Danube Apartments Holding Co., LLC

Danube Apartments Holding Co., LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Winter Park. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 27, 2016.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Danube Apartments Holding Co., LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJul 27, 2016
FEI Number81-3447614
Principal Address
1201 South Orlando Ave
Winter Park
FL 32789

Danube Apartments Holding Co., LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Danube Apartments Holding Co., LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Danube Apartments Holding Co., LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Batra Rma Officer (Auth) Rma Batra
1201 South Orlando Ave
Winter Park
FL 32789
(Orange County)

Batra Sushil Officer (MGR) Sushil Batra
1201 South Orlando Ave
Winter Park
FL 32789
(Orange County)

Sushil Batra
600 Stonebridge Dr
FL 32807
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Sushil Batra
Danube Apartments Owner, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Strong Alexander Registered Agent Alexander Strong
1201 S Orlando Avenue Suite 203
Winter Park
FL 32789
(Orange County)

Alexander Strong
1201 South Orlando Ave
Winter Park
FL 32789
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Alexander Strong
Strong Financial, LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Danube Apartments Holding Co., LLC is located at 1201 South Orlando Ave in Winter Park.

Companies Located Nearby

Gse Audio Visual, Inc. (807 S Orlando Ave) Vivian Hair Studio, Inc. (400 S Orlando Ave) Jeffrey B. Friedman, M.D., P.A. (1400 South Orlando Ave) Nephrology Associates Of Central Florida, P.A. (807 S Orlando Ave) Renal Ventures Of Central Florida 2, LLC (807 S Orlando Ave) Kingdom Light Ministries,Incorporated (807 S Orlando Avenue - Suite S) Basic Salon'S, Inc. (859 So Orlando Ave) Nboc, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave Suite 100) Pinmasters Inc (803 South Orlando Ave) Renal Access Of Central Florida, LLC (807 South Orlando Avenue Suite C) Basic Commodities, Inc. (863 S Orlando Ave) Leading Edge Title Partners Of Central Florida, Ltd. (960 S Orlando Ave) Ldk Investment One, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Jaguar Warrior, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Killer Bees Racing, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Columbus Nsb, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Rancho Dawn, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) 1041 Mckean Circle, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Manning Family Investment, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Bd Development, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Flowersmeamour, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Mae Aviation, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Rancho Artistica, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Ffg Professional Services, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) 2660 North Lakemont Avenue, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) 6207 Icon One, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Nine Six Properties, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Biowoman Salon & Training, LLC (995 S Orlando Ave) Shear Ego Salon And Spa, LLC (995 S Orlando Ave) Artistic Skin Systems, Inc. (995 S Orlando Ave) China Star At South Orlando Avenue, LLC. (753 S Orlando Ave) Neurology And Electromyography Consultants, P.A. (1400 S Orlando Ave) Eb Hauling LLC (271 South Orlando Ave) Christine Nguyen, L.L.C. (1330 S Orlando Ave) Schultz Street Investments, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Commerce National Bankshares Of Florida, Inc. (1201 South Orlando Ave) Esi Consulting, Inc. (965 South Orlando Ave) Laptops Plus, Inc. (965 South Orlando Ave) National Personal Training Institute, Inc. (809 S Orlando Ave) J & M Signs, Inc. (1003 S Orlando Ave) Redbird Printing Company Inc (803 S Orlando Ave) Winter Park Family Practice, LLC (1400 S Orlando Ave) Christine Nguyen, D.D.S., P.A. (1330 South Orlando Ave) Agave Azul Winter Park, LLC (900 S Orlando Ave) Orange Tree Antiques Mall, Inc. (853 S Orlando Ave) Tsr Industrial LLC (750 S Orlando Ave) St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Of Orlando And Winter Park, Florida, Inc. (1600 S Orlando Ave) Park School, LLC (1600 S Orlando Ave) On Point Massage LLC (1400 S Orlando Ave) Caliente Holdings Limited Partnership (1201 S Orlando Ave) Rainbow Warrior Limited Partnership (1201 S Orlando Ave) Ldk Florida Limited Partnership (1201 S Orlando Ave) Caliente Citrus, LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Caliente Holdings LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Rainbow Warrior LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Ldk Florida LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Mctb Enterprises, LLC (700 S Orlando Ave) Strong Lake LLC (1201 South Orlando Avenue Suite 203) Winter Park Land Trust, Inc. (1201 South Orlando Avenue Suite 203) Valintry360 International, LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave Ste 440) Valintry Health, LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave Ste 440) Strong Management, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Strong Properties, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Bayboro Partners, Ltd. