Prada Real Estate, LLC

Prada Real Estate, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Lighthouse Point. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 24, 2016.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Prada Real Estate, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJun 24, 2016
FEI Number
Principal Address
3850 N Federal Hwy
Lighthouse Point
FL 33064

Prada Real Estate, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Prada Real Estate, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Prada Real Estate, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ramirez Rivera Yenny Officer (AMBR) Rivera Ramirez
3850 N Federal Hwy
Lighthouse Point
FL 33064
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Rivera Ramirez
Lighthouse Point Pre School, Inc - Officer (VP)
Daniel Felipe Prada Ramirez Officer (Mana) Felipe Daniel
3850 N Federal Hwy
Lighthouse Point
FL 33064
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Felipe Daniel
Lighthouse Point Pre School, Inc - Officer (Trea)
Prada Serrano Rodolfo Registered Agent Serrano Prada
16570 Ambassador Bridge Rd
Delray Beach
FL 33446
(Palm Beach County)

Serrano Prada
3850 N Federal Hwy
Lighthouse Point
FL 33064
(Broward County)

Serrano Prada
3850 N Fedral Hwy
Lighthouse Point
FL 33064
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Serrano Prada
Lighthouse Point Pre School, Inc - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Prada Real Estate, LLC is located at 3850 N Federal Hwy in Lighthouse Point.

Companies Located Nearby

Chef Dee'S, LLC (3919 N Federal Hwy) Skate Center Corp. (3921 North Federal Hwy) Wm Investment Group LLC (3927 N Federal Hwy) W9 Investment Group LLC (3927 N Federal Hwy) Tafner & Franco Sport Horses, LLC (3927 N Federal Hwy) Muscle Kreator Technology LLC (3927 N Federal Hwy) Rmcp Usa LLC (3927 N Federal Hwy) Shop4us Br Corp (3927 N Federal Hwy) Leopa, Corp (3927 N Federal Hwy) Hr Lopes Services, Corp (3927 N Federal Hwy) Bsc Florida Investments Corp (3927 N Federal Hwy) Domcb Corporation (3927 N Federal Hwy) Quintao Consulting And Investment Corporation (3927 N Federal Hwy) Rasv Technologies Solutions And Integrated Services Corp (3927 N Federal Hwy) Fze Florida Investments Corp (3927 N Federal Hwy) Sbm Blessed Corp (3927 N Federal Hwy) Debora Cruz Corporation (3927 N Federal Hwy) Metro Travel Usa Inc (3927 N Federal Hwy) Rio'S Brazilian Meat Market & Grocery, LLC (3931 N Federal Hwy) Lan Lan Foot Spa Inn LLC (3935 North Federal Hwy) Galeto Grill, LLC (3937 N Federal Hwy) Brasil Buffet LLC (3937 N Federal Hwy) Scatena'S Capelli Corp. (3943 N Federal Hwy) Dog City LLC (3951 N Federal Hwy) Titan Ii Construction Corporation (3907 North Federal Hwy) Allied Usa Services Corp (3907 N Federal Hwy) Platinum Link Corp. (3907 N Federal Hwy #250) Vilchez Services, Inc. (3907 North Federal Hwy) Car Parts Usa, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Ground Support Equipment International, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Last Night Catering LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Pathway Financial Group, Inc. (3907 North Federal Hwy) Connective Electric, Inc (3907 N Federal Hwy) Oasis Lawn & Landscape, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Plus Dry Cleaners LLC (3909 N Federal Hwy) Luna Azul Of Pompano LLC (3911 N Federal Hwy) Tcn International Corporation (3907 N Federal Hwy) The Ron Rosen Group, LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Todo Investments, LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Casa Bonita, LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Hi-Tech Building Resources LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Certified Pool Leak Inspection L.L.C (3907 N Federal Hwy) 5th Marketing Group LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Apoio Counseling And Consulting, LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) National Marine Institute, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) The Merry Mailman, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) American Hvac-R Services Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Cbz Enterprises Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Medeiros Services, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Glms Investments Corp (3907 N Federal Hwy) G & V Batt Service Inc (3907 N Federal Hwy) Property Admon And Blue Fish, Corp (3907 N Federal Hwy) Vector Capital Partners LLC (3907 North Federal Hwy) Aoa Capital Partners LLC (3907 North Federal Hwy) Prosper Trade LLC (3907 North Federal Hwy) Evolution Blue Pool Service Inc (3907 N Federal Hwy) No Worries Property Maintenance LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy #227) Adomant Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Quantum Digital Services, LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy #187) Quality Painting & Remodeling Corp (3907 N Federal Hwy Suite 214) Dave Manning Home Improvement Co Inc (3907 North Federal Hwy #271) Kingdom Asset Management LLC (3907 North Federal Hwy) Homeservice Aa LLC (3907 North Federal Hwy) Edso Machining, Inc. (3907 North Federal Hwy) Red Alert Security & Alarms, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy) Developing Zone, Inc. (3907 North Federal Highway Suite 134) Tropic Capital Partners LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Wilsoft, Inc. (3907 North Federal Hwy) Atlantic Coast Elevator Systems & Lifts Inc. (Suite 220 3907 North Federal Hwy) Titan Acquisition Group, LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Red Alert, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy #182) Abc Cable Services, Corp (3907 N Federal Hwy) Crates Tavern LLC (3907 N Federal Hwy) Surf Networks, Inc. (3907 N Federal Hwy #106) Dave Manning Enterprises, LLC (3907 North Federal Hwy # 271) Shop Smart LLC (2001 Ne 39th St) Frazer Marine, Inc. (3907 North Federal Hwy No106) Prato Fino, Inc. (3915 N Federal Hwy) Specs Vision Group LLC (3929 N Federal Hwy) Lighthouse Point Pre School, Inc (3850 N Federal Hwy) Self Equilibrium Inc (3850 N Federal Hwy) Jose Wellington Bezerra Da Costa Bible College, Corp. (4000 N Federal Hwy) Bethlehem Broadcasting Network, Inc (4000 N Federal Hwy) Assembly Of God - Bethlehem Ministry, Inc. (4000 N Federal Hwy) Confradeb-Eua, Inc. (4000 N Federal Hwy) Bethlehem Holdings Inc (4000 N Federal Hwy) Damon Distributors, Inc. (3640-2 N Federal Hwy) Lighthouse Sunoco 101, Inc (3900 N Federal Hwy) Lawson & Company, Ii, Inc. (3890 N Federal Hwy) Educational Horizon Ammv LLC (2000 Ne 39th St) Bright Minds LLC (2000 Ne 39th St) Dayjar Inc. (2000 Ne 39th St) Lighthouse Point Gardens North Condominium Association, Inc. (1951 Ne 39th St) Honeybunch, LLC (3801 North Federal Hwy) Honeybunch Florist, LLC (3801 North Federal Hwy) Stevens Animal Hospital LLC (3825 N Federal Hwy) Anzo Corp (3907 N Federal Hwy #183)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.