M Brito Design Group, LLC

M Brito Design Group, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Surfside. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 17, 2014.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by M Brito Design Group, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateJun 17, 2014
FEI Number
Principal Address
8777 Collins Ave Ste. 805
FL 33154

M Brito Design Group, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for M Brito Design Group, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between M Brito Design Group, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Brito Margarita Registered Agent Margarita Brito
8777 Collins Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Margarita Brito
8777 Collins Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Margarita Brito
8777 Collins Ave # 805
FL 33154
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Margarita Brito
Champlain Towers South Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (Dire)

Principal Location

M Brito Design Group, LLC is located at 8777 Collins Ave in Surfside.

Companies Located Nearby

Albe Usa, L.L.C. (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Alerce, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Aracauria, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Jacaranda 2014, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Clover 2014, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Gold Mine Usa, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Cerezo 2014, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Salbe LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Gold Mine Usa 1, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Gold Mine Usa 2, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Davi Miami LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Bejojo, LLC (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Bolares Iii Corp. (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Bolares Ii Corp. (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Nogal Usa Corp. (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Aria Miami Corp. (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Alamo Miami Usa Corp. (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Calo International Corp. (8855 Collins Ave 3g) Jaube, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Freebro Usa LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Laura Szwarc P.A. (8855 Collins Ave) Msa - Marketing Services Of America, L.C. (8855 Collins Ave Suite 1008) Robert J. Miessler, Pa (8855 Collins Ave Apt 12-G) Family Florida Investments LLC (8855 Collins Avenue Unit 3g) Savagna Properties LLC (8855 Collins Ave Apt 9b) 8855 Collins 9b LLC (8855 Collins Ave Apt 9b) Alphastar Real Estate LLC (8855 Collins Ave Apt 9b) Convexa LLC (8855 Collins Ave Apt 9b) Pasteur Florida Investments LLC (8855 Collins Avenue Suite 3g) Talu Usa Corp (8855 Collins Avenue Suite 3g) Sable Sea, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Green Leaves, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Los Kali Usa LLC (8855 Collins Ave) House Mine LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Almiso Usa, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Bimg Opera, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Freecia Usa LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Groise Group Usa LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Nicfel LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Mda Usa LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Marmina Usa LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Host Usa LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Axel Investment Management LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Boladores Corp (8855 Collins Ave) Vilabella Management, Inc. (8855 Collins Ave) Agn Enterprise Inc (8855 Collins Ave) Anantara, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Support Financial, L.L.C. (8855 Collins Ave) Tataum Holdings, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) El Charrua Farms (8855 Collins Ave) Latu Usa, LLC (8855 Collins Ave) Fmu Charitable Foundation, Inc. (8855 Collins Ave) Champlain Towers East Condominium Association, Inc. (8855 Collins Ave) Roff & Company, Inc. (8855 Collins Ave) Cristalida Corporation (8855 Collins Ave) Medilara, Inc (8855 Collins Ave) The Prism Music Group, Inc. (8855 Collins Ave) Doctordrinks, LLC (8809 Harding Ave) Fcr Hospitality, LLC (8837 Harding Ave) Fcr Venture LLC (8837 Harding Ave) Af2 Capital LLC (8837 Harding Ave) The 1 Collaboration, LLC (8837 Harding Ave) Soigne, LLC (8837 Harding Ave) Terrazzo Unlimited LLC (8835 Harding Ave) The Know Thyself Group LLC (8816 Collins Ave) Atlantic Rose Condominium Association, Inc. (8816 Collins Ave) American Hardscapes LLC (8816 Collins Ave Ste 302) Solara Surfside Condominium Association, Inc. (8801 Collins Ave) J & J/8801 Collins Avenue Partner, Inc. (8801 Collins Ave) Styric Florida, Inc. (8855 Collins Avenue 10-J) 8851 Harding LLC (8851 Harding Ave) Lux Shoes Inc (8855 Collins Ave #602) Daniel Bendjouia Consulting LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Gesch, Inc. (8777 Collins Ave) A M T E K, Inc. (8777 Collins Ave) Lomak Investments, LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Zababa Holding, LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Zababa Champ, LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Maurenkaufmann.Com LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Gcm 18 Services, Corp (8777 Collins Ave) Besan, LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Bodyworks Brands LLC (8777 Collins Ave #1008) Patiera Usa LLC (8838 Harding Ave) Traiko Holdings LLC (8818 Harding Ave) Rolff Law P.A. (8818 Harding Ave) Rolff Enterprises Inc. (8818 Harding Ave) S-Aero Corporation (8818 Harding Ave) Vanderbilt Structures, Inc. (8810 Harding Ave) Layali Landscape LLC (320 88th St) Primacy Group LLC (325 88th St) Nucor LLC (8835 Harding) Mac 225, LLC (157 Collins Ave 2nd Floor) Femubo Inc. (6039 Collins Ave) Inter Point Investment LLC (17315 Collins Ave) Larada Inc. (19111 Collins Ave) 12n Family Capital, LLC (8701 Collins Ave) 12n Cre Delta, LLC (8701 Collins Ave) 12n Cre Doubletree, LLC (8701 Collins Ave) 8701 Collins Avenue Condominium Association, Inc. (8701 Collins Ave) Asociacion De Antiguos Scouts Y Guias De Cuba, Inc. (15243 Nw 87th Ct) Zyr, LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Jumal Corporation (8777 Collins Ave) Santander Music Group, Ltd. (8777 Collins Ave) A.C.L. Enterprises Of Miami, Inc. (8777 Collins Ave) Santos Healthcare Consulting, LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Beach Residential Investments LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Tinoco Trading LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Guacamaya, LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Brickell Restaurant 1101 48 Floor LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Clear Path Title LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Cattarossi Productions LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Pharm Access, Inc. (8777 Collins Ave) Unityfam 1001 Corp. (8777 Collins Ave) Jennifer Diane Media Corp (8777 Collins Ave) Cherry 1002 LLC (8777 Collins Ave) Maricela P. Maury, P.A. (8777 Collins Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.