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Canterbury Place Partners, Ltd. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Strong Financial, LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Tax Deed Investors, LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Strong/Bayboro, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Bayboro Holdings, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) The Jackson Law Firm, P.A. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Rfrg Winter Park, LLC (847 South Orlando Ave) Milcom Venture Partners, Inc. (750 S Orlando Ave) Arsenal Industries, LLC (750 S Orlando Ave) Dpg 750 S. Orlando Ave LLC (750 S Orlando Ave) Arsenal Venture Partners (Gpa), LLC (750 S Orlando Ave) Arsenal Venture Partners, LLC (750 S Orlando Ave) Lakeco Partners Ii, Ltd. (1201 South Orlando Ave) Moultrie Partners, Ltd. (1201 South Orlando Ave) Barstone Partners, Ltd. (1201 South Orlando Ave) Teton Investors, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Strong And Company, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Strong Moultrie, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Moultrie Investors, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Strong Barstone, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Strong Highpoint, Inc. (1201 South Orlando Ave) M2 Interior Design, LLC (803 S Orlando Ave) Masterpiece Closets And Storage Solutions, LLC (803 S Orlando Ave) Bison Optical Disc Inc. (803 S Orlando Ave) The Leach Firm, P.A. (631 S Orlando Ave) Cutwiz, LLC (400 South Orlando Ave) Valintry International, LLC (1201 S Orlando Avenue Ste 440) Fred M. Humphrey & Associates, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Catwalk Hair Design, Incorporated (400 S Orlando Ave) J.B. Adams Learning Incorporated (1021 Nottingham St) Capra Construction And Design, LLC (1501 Norfolk Ave) Nicholas Inman LLC (1101 Nottingham St) Adamant Edge LLC (1101 Nottingham St) Caitlin Barney Pa (1101 Nottingham St) Aerodrone, LLC (1444 Norfolk Ave) Gotdajuice, LLC (1201 S Orlando St) Peacock Lane Partners, LLC (1500 S Orlando Ave) First Derivative Inc (862 South Orlando Ave) Resilient Restaurants, LLC (276 S Orlando Ave) Strong Investment Holdings LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Strong Equities, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Mcpfl LLC (1400 South Orlando Ave) Danube Apartments Owner, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave) Visit With Grace Inc. (1201 South Orlando Ave) Halligan Property Maintenance, LLC (809 S Orlando Ave) Blindboy Properties, LLC (809 S Orlando Ave) Charles Rutenberg Realty Associates - Orlando, LLC (631 S Orlando Ave) Go Family Law, P.L.L.C. (631 S Orlando Ave) Raju Abraham P.A. (631 S Orlando Ave) Laura Moffett, Pa (631 S Orlando Ave) Mjv Law, P.A. (631 S Orlando Ave) Bensen & Winter Law Firm, P.A. (631 S Orlando Ave) Eric Lee Bensen, P.A. (631 S Orlando Ave) Remodel Home Inc (11159 Nw 80th Ln) Elite Acrylics, LLC (906 S Orlando Ave) Forever Trim Body Sculpting Centers 2, Inc. (1350 South Orlando Ave) Arsenal Iii, LLC (750 S Orlando Avenue Suite 200) Koala 3, L.L.C. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Avp Frontline, Inc. (750 S Orlando Ave Suite 200) Armcoa, LLC (805 S Orlando Ave) Big Sis, Inc. (805 S Orlando Ave) The Justice Labb, Inc. (805 S Orlando Ave) Secondary Investment, LLC (1201 South Orlando Ave Suite 370) 25eighh LLC (955 S Orlando Ave) Deciccio & Associates, P.A. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Keating Allard Asset Management, LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave) Tipsy Salonbar Of Winter Park, Inc (110 S Orlando Ave) Strong Teton, LLC (1201 S Orlando Ave Suite 203) Chris Turner, Inc. (1320 South Orlando Ave) Tallahassee Highpoint Partners, Ltd. (1201 S Orlando Ave Ste 203) Teton Partners, Ltd. (1201 S Orlando Ave Ste 203) Strong/Conway, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave Ste 203) Bates & Company, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Ameri-Life & Health Services Of Central Florida, L.L.C. (631 S Orlando Ave Suite 104) Financial Advisory Partners, LLC (1201 S Orlando Avenue Suite 350) Chairvolotti Financial Services, Inc. (631 South Orlando Ave) Winter Rock, LLC (301 S Orlando Ave) Gateway Plaza, Ltd. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Cnb&T, Inc. (1201 S Orlando Ave) Krave Tea Inc. (839 S Orlando Ave) Ns Design Services, Inc. (809 South Orlando Ave) Conway Club Partners, Ltd. (1201 S Orlanod Ave) Alexander Morgan Corporation (845 South Orlando Ave) Renal Ventures Of Central Florida, LLC (807 South Orlando Ave) Ward Law Firm P.L. (1201 Chichester St) Stacylnpropertyllc (1205 Nottingham St) Commercenters, LLC (1203 Nottingham St) Commercenters Eb5 Regional Center Investments, LLC (1203 Nottingham St) Port Logistics, LLC (1203 Nottingham St) Orlando Eb5 Investments Fund Manager, LLC (1203 Nottingham St) Beira Mar Nsb, LLC (1215 Nottingham St) The Diy Team LLC (1201 Nottingham St) Storch Entertainment Systems, LLC (803 South Orlando Ave) San Julian'S-Hills Coffee LLC (110 S Orlando Ave) Metropolis Graphics, Inc. (805 S Orlando Ave) P.A. Wallace & Associates Inc. (807 S Orlando Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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