21315 Nw LLC
21315 Nw LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Miramar. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Nov 30, 2015.
Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by 21315 Nw LLC
Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details
Corporation Number | |
Status | Active |
Filing Type | FLAL |
Filing Date | Nov 30, 2015 |
FEI Number | |
Principal Address |
15673 Sw 52 Ct
Miramar FL 33027 |
21315 Nw LLC Directors and Officers
The following table lists the directors and officers for 21315 Nw LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between 21315 Nw LLC and the address or company.
Name | Position | Possible Address | Possible Related Companies |
Rujano Vicente | Officer (MGR) |
Vicente Rujano 15673 Sw 52 Ct Miramar FL 33027 (Broward County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Vicente Rujano 19483nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 21012r Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 3880 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) Abejales LLC - Officer (MGR) |
Rujano Vicente | Registered Agent |
Vicente Rujano 13130 Sw 44 St Miramar 33027 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 13464 Sw 27 Th St Miramar FL 33027 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 13464 Sw 27th St Miramar FL 33025 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 14215 Nw 21 St Pembroke Pines FL 33028 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 15673 Sw 52 Ct Miramar FL 33027 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 15673 Sw 52nd Ct Miramar FL 33027 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 5071 Sw 161 Av Miramar FL 33027 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 5071 Sw 161 Ave Miramar FL 33027 (Broward County) Vicente Rujano 5071 Sw 161 Avenue Miramar FL 33027 (Broward County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Vicente Rujano 13136 Sw42 St Corp - Officer (VP) 13464 Sw 27 St Corp - Officer (VP) 14055 Sw 49 Ct Corp - Officer (VP) 14923 Sw 15 St Corp - Registered Agent 1750r Sw LLC - Registered Agent 17954 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 18001 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 18034 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 18040 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 18236 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 19464 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 19483nw LLC - Registered Agent 20705 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 21012r Nw LLC - Registered Agent 2917 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 2921 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 2960 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 2987nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 3069 Nw 204 Ln LLC - Officer (MGR) 3072 Sw 129 Terr Corp - Registered Agent 3880 Nw LLC - Registered Agent 3903 Nw 207 St Rd LLC - Officer (MGR) 4034 Nw LLC - Officer (MGR) 4602 Sw 160 Ave Corp - Officer (VP) 5213 Sw 157 Ln Corp - Registered Agent Abejales LLC - Registered Agent Andrevi Corp - Registered Agent Azulita LLC - Officer (MGR) Blanquizal LLC - Officer (Mana) Bocono LLC - Officer (MGR) Borota LLC - Officer (MGR) Capacho LLC - Officer (MGR) Chururu LLC - Officer (MGR) Coloncito LLC - Officer (MGR) Costaluz Investments LLC - Registered Agent Guayabo LLC - Officer (MGR) Helechales LLC - Officer (MGR) Lagrita LLC - Officer (MGR) Lobatera LLC - Officer (MGR) Minka Holdings 1 LLC - Officer (MGR) Orope LLC - Officer (MGR) Paramillo LLC - Officer (MGR) Potreros LLC - Officer (MGR) Pregonero LLC - Officer (MGR) Queniquea LLC - Officer (MGR) Quinimari LLC - Officer (MGR) R&R Global Services Corp - Officer (VP) Rubio LLC - Officer (MGR) Tariba LLC - Officer (MGR) |
Principal Location
21315 Nw LLC is located at 15673 Sw 52 Ct in Miramar.