Limestone Bucks Sanz, LLC
Limestone Bucks Sanz, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 2, 2019.
Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Limestone Bucks Sanz, LLC
Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details
Corporation Number | |
Status | Active |
Filing Type | FLAL |
Filing Date | Aug 2, 2019 |
FEI Number | |
Principal Address |
200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor
Miami FL 33131 |
Limestone Bucks Sanz, LLC Directors and Officers
The following table lists the directors and officers for Limestone Bucks Sanz, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Limestone Bucks Sanz, LLC and the address or company.
Name | Position | Possible Address | Possible Related Companies |
Sanz Joseph M | Officer (MGR) |
Joseph Sanz 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Joseph Sanz Limestone Bucks Orlando, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Cofund LLC - Officer (MGR) |
Sanz Kevin | Officer (MGR) |
Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Blvd 6th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Fl Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor Miami FL 33145 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Blvd7th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Boulevard 6th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 S Biscayne Boulevard 7th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 South Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz 200 South Biscayne Blvd Sixth Floor Miami 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Kevin Sanz C/O Orion Investment Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Kevin Sanz Casselboa, LLC - Officer (MGR) Hoffner Center Property Owners' Association, Inc. - Officer (TD) Idrive Orlando, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Armand Sanz LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Bahama LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Binmac LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Breeze, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Brew Mill LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Bucks Orlando, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Cofund LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Ds Mill LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Ethan Mill LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Evans Seffner, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Evans St. Pete, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Ing Mill LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Kaycee, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Millenia Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Og Mill LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Outb Az, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Outb Sanz, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Outb, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Pine Sanz LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Ruby Lithia Springs LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Ruby Loganville LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Ruby Raleigh LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Ruby, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Sanz Mill LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Sherwin, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Son, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Starchi, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Wendc, LLC - Officer (MGR) Limestone Westnav Mill LLC - Officer (MGR) Orion Cotrack LLC - Officer (MGR) Orion Grand Shop LLC - Officer (MGR) Orion Srb LLC - Officer (MGR) Orion Star Invest LLC - Officer (MGR) Orion-Dnk, LLC - Officer (MGR) Portbob LLC - Officer (MGR) Salmo Evans Fern Park, LLC - Officer (MGR) Salmo Evans Ft. Myers, LLC - Officer (MGR) Salmo Longhorn, LLC - Officer (MGR) Wag Sanz LLC - Officer (MGR) |
Brown B. Mackay | Registered Agent |
Mackay Brown 7450 Sw 131 St Miami FL 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 9155 S Dadeland Blvd Miami 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 9155 S Dadeland Blvd Miami 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 9155 S Dadeland Blvd Miami 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 S Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33145 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 S Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 S Biscayne Blvd 6th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor Miami FL 33145 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 So Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 200 South Biscyne Blvd Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 7450 Sw 131 Street Miami 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 9155 S Dadeland Blvd A1700 Miami FL 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown 9155 South Dadeland Blvd Miami 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown C/O Orion Investment Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown C/O Orion Investment And Management Ltd Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown C/O White & Brown Pa Miami 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown C/O White & Brown Pa Miami FL 33156 (Miami-Dade County) Mackay Brown Orion Investment &Amp; Management Ltd Corp Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Mackay Brown Backout Lake LLC - Registered Agent Bmb Indep Mgr, 711, LLC - Registered Agent Bmb Properties LLC - Officer (MGR) Casselboa, LLC - Registered Agent Cjs Kfc Miami, LLC - Registered Agent Destin Emerald Investments LLC - Registered Agent Grovesta LLC - Registered Agent Hoffner Center Property Owners' Association, Inc. - Registered Agent Limestone Bahama LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Binmac LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Bird Bk, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Breeze, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Brew Mill LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Bucks Orlando, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Ds Mill LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Ethan Mill LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Ing Mill LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Kfgain, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Mag Sanz LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Millenia Holdings LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Og Mill LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Outb Az, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Outb Sanz, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Outb, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Pine LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Pine Sanz LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Ruby Lithia Springs LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Ruby Loganville LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Ruby Raleigh LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Sanz Mill LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Sweet, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Wendc, LLC - Registered Agent Limestone Westnav Mill LLC - Registered Agent Oimc Fund 2017, LLC - Registered Agent Orion Commercial Ltd. Corp. - Registered Agent Orion Srb LLC - Registered Agent Orion Star Invest LLC - Registered Agent Portbob LLC - Registered Agent Sbpb 888 Investors LLC - Registered Agent Soseas 1803 LLC - Registered Agent Tambob Bb LLC - Registered Agent Terrace Bridge LLC - Registered Agent Verobob LLC - Registered Agent |
Principal Location
Limestone Bucks Sanz, LLC is located at 200 S Biscayne Blvd 7th Floor in Miami.