Parrothead Property Investments, LLC

Parrothead Property Investments, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Neptune Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Sep 24, 2013.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Parrothead Property Investments, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateSep 24, 2013
FEI Number
Principal Address
200 First St Suite 204
Neptune Beach

Parrothead Property Investments, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Parrothead Property Investments, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Parrothead Property Investments, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Davey Donald V Registered Agent Donald Davey
1525 Beach Ave
Atlantic Beach
FL 32233
(Duval County)

Donald Davey
200 First St
Neptune Beach
(Duval County)

Donald Davey
200 First Street Suite 204
Neptune Beach
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Donald Davey
Disciplined Equity Management, Inc. - Registered Agent
Dkss Subs, LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Parrothead Property Investments, LLC is located at 200 First St in Neptune Beach.

Companies Located Nearby

Msab LLC (299 Atlantic Blvd) Jr Triple S, Inc. (30 Ocean Blvd) Bali Cargo Company (200 First St) Form + Space, Inc. (200 N First St) Dkss Subs, LLC (200 First Street Suite 204) Disciplined Equity Management, Inc. (200 First St) Rasco Investments, LLC (201 First St) Larry Teague & Sons Plumbing, Inc (203 Oceanfront) Teague Home Services, Inc (203 Oceanfront) Seahorse Nb, LLC (203 Ocean Front) Ritz Jxb, LLC (203 Ocean Front) Brix Jxb, LLC (203 Ocean Front) Larry Teague Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning And Animal Rescue, Inc (203 Ocean Front) Coastline Property Management, Inc. (203 Ocean Front) Larry Teague And Sons Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc (101 Lemon St) Retropreneur Labs LLC (120 Lemon St) Lemon Street Social Club LLC (120 Lemon St) North Beach Fish Camp, Inc. (100 1st St) Lissoy LLC (241 Atlantic Blvd) Hawkers Neptune Beach, LLC (241 Atlantic Blvd) Nakano Investments LLC (241 Atlantic Blvd) Streamline Pt Direct, LLC (241 Atlantic Blvd) Streamline Pt, LLC (241 Atlantic Blvd) Sun Valley Lt, LLC (241 Atlantic Blvd) Ferrelle Burns, P.A. (241 Atlantic Blvd) Thunder Lodge LLC. (241 Atlantic Boulevard Suite 201) Creek Farms Corp. (241 Atlantic Blvd) Towercom X LLC (241 Atlantic Blvd) Beaches Aquatic Club, Inc. (120 Atlantic Blvd) Sea Horse Oceanfront Inn, Inc. (120 Atlantic Blvd) Etienne Lagniappe, Inc. (117 1st St) The Neptune Beach Senior Activity Center Foundation, Inc. (116 First St) Jensens Liquor Store, Inc. (117 1st St) Al'S Pizza Partners, Inc. (207 Atlantic Blvd) Shorelines Beach Gift Shop, Inc. (109 First St) Cooper Collins, Pllc (301 First St) Hammerhead Triathlon Club, Inc (301 First St) Legal Accounting Solutions, Inc. (301 First St) 214 Orange Street, LLC (214 Orange St) Yareinca Corporation (3000 W 84th St) Safford Street Partners, LLC (304 Midway St) Bradberry Defazio LLC (304 Midway St) Jay Lubeck Gold Smyth, Inc. (132 Orange St) Perpetual Eschaton L.L.C. (112 Orange St) Workout, LLC (98 Orange St) Deep Rock LLC (98 Orange St) Cypress Creek Rock LLC (98 Orange St) Toft Holdings LLC (98 Orange St) Shawt Shawts LLC (98 Orange St) Modc Investments LLC (98 Orange St) Renew 2020 LLC (98 Orange St) Os Patient Prism LLC (98 Orange St) Pryzm LLC (98 Orange St) Padsplit Toft LLC (98 Orange St) Reverie Bloom, Inc. (217 1st St) Envisage International Corporation (224 First St) 217 First Street, LLC (217 First St) Drift Collective LLC (217 First St) Polymathy, Inc. (220 First St) King Neptune Seafood, Inc. (218 1st St) Costa Verde Associates, LLC (212 Midway Ave) Fl Property Portfolio 1, LLC (106 Hall Pl) Sr 207 Investment Company, LLC (106 Hall Pl) North Florida Land Partnership 1, LLC (106 Hall Pl) Town & Beach Properties 1, LLC (106 Hall Pl) North Florida Land Partnership 2, LLC (106 Hall Pl) Branan Field Investors LLC (106 Hall Pl) Fl Property Portfolio 2, LLC (106 Hall Pl) Branan Field Walk Property Owners Association, Inc. (106 Hall Pl) Mardon Realty And Development Group, Inc. (106 Hall Pl) National Insurance Claims Administrators, Inc. (106 Hall Pl) Mardon West, Inc. (106 Hall Pl) Seayray, LLC (201 Lemon Street Suite C) Atlantic Railroad, LLC. (200 1st St) James Dupree Architect, P.A. (200 1st St) Carlie Devon, Inc. (200 First St) Lemon Square, LLC (200 First St) Indulge Cafe, LLC (200 First St) Southern Grounds Coffee, LLC (200 First St) Skinner Jones, LLC (200 First St) Atlantic 1812, LLC (200 First St) Avondale Sogro, LLC (200 First St) Oceanfront Nb LLC (200 First St) Skinner Jones Goodin - Mitchell Place LLC (200 First St) North Beaches Art Walk Association Inc (200 First St) Towncenter Agency, Inc. (200 First St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.