Sandy Shores Two, LLC

Sandy Shores Two, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Santa Rosa Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 30, 2015.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Sandy Shores Two, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateApr 30, 2015
FEI Number
Principal Address
154 N Ryan St
Santa Rosa Beach

Sandy Shores Two, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Sandy Shores Two, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Sandy Shores Two, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Rookis Development Company Officer (MGR) Development Rookis
3452 W County Highway 30a
Santa Rosa Beach
(Walton County)

Development Rookis
154 N Ryan
Santa Rosa Beach
FL 32459
(Walton County)

Development Rookis
154 N Ryan St
Santa Rosa Beach
(Walton County)

Development Rookis
3452 W County Hwy 30a
Santa Rosa Beach
(Walton County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Development Rookis
1900 Scenic 98, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Barrett Square Holdings, L.L.C. - Officer (MGR)
Bear Creek Cottage Development, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Bear Creek Development, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Blue Sky Ranch, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Brw Midgrove, LLC - Officer (Mana)
Brw Trinity Il, LLC - Officer (Mana)
Brw Vistawilla, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Florida Gulf Coast Regional Center, LLC - Officer (Mana)
Midgrove Centre, LLC - Officer (Mana)
Sandy Shores Three, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Scenic 98 Development, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Three Oaks, LLC - Officer (MANA)
Tiger & Swan Development 3, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Vistawilla Alf, LLC - Officer (MGR)
Koche David L Registered Agent David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
220 W 7th Ave
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
1311 N Westshore Boulevard Suite 101a
FL 33607
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
1511 N Westshore Boulevard Suite 700
FL 33607
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
1810 W Kennedy Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
220 W 7th Ave
FL 33609
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
220 W 7th Ave Suite 110
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
4301 Anchor Plaza Pkwy
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
43309 Us Highway 19 North
Tarpon Springs
(Pinellas County)

David Koche
4730 N Habana Ave Ste 204
FL 33614
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
509 Guisando De Avila Suite 201
FL 33613
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
514 N Franklin St Ste 203
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
5365 E County Highway 30-A Suite 105
Seagrove Beach
FL 32459
(Walton County)

David Koche
6001 Bayshore Blvd
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bahshore Blvd Suite 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bay Shore Blvd Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore B;Vd
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore B;Vd Ste 8700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Bld Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Bldv Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blv D Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
FL 33605
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd # 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd #700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd St 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Ste
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Ste 700
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Ste-700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Stuite 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Suite 700
North Palm Beach
FL 33410
(Palm Beach County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Suite 700
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Suite 700
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvd Suite:700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Blvdste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Bouelvard
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Bouleard Suite 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Boulevard Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Boulevard Suite 700
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Boulevard Suite 700
FL 36606
(Mobile County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Dr
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshore Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Bayshre Blvd Suite 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 Boulevard Suite 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 S Harbour Island Blvd Ste 200
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 S Harbour Island Blvd Ste 213-A
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601 S Harbour Island Blvd Suite 213a
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
601bayshore Blvd Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
604 Bayshore Blve Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
691 Bayshore Blvd Ste 700
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
801 Bayshore Blvd Ste 700
FL 33608
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
Barnett Bold Kirkwood Long & Mcbride
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

David Koche
Barnett Bolt Kirkwood Long & Mcbride
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

The following companies have a director or officer called David Koche
1810 Kennedy, LLC - Registered Agent
19328 Gulf Blvd. Irb, LLC - Registered Agent
201 Griffin Road, LLC - Registered Agent
206-210 N. Bumby, LLC - Registered Agent
590 Riviera Drive, LLC - Registered Agent
908 Development Partners, LLC - Registered Agent
A & J Sapphire Sol Holdings, LLC - Registered Agent
Ascent Capital Grs Fund, LLC - Registered Agent
Barracuda Club LLC - Registered Agent
Bear Creek Development, LLC - Registered Agent
Bear Law, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Bellini Transportation, LLC - Registered Agent
Brlag, LLC - Registered Agent
Brw Trinity Il, LLC - Registered Agent
Chancey Interior Design, Inc. - Registered Agent
Community Payroll, LLC - Registered Agent
Esrick Investments Limited Partnership - Registered Agent
Fink Family Aviation, LLC - Registered Agent
Gaudium Partnership I, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Gcpre Property Management, LLC - Registered Agent
H-Bay Ministries-Validus, LLC - Registered Agent
Helping Hands Of Tampa Bay Foundation, Inc. - Registered Agent
Honey Bee Ranch, LLC - Registered Agent
Hypnos, LLC - Registered Agent
Kmp Management, LLC - Registered Agent
Kmp Real Estate And Investments Partnership, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Land Lake Property, LLC - Registered Agent
Lb2 Management, LLC - Registered Agent
Long Term Private Capital, LLC - Registered Agent
Marlin Insurance Holdings, LLC - Registered Agent
R. Yankee Ii, LLC - Registered Agent
R. Yankee Iii, LLC - Registered Agent
Samba Room Holdings, LLC - Registered Agent
Scalfaro Management LLC - Registered Agent
Scm Lhi Iii, LLC - Registered Agent
Scm Pe, LLC - Registered Agent
Sea Critters At Pg, LLC - Registered Agent
Senior Living I, LLC - Registered Agent
Senior Living Ii, LLC - Registered Agent
Septem Aircraft Leasing, LLC - Registered Agent
Septem Family Partnership Ii, Ltd. - Registered Agent
Socom City Armory, LLC - Registered Agent
St. Luke'S 2020, LLC - Registered Agent
Sunsar Capital Management, LLC - Registered Agent
Tampa Medical Properties Viii, LLC - Registered Agent
The Validus Group LLC - Registered Agent
Validus Aviation, LLC - Registered Agent
Vistawilla Alf, LLC - Registered Agent
Vsl Operating Holdings (Stb), LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Sandy Shores Two, LLC is located at 154 N Ryan St in Santa Rosa Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

Dalton Place At Seagrove Homeowners' Association, Inc. (300 Eastern Lake Rd) Commodore'S Retreat Owners' Association, Inc. (561 Eastern Lake Rd) Rookis Family Investment Partnership I, Ltd. (154 N Ryan St) Rookis, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Three Oaks, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Barrett Square Holdings, L.L.C. (154 N Ryan St) Bear Creek Development, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Cottage Development, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Bear Creek Cottage Development, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Blue Sky Ranch, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Rookis Investment Trust, LLC (154 N Ryan St) 1900 Scenic 98, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Forest Cottage Development, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Labr, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Florida Gulf Coast Regional Center, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Midgrove Centre, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Scenic 98 Development, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Labr Grayton South, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Sandy Shores Three, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Citrus Park Il, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Vistawilla Alf, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Tiger & Swan Development 3, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Brw Vistawilla, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Trinity Il Senior Living, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Brw Trinity Il, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Brw Origins, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Brw Midgrove, LLC (154 N Ryan St) Brw Marco, LLC (154 N Ryan St) The Shops Of Grayton Owners' Association, Inc. (154 N Ryan St) Muggins Gulch Development Company, Inc. (154 N Ryan St) Muggins Gulch, Inc. (154 N Ryan St) Rookis Management I, Inc. (154 N Ryan St) Seacrest Beach I, Inc. (154 N Ryan St) Rookis, Inc. (154 N Ryan St) Rookis Development Company (154 N Ryan St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.