Basin Drive Salon, LLC

Basin Drive Salon, LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Lauderdale By The Sea. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on May 10, 2013.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Basin Drive Salon, LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMay 10, 2013
FEI Number65-0681426
Principal Address
238 Basin Dr
Lauderdale By The Sea

Basin Drive Salon, LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Basin Drive Salon, LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Basin Drive Salon, LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Siegel Richard A Registered Agent Richard Siegel
9233 Southern Breeze Dr
(Orange County)

Richard Siegel
238 Basin Dr
Lauderdale By The Sea
(Broward County)

Richard Siegel
338 Edgewater Ct
Marco Island
FL 34145
(Collier County)

Richard Siegel
5218 Fairway Oaks Dr
FL 34786
(Orange County)

Richard Siegel
7876b Lexington Club Blvd
Delray Beach
FL 33446
(Palm Beach County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Richard Siegel
R.S. Consulting, Inc. - Registered Agent
Rich Investment Opportunities, LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Basin Drive Salon, LLC is located at 238 Basin Dr in Lauderdale By The Sea.

Companies Located Nearby

Birds Of Paradise Of Fort Lauderdale Condominium Association, Inc. (224 Commercial Blvd Ste 310) Sader & Lemaire, P.A. (224 Commercial Blvd Ste 310) Mtholly, LLC (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) Kcol, LLC (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) Karpool, LLC (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) Foley Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Holdings, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Gateway, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) 1648 Se LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Vero, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Kiwi Car Wash Gatlin LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Water Works Seawalls, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Orien Rose, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Bailee Madison Productions, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) Riley Talent Management, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) Chambliss Management, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) Bryan & Company, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) B & C Real Estate Holdings, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) J & C Real Estate Management, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) The Mediterranean Trading Company, Inc. (221 Commercial Blvd) James W. Bryan, C.P.A., P.A. (221 Commercial Blvd) Chambliss, Lllp (221 Commercial Blvd) Longstar Shell Of Davie, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Flagship Shell LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Weston Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Sawgrass Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) West Commercial Shell, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) Gse By-The-Sea, LLC (227 E Commercial Blvd) High Tag Contractor Ii Inc. (235 Commercial Blvd Ste 201) Leonard Bujnicki And Associates, Auto, Home, Life Insurance Agency, Inc. (235 Commercial Blvd) Oasis Realty Group Inc. (233 A Commercial Blvd) By The Sea Vacation Villas LLC (233 Commercial Blvd) Doctor By The Sea, Inc. (231b Commercial Blvd) Craig Depodesta, D.O., P.A. (231 B Commercial Blvd) Carmen Maco Dmd Pa (231 Commercial Blvd) T & R Tackle, Inc. (228 Commercial Blvd) Louis C. Anderson, J.D., P.L. (224 Commercial Blvd Suite 310) P & O Global Technologies, Inc. (224 Commercial Blvd) Luce Luxury Salon, LLC (222 Commercial Blvd) Perfect Travel Planners LLC (222 Commercial Blvd) Utd Watersports Fort Lauderdale, LLC (222 Commercial Blvd) Dr. Juice Health Inc. (222 Commercial Blvd Suite 104) Alexsandra'S Caribbean Restaurant, Inc. (235 E Commercial Blvd) Vprl LLC (235 E Commercial Blvd) Exclusive Management Services, Inc. (235 E Commercial Blvd) E.M.S. 2, Inc. (235 E Commercial Blvd) Next Workers Comp Inc (235 E Commercial Blvd) Digital Systems Consulting LLC (2929 Commercial Blvd) Boca Shoe Repair And Alteration Corp (253-C Commercial Blvd) Arguello Dentistry By The Sea LLC (236 Commercial Blvd) Secure Home Services, LLC (235 Commercial Blvd) One Force Inc. (235 Commercial Blvd) Cr8bibi Corp (4332 Sea Grape Dr) Ccc 4337 Seagrape, LLC (4337 Seagrape Dr) School Of Real Estate Geeks LLC (4330 E Tradewinds Ave) Elite Acquisitions Unlimited, LLC (4330 E Tradewinds Ave) Real Estate Geeks, Inc. (4330 E Tradewinds Ave) Marina By-The-Sea LLC (230 Basin Dr) Castaway Cleanouts, LLC (226 Basin Dr) Lbts Holdings LLC (4342 Sea Grape Dr) Geobac Corporation, Inc. (240 Commercial Blvd) The Geometric Group, Inc. (240 Commercial Blvd) 232 Commercial, LLC (232 E Commercial Blvd) Beach Ace Hardware, Inc. (232 E Commercial Blvd) Morningstar Condominium Association, Inc. (223 Marine Ct) Shaw & Company, Inc. (4322 E Tradewinds Ave) Law Offices Of Mark T. Stern, P.A. (4326 E Tradewinds Ave) Markis Rix Laboratories, Inc. (275 Commercial Blvd) Everest Consulting Services, LLC (275 Commercial Blvd) Trusted Traditions, Inc. (275 Commercial Blvd) By The Sea Obgyn, P.A. (265-B Commercial Blvd) Pouliot Family Limited Partnership (265b Commercial Blvd) Harmony Hair & Spa, LLC (262 Commercial Blvd) Fpa Holdings, LLC (262 Commercial Blvd) Stephan S. Teboul, P.A. (262 Commercial Blvd) Florida Purchasing Agency, Inc. (262 Commercial Blvd) Lbts Merchants Association, Inc. (258 Commercial Blvd) Sjm By The Sea, LLC (256 Commercial Blvd) Conquest Capital Group, LLC (275 Commercial Boulevard Suite 204) Penny Fraser Photography, Inc (255 Commercial Blvd) American Consulting Group International, Inc. (255 Commercial Blvd) Earthrise Realty, Incorporated (253 B Commercial Blvd) Kavon Enterprises, LLC (106-108 Commerical Blvd) Camera Clinic Corporation (250-B Commercial Blvd) Panda By The Sea, LLC (251 Commercial Blvd) Professional Institute LLC (251 Commercial Blvd) First Dental, P.A. (251 Commercial Blvd) Imco.By.C, LLC (233 Commercial Blvd) Flynn Engineering Services, P.A. (241 Commercial Blvd) Bryan Real Estate Holdings, LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) G8r Software LLC (221 Commercial Blvd) 255 Miramar, LLC (255 Miramar Ave) Magic Reefs Usa Corp (270 Basin Dr) Francesco Tognini LLC (264 Basin Dr) First American Trust Group, LLC (264 Basin Dr) Casamerica LLC (264 Basin Dr) Real Appreciation LLC (264 Basin Dr) Mlr Family LLC (264 Basin Dr) Cundy, Inc. (4345 East Tradewinds Ave) Cundy Warehouse, LLC (4345 E Tradewinds Ave) Cundy Med, LLC (4345 E Tradewinds Ave) Cundy Rx, LLC (4345 E Tradewinds Ave) Cun, LLC (4345 E Tradewinds Ave) The Charter Store LLC (224 Commercial Blvd Ste 304) Laird Electric LLC (224 Commercial Blvd) Ted P. Galatis, Jr., P.A. (224 Commercial Blvd) Weeg Retreat, LLC (224 Commercial Blvd #310) 230co, LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) Sky 230, LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) Her Majesty'S Beauty LLC (218 Commercial Blvd) Star Image Hair & Beauty L.L.C. (218 Commercial Blvd) Florida Sea Grape, LLC (251 Capri Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.