (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Craft Recruiting, LLC (6278 Dupont Station Ct) 5299 Philips Highway, LLC (6278 Dupont Station Ct Ste 1) 6278 Dupont Station Condominium Association, Inc. (6278 Dupont Station Ct Ste 1) Erik W. Berger, Inc. (3744 Dupont Station Court South) Avreal Development, LLC (6278 Dupont Station Court Suite 1) 10629 Atlantic Boulevard, L.L.C. (6278 Dupont Station Court Suite 1) Sam & Charles, L.L.C. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Enfm, L.L.C. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) 5215-25 Philips Highway, L.L.C. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Phillips Highway River City, Inc. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Dupont Station Office Park Association, Inc. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Price-Jacksonville, Inc. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Available Real Estate Company (6278 Dupont Station Ct) Esquire Litigation Group Pllc. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) 6855 Phillips Industrial Boulevard, L.L.C. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) 11336 Business Park Boulevard, L.L.C. (6278 Dupont Station Ct) The Brown Firm, Pl (6277 Dupont Station Ct E) Tzion Publishing LLC (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Haim Investments LLC (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Eni Holdings LLC (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Moementum Global LLC (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Virletric LLC (6260 Dupont Station Court East) The Vintage Players, Inc. (6260 Dupont Station Court East) United Brands Holding Corporation (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Pettibone Investments Inc (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Road Eagle Logistics Inc (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Superior Heavy Haul Inc (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Kdz Logistics Inc (6260 Dupont Station Court East) St Johns Brokerage Services LLC (6260-B Dupont Station Ct) The Coastal Jacksonville LLC (6260 Dupont Station Ct) Absalom Gonzales Inc. (6260 Dupont Station Court East - Ste C) I Vest Mutual Fund Investment Corporation (6260 Dupont Station Court East) Sizemore & Associates, Inc. (6282 Dupont Station Ct E) The Arnold Law Firm, L.L.C. (6279 Dupont Station Ct) Valhalla Investments LLC (6279 Dupont Station Ct) Bene Jaquez LLC (3615 Dupont Ave) Pepe'S Hacienda & Restaurant Corp. (3615 Dupont Ave) Economy Dentures Management Services, LLC (3615 Dupont Ave) Flawless Finish Cleaning Services, LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Vox Holdings LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Jones & Company Universal Group LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Db Forsythe LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) 4i Jewelry LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Rc Dream Builders LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Queens Don'T Quit LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Myrival LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Graham'S Snacks, LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Five Star Professional Home Care Staffing LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Sweet Angelic Treats LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Quaintance Credit Repair And Financial Services LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Arg Transportation Solutions LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Golden Boy Contruction LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Lit Aroma Candle Co (6271 St Augustine Rd) Back Street Cafe LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Lex Tequila Shakers, LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) In My Mind I'M Already Retired, Limited Liability Company (6271 St Augustine Rd) Wils On Wheels LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Your Ego Altered LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Etched 3:17 LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) Mahamudra Meditation Center Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) Affordable Housing Consultants & Trust, Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) John Ellis & Associates, Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) 10,000 Views, Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) My Example Incorporated (6271 St Augustine Rd) Tresca Properties, Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) Loyd Custom Pools Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) Chello'S Pizza Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) A1 Certified Auto LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) James 5:20, Inc (6271 St Augustine Rd) Carmalyn'S Enterprises LLC (6271 St Augustine Rd) True Essence, Inc. (6271 St Augustine Rd) Amparo'S Salon, LLC (3615 Dunpont Ave) Ricci Insurance Group, LLC (3721 Dupont Station Ct S) Medadvance Financial, LLC (3721 Dupont Station Ct S) Book League LLC (3721 Dupont Station Ct S)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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