Mobile Escapes, LLC

Mobile Escapes, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Winter Park. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 9, 2016.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Mobile Escapes, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJun 9, 2016
FEI Number
Principal Address
320 Holt Ave
Winter Park

Mobile Escapes, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Mobile Escapes, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Mobile Escapes, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Alexander Tiedtke Victor Registered Agent Tiedtke Alexander
320 Holt Ave
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Principal Location

Mobile Escapes, LLC is located at 320 Holt Ave in Winter Park.

Companies Located Nearby

Vinaccia Hair Goddess, Corp (601-A South New York Ave) Ethos Vegan Kitchen, Inc. (601 S New York Ave) A Wise Hair, LLC (601-A S New York Ave) J. George And J. Freese Corp. (726 Maryland Ave) Rollins College (1000 Holt Ave 2715) Eastgate Farms, Inc. (320 Holt Ave) Tower Hill Properties, LLC (320 Holt Ave) Pinky, LLC (320 Holt Ave) Grimming, LLC (320 Holt Ave) Retrowheels Usa, LLC (320 Holt Ave) 1300 South, LLC (320 Holt Ave) Lake Sunset Apartments, LLC (320 Holt Ave) West Washington Realty, LLC (320 Holt Ave) Limerick Estates, LLC (320 Holt Ave) Enns LLC (320 Holt Ave) Green Stick Consulting, LLC (320 Holt Ave) Tan Capital Lp (99 S New York Ave) Npe, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Real Estate Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Real Estate Fund Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Real Estate Fund Advisors, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Pinonicholson, Pllc (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Fund Advisors, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Fund Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Delta Tuscan, LLC (99 S New York Ave) G.A. Giordano & Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Fund Iii, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Fund Iii Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Donovan Casterline Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Group, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Dynetech Group, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Management Group, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Venetia Bay, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Venetia Bay Management Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Venetia Bay Properties, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Venetia Bay Development Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Restoration Capital Group, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Providential Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Fund Ii, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Fund Ii Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Venetia Bay Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Amethyst Holdings LLC (99 S New York Ave) Providence Operations Group LLC (99 S New York Ave) Providence Capital Partners LLC (99 S New York Ave) Oakview Ventures LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Properties, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Management Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Living Well Lodges Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Development Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Jonbo Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Armagh Trading Group LLC (99 S New York Ave) Dyline Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Strategic Management Services, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Npe Operations LLC (99 S New York Ave) Npe Group LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Challenger Holdings Management Company LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Alternative Income Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Alternative Income Fund Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Eppraisal LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach Management Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach Properties, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach Development Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Alternative Income Fund Management Company LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Alternative Income Fund Advisor LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Growth & Income Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Growth & Income Fund Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Holding Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Summit Assets LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Forest Acres Properties, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Forest Acres Development Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Of Forest Acres Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) A12 Consulting LLC (99 S New York Ave) Blair Parkway Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Fund Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Advisors, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Special Situations Group, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Fund Advisors, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Sims-Frost Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Communities Asset Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Emerald Capital Group, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Venetia Bay Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) First Cornerstone Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Models Method LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) New York & Morse, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Heritage At Forest Acres, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Heritage At Forest Acres Management Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Mobileyme LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Alternative Income Fund Ii, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Raibeart Bruis, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Communities, LLC (99 S New York Ave) M Crew Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tan Capital Assets LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Heritage At Forest Acres Mezzanine Debt Fund Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Sunshine X, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Heritage At Forest Acres Mezzanine Debt Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Heritage At Forest Acres Preserve, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Mezzanine Debt Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Management Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Dkd1 Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Palm Coast Mezzanine Debt Fund Ii, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Aviation Mobility Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Bungalow Holdings Company, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Bungalow Real Estate, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Bungalow Investments, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Crown Family Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Crown Family Investments, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Crown Family Properties, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Rockstar Capital Ii, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Rockstar Capital Ii Manager, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Karas Investments, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Rockstar Capital Development Group Ii, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Lakeview Family Holdings, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Lakeview Family Investments, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Lakeview Family Properties, LLC (99 S New York Ave) The Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach Capital Partners, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Villas At Tuscan Gardens Of Delray Beach Mezzanine Debt Fund, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Jonbo Investments, LLC (99 S New York Ave) Rey Rey Holdings LLC (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Foundation, Inc. (99 S New York Ave) Wake Up Marketing, Inc. (99 S New York Ave) Laurence J. Pino, P.A. (99 S New York Ave) Dynetech Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Development Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Income Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Winsuma Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Dynetech Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Tuscan Gardens Senior Living Communities, Inc. (99 S New York Ave) Sapphire River Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Tan Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Sunshine X Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Turnberry Cardross Melrose Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Dkd1 Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Bungalow Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Jamac Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Crown Family Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Lakeview Family Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) The Pino Training Organization, Inc. (99 S New York Ave) Pino Management Corporation (99 S New York Ave) Ews Advisors, LLC (757 French Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.