Florida Neurosurgical Experts LLC

Florida Neurosurgical Experts LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Lighthouse Point. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on May 18, 2016.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Florida Neurosurgical Experts LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMay 18, 2016
FEI Number
Principal Address
1821 Ne 25th St Suite #101
Lighthouse Point
FL 33064

Florida Neurosurgical Experts LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Florida Neurosurgical Experts LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Florida Neurosurgical Experts LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Moore Matthew Rmd Officer (MGR) Matthew Moore
1821 Ne 25th St
Lighthouse Point
(Broward County)

Matthew Moore
1930 Ne 47th St Ste #200
Ft. Lauderdale
FL 33308
(Broward County)

Matthew Moore
1930 Ne 47th St Suite #200
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33308
(Broward County)

Matthew Moore
1930 Ne 47th Street #200
Fort Lauderdale
FL 33308
(Broward County)

Matthew Moore
Matthew R Moore Md
Lighthouse Point
FL 33064
(Broward County)

Moore Matthew Rmd Registered Agent Matthew Moore
1821 Ne 25th St
Lighthouse Point
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Florida Neurosurgical Experts LLC is located at 1821 Ne 25th St in Lighthouse Point.

Companies Located Nearby

The Dock Experts Store 2670, LLC (2670 N Federal Hwy) Body & Soul Boutique, Inc. (2440 N Federal Hwy) Education Services, LLC (2458 N Federal Hwy) Fish Shack, LLC (2460 N Federal Hwy) Complete Fitness Lhp LLC (2464 N Federal Hwy) O'Reillys Irish Pub Inc. (2470 N Federal Hwy) Super Luck LLC (2476 North Federal Hwy) Brs6475675607, LLC (2480 N Federal Hwy) Sweet House Of Lighthouse Point, L.L.C. (2484 N Federal Hwy) Lhp Eatery, LLC (2486 N Federal Hwy) Eye Site Vision Center Ii, Inc. (2490 N Federal Hwy) F. Gary Gieseke, M.D., P.A. (1821 Ne 25th St) Vip Pain Medicine, LLC (1821 Ne 25th St) Lighthouse Point Medical Center LLC (1821 Ne 25th St) Custom Rod & Reel, LLC (1835 Ne 25th St) Ben Litowich & Son, Inc. (1847 Ne 25th St) Ben-Bud Growers, Inc. (1847 Ne 25th St) Khan & Khan, Inc. (1819 Ne 25th St) Beacon Coin Laundry, LLC (1810 Ne 25th St) Paul A. Rodriguez, D.O., P.A. (1821 Ne 25 Street) Gateway Shopping Center Corp. (2501 N Federal Hwy) C.P.J. Corp. (2501 N Federal Hwy) Oakland Pasta Corp. (2501 N Federal Hwy) Rozap, Inc. (2501 North Federal Hwy) Front Sight Security And Training LLC (2501 North Federal Hwy) Canga Shop LLC (2610 Ne 18th Ter) Pachyderm Industries Corp (2436 N Federal Hwy) Express Tax & Bookkeeping Services, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Aremac Photography LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy #402) 4front Consulting LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Purrfect Water Solutions, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy #332) Little Purple Shamrock LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Rbz Technology, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Landmark Lighthouse Properties, LLC (2436 North Federal Hwy) Primary Power Of Florida, LLC (2436 North Federal Highway Ste 334) Mo Life Media, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Shara Marie, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Martell & Associates, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Cimiche Clothing LLC (2436 North Federal Hwy) The Rosser Marketing Agency, LLC (2436 North Federal Hwy) 1135 Bronx River Ave. Corp. (2436 North Federal Hwy) Backus Turner And Partners, Inc. (2436 North Federal Hwy) Global Management & Services - Usa, LLC (2436 North Federal Hwy) South Florida Auto Toys LLC (2436 North Federal Hwy) Freedom Fighter Outdoors, Inc. (2436 North Federal Hwy) Law Offices Of Maria Corvaia O'Donnell, Pa (2436 North Federal Hwy) Trusted Daily Solutions, Inc. (2436 North Federal Hwy) The Peoples Law Team, P.A. (2436 North Federal Hwy) Heliplane Detailing Services Incorporation (2436 North Federal Hwy) Right Hand Autosports, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Global Acquisitions & Investment Group, LLC (2436 North Federal Hwy) Railroad Solutions, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Tina Scissorhands, Inc. (2432 North Federal Hwy) Colette 4 Inc. (2420 N Federal Hwy) Top Nails Ii, Inc. (2418 N Federal Hwy) Grif-Ko Apartments, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Springdale Lake "B" Condominium Association, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Springdale Lake "D" Condominium Association, Inc (2436 N Federal Hwy) Carriage Lane Partners, L.P. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Cz Investment Partners, L.P. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Jerrej Ventures, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Taz Holdings, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) La Fornace LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Sa Marine Services LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Bagnotti Usa LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Ardith Brown LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Jervan Enterprises LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Grandma'S Kitchen Of Soul Catering Service LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) The Center For Cognitive & Behavioral Health, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Move To Meditate, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) New River Funding, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Teako Group, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Oleander Builders And Development Corporation (2436 N Federal Hwy) Cohen Public Adjusters, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Jennifer Walker, P.A. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Livesport Media Inc (2436 N Federal Hwy) Joy Mgmt, Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) 8404 Access, Inc (2436 N Federal Hwy) Xunda A. Gibson, M.D., Pa (2436 N Federal Hwy) All Refreshment Of Fla, Inc (2436 N Federal Hwy) Mcgowan & Associates, P.A. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Advanced Marine Solutions 2 Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Lhp Pharma Inc. (2436 N Federal Hwy) Trufort Inc (2436 N Federal Hwy) Yony Tv Global Network Inc (2436 N Federal Hwy) Human Capital Management, Inc (2436 N Federal Hwy) Hs34, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy #414) Broadbill, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy #414) Blue Ribbon Advertising LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Simply Holdings, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Evermore Holdings, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 845 Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 701 Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 700a Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 700t Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 2511 Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 3101 Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 2520 Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) 2055 Seacloud, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy) Always Holdings, LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy #225) Fcc Metals LLC (2436 N Federal Hwy #424)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.