Florida Lash, LLC

Florida Lash, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Boca Raton. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 12, 2014.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Florida Lash, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateAug 12, 2014
FEI Number47-1606300
Principal Address
2900 N Military Trl
Boca Raton

Florida Lash, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Florida Lash, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Florida Lash, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Orr Joey Officer (AMBR) Joey Orr
9439 Boca River Cir
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

Joey Orr
820 Oleander St
Boca Raton
FL 33486
(Palm Beach County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Joey Orr
Florida Lash Boca Raton LLC - Officer (AMBR)
Myers B.Bruce Officer (MGR) B.Bruce Myers
2900 Military Trail #247
Boca Raton
FL 33431
(Palm Beach County)

B.Bruce Myers
2900 N Military Trl
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

Myers B Bruce Registered Agent Bruce Myers
9439 Boca River Cir
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

Bruce Myers
2900 N Military Trl
Boca Raton
(Palm Beach County)

Principal Location

Florida Lash, LLC is located at 2900 N Military Trl in Boca Raton.

Companies Located Nearby

Kbw Building LLC (3020 North Military Trl) Jnj&J Tx Holdings LLC (3020 North Military Trl) Lifestyle By Real Estate, LLC (3020 N Military Trl) Palm Beach Institute For Ocular Research, LLC (3020 N Military Trl) Bni Alliance Network, Inc. (3020 N Military Trl) Anthony M. Lewis, D.D.S., P.A. (3020 North Military Trl) Katz Baskies LLC (3020 North Military Trl) Mills Technology Associates, Inc. (1950 Nw 29th Rd) Aegis Capital Corp. (2700 Military Trl) Mogell Dental Associates, P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Health-Fit Corporate Wellness, LLC. (2900 North Military Trl) Boca Brows, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Elite Diabetes And Endocrine Specialists, LLC (2900 No Military Trl) Health-Fit Chiropractic And Sports Medicine LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Dkrc Holdings, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) 2900 N. Military Trail, LLC (2900 N Military Trail Ste 175) Dental Art & Spa, LLC (2900 N Military Trail Ste 175) Elt Properties, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Network A Plus LLC (3925 Nw 164 St) Dermzyme, LLC (2900 North Military Trl) Sean Arvindh Sukal, M.D., Ph.D., P.A. (2900 North Military Trl) Schwedelson Group, LLC (3000 North Military Trl) Ajs Investments, LLC (3000 North Military Trl) Maliben Realty, LLC (3020 North Military Trail Suite 100) Gregory R. Cohen, M.D., P.A. (3020 N Military Trail Suite 150) Rosenberg, Holt, Zinser & Ganeles, P.A. (3020 North Military Trl) Teeth Today LLC (3020 North Military Trl) Field & Lurie, D.M.D., P.A. (3020 North Military Trl) Vip Pain Management, LLC (2900 N Military Trail #241) Concierge Primary Care LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Steven Morris, M.D., P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Merna K. Matilsky, M.D., P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Reawakenings Management Inc (2900 N Military Trl) Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D., P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Yo 247, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) David Makover, M.D., LLC (2900 Nmilitary Trl) Twin Lakes Dental, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Twin Hearts, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) 2900-241 Twin Lakes LLC (2900 North Military Trl) Matilsky & Morris Primary Care Physicians, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Boca Center For Healthy Living, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Skin Rx Md, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Florida Lash Boca Raton LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Boca Raton Podiatry Center, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Hepius Holdings LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Natan Management, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Cavalier Medical, L.L.C. (2900 N Military Trl) Hao'S Acupunture & Natural Healing Center, Inc. (2900 N Military Trl) Yihong Joy Hao, M.D., P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Infectious Disease Associates, P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Mitchell A. Pohl, D.D.S., Pa (2900 North Military Trl) Tarpon Homes LLC (2900 North Military Trail Suite 195) Boca Nephrology, P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Forgotten Mom, Inc. (2900 N Military Trl) Pinnacle Land Holdings, LLC (2900 North Millitary Trail Unit 195) Map Dental Properties, LLC (2900 North Military Trl) Therapy Associates Of Boca Raton, LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Peaceful Homes LLC (2900 North Military Trail Ste 195) B. Bruce Myers, Md, P.A. (2900 North Military Trail Ste 247) Dental Arte LLC (2900 N Military Trl) Tamara L. Gmitter, M.D., P.A. (2900 N Military Trl) Misty Ridge Palm, LLC (604 Banyan Trl) Misty Ridge Palm Ii, LLC (604 Banyan Trl) Misty Ridge Palm Iii, LLC (604 Banyan Trl) Misty Ridge Palm Iv LLC (604 Banyan Trl) Global Leadership & Consulting, LLC (604 Banyan Trl) Mad About Muffins, Inc. (604 Banyan Trl) Vmr Services Inc. (604 Banyan Trl) Klaren LLC (604 Banyan Trail #811261) Subirats Enterprises, LLC (604 Banyan Trl) 850, Ltd. (604 Banyan Trl) Lorvlin, Inc. (604 Banyan Trl) Pura Vida Development Intl Corp (604 Banyan Trl) International Purveyors Payment Systems Inc (604 Banyan Trail #811225) Hi Voltage, LLC (622 Banyan Trail Ste 300) Omni Automotive South, Inc. (622 Banyan Trail Ste 300) Atlantic Pacific Rental Management, Inc. (622 Banyan Trl Ste 150) Atlantic & Pacific Association Management, Inc. (622 Banyan Trail Ste 150)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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