Matt Farber Enterprises LLC

Matt Farber Enterprises LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Ft Lauderdale. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 5, 2015.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Matt Farber Enterprises LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMar 5, 2015
FEI Number
Principal Address
111 Se 8th Ave
Ft Lauderdale

Matt Farber Enterprises LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Matt Farber Enterprises LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Matt Farber Enterprises LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Farber Matthew S Registered Agent Matthew Farber
111 Se 8th Ave
Ft Lauderdale
(Broward County)

Matthew Farber
2644 Ne 9th Ave
Wilton Manors
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Matt Farber Enterprises LLC is located at 111 Se 8th Ave in Ft Lauderdale.

Companies Located Nearby

Steve R. Picha, Cpa, P.A. (800 E Broward Blvd Suite 605) Arredo Italiano 3 LLC (1058 Tamiami Trl) Mind Tank Media, LLC. (1058 Tamiami Trl) Mind Tank LLC (1058 Tamiami Trl) Vincent & Bishop, P.A. (800 E Broward Blvd - Ste 607) Trident Anti Aging LLC (800 E Broward Blvd) Fort Lauderdale Plumber, LLC (800 E Broward Blvd Suite 401) Medalie & Medalie, P.A. (800 E Broward Blvd Suite 301) Tucker & Tighe, P.A. (800 East Broward Blvd) Peter L. Babinski, M.D., P.A. (800 East Broward Blvd) Zielinski & Associates, P.A. (800 E Broward Blvd Suite 702) Credo Consulting Engineers, LLC (800 East Broward Blvd) Chiropractic Center & Rehab, Inc. (20 Ne 8th Ave) R&V Ip, LLC (701 E Broward Blvd) Vanessa'S Pies, LLC (701 E Broward Blvd) Salty Blonde Holdings LLC (790 E Broward Blvd) Ranger LLC (805 East Broward Blvd) Ranger Good Works, Inc. (805 E Broward Blvd Suite 200) Ranger Technical Resources, Inc. (805 E Broward Blvd Suite 200) Best Practices Medical Partners LLC (25 Se 9th Ave) Best Practices Insurance Services LLC (25 Se 9th Ave) Best Practices Holding LLC (25 Se 9th Ave) Bpmp Investments LLC (25 Se 9th Ave) Bpmp Investments Ii LLC (25 Se 9th Ave) Chirocare Of 713 Broward LLC (701 East Broward Blvd) New River Strategies, LLC (790 East Broward Blvd) Masters Academy Of Aesthetics & Lasers, LLC (790 East Broward Blvd) Wisstore, LLC (790 E Broward Blvd) Lssdira, LLC (790 E Broward Blvd) The Law Office Of Tyler W. Sawyer P.L.L.C. (790 E Broward Blvd) Secure Home Investments, L.L.C. (790 E Broward Blvd) Astro Beverage, LLC (790 E Broward Blvd) Soul Excellence Ventures, LLC (790 E Broward Blvd) Golf Vibes, LLC (790 E Broward Blvd) Cat Realty Investments LLC (790 E Broward Blvd) Peoria Valuation Services, Inc. (790 E Broward Blvd) Cristian B Michaels Pa (790 E Broward Blvd) Fleeked By Mali, LLC (800 East Broward Blvd) Engine Room Engineering, LLC (111 Se 8th Ave Ste 803) Dutton Real Estate Services LLC (111 Se 8th Ave) Venezia Las Olas Condominium Association Holding Company, LLC (111 Se 8th Ave) Solution737 LLC (111 Se 8th Ave) Venezia Las Olas Condominium Association, Inc. (111 Se 8th Ave) Jacquelyn Scott, P.A. (111 Se 8th Ave) Ipa Network Solutions, Inc. (111 Se 8th Ave) Mlcr LLC (111 Se 8th Ave) Arista Insulated Panels, Inc. (111 Se 8th Ave) Sow Design Studio Inc. (108 Se 8th Ave) 1916 Publishing LLC (104 Se 8th Ave) Whitney Dutton Pa (111 Se 8th Ave) Sapido Corporation (111 S E 8th Ave) Latin2latin Marketing + Communications, LLC (108 Se 8th Ave) Alliance Management Of Ft. Lauderdale, Inc (111 Se 8th Ave Apt 806) Murray Smith, M.D., P.A. (800 Se 2nd St) Towers Retirement Home, Inc. (824 Se 2nd St) Caribbean Townhomes Of Las Olas Condominium Association, Inc. (800 S E 2nd St) Womens Equal Pay Network Corporation (15 Se 9 Ave) Fred Feinstein Services, LLC (800 E Broward Blvd) Wise Health Solutions, LLC (800 E Broward Blvd) Dr. Christiana Marron, Pllc (800 E Broward Blvd) Linda Rae Skin Care Inc (800 E Broward Blvd) Richard B. Forum, Dds, P.A. (800 E Broward Blvd) Lawyer Up, P.A. (800 E Broward Blvd) Las Olas Dermatology, Inc. (800 E Broward Blvd) Global Decontamination Inc. (800 E Broward Blvd) Unique Pieces, Inc. (800 E Broward Blvd) Atlas Eye Center, Inc. (800 E Broward Blvd) Thomas K. Mccawley, D.D.S., P.A. (800 E Broward Blvd) Gipco, LLC (800 E Broward Blvd) C.U.M. Incorporated (800 E Broward Blvd) Christopher Checke, Lmhc, Cap, LLC (800 E Broward Blvd) Pure Skin & Beauty, Inc. (717 Se 2nd Street Ste 202) Natural Medicine, Inc. (717 Se 2nd St) Himmarshee Partners, LLC (717 Se 2nd St) Himmarshee Surgical Partners, L.C. (717 Se 2nd St) Himmarshee Surgical Center, LLC (717 Se 2nd St) Essie Yates Md Pa (717 Se 2nd St) Bryan William Berry, D.D.S., P. A. (100 Se 8th Ave) Berry Property Group, LLC (100 Se 8th Ave) Smile Club Foundation, Inc. (100 Se 8th Ave) Berry Motorsports, Inc. (100 Se 8th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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