Wynwood Collaborative LLC

Wynwood Collaborative LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Feb 18, 2013.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Wynwood Collaborative LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateFeb 18, 2013
FEI Number900938432
Principal Address
400 Nw 26th St
FL 33127

Wynwood Collaborative LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Wynwood Collaborative LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Wynwood Collaborative LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ailio Ville R Registered Agent Ville Ailio
111 Ne 1st St
FL 33132
(Miami-Dade County)

Ville Ailio
111 Ne 1st St # 318
FL 33132
(Miami-Dade County)

Ville Ailio
400 Nw 26th St
FL 33127
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Wynwood Collaborative LLC is located at 400 Nw 26th St in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Systems Trucking Services,Inc. (5304 Murrhee St) Walt Grace, Inc. (300 Nw 26th St) One Man Submarine, LLC (300 Nw 26th St) Walt Grace Digital LLC (300 Nw 26th St) Zak The Baker, LLC (295 Nw 26th St) Ztb Cafe L.L.C. (295 Nw 26th St) Zak The Baker, LLC (295 Nw 26th St) Tremble Wynwood LLC (401 Nw 26th St) Ec Collection LLC (400 Nw 26 Street Suite 67) Lairyn Group LLC (400 Nw 26 Street Suite 67) Cycle-Party Miami, LLC (400 North West 26 Street) Quinn & Co. Of Ny Ltd. Inc. (310 Nw 26th St) Bar Invest Realty LLC. (310 Nw 26th St) Bar Invest Realty LLC (310 Nw 26th St) Britto Charette Inc (310 Nw 26th St) Ironburgh Holdings Sud LLC (390 Nw 27th St) Eric P Gonzalez P.A. (390 Nw 27th St) Central Commercial Real Estate, Inc (390 Nw 27 Street) Kala Niketan LLC (415 Nw 27th St) Inzamia, Inc. (415 Nw 27th St) Rupees, Inc. (415 Nw 27th St) Momosan Wynwood LLC (415 Nw 26th St) The Light Box At Goldman Warehouse, Inc. (404 Nw 26th St) Arts For Learning/Miami, Inc. (404 Nw 26 St) Fabrika Inc. (404 Nw 26 St) Miami Light Project, Inc. (404 Nw 26 Street) Stargazer Influencer, Inc. (400 Nw 26th St) Wc Agency Inc. (400 Nw 26th St) Beycome Corp. (400 Nw 26th St) Kb Sailing LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Lab305 LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Orderout LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Grand Central Classics, LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Cleancio Florida LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Icome2fix LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Lullablock LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Proptech Lab LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Inundata, LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Five67 LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Castelli Title, LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Lv Property Services LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Notorious Digital, LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Cp Tours Miami, LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Navigate Partners LLC (400 Nw 26th St) 1morebeat LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Expetitle Abstract Group, LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Hcm Health Developments LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Fiera Studio LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Ecom Space LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Auto Parts Market LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Lab Proptech Gp LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Accelerated Growth Partners, Inc. (400 Nw 26th St) Highland Adventures Inc. (400 Nw 26th St) Three Lions Construction, Inc. (400 Nw 26th St) Virtus Flow Inc. (400 Nw 26th St) Mily Labs Inc (400 Nw 26th St) Marea Ventures, LLC (400 Nw 26th St) Bitbasel, Inc (400 Nw 26th St) Kcm Technical Inc. (850 Stephenson Hwy) Clairyn Motor Group LLC (400 Nw 26 Street Ste 67) Tropicult, LLC (400 Nw 26 Street) Galapagos Pex, LLC (400 Nw 26 Street) Pedro Amos L.L.C. (400 Nw 26 Street) Mbgg Worldwide LLC (400 Nw 26 Street) Millonarium LLC (400 Nw 26 Street) Oscar Enterprises, Inc. (2700 Nw 5th Ave) J. K. Miami Corp. (2700 Nw 5th Ave #13) Opi Fashion, Inc (2640 Nw 5th Ave) Kang'S Group, Inc. (2727 Nw 5th Ave) Elegance Of Miami, Inc. (2727 Nw 5th Ave) Allan Distributors, Inc. (2601 Nw 5th Ave) Palm House Health, LLC (2620 Nw 5th Ave) Palm House Supplements, LLC (2620 Nw 5th Ave) Palm House Wellness, LLC (2620 Nw 5th Ave) Libertad Us Media, LLC (2620 Nw 5th Ave) Paranoia Usa LLC (2602 Nw 5th Ave) 5th Avenue Wynwood Partners, LLC (2610 Nw 5th Ave) Hm Style Inc. (2550 N W 5 Avenue) 2 Ne 1 Trading, Inc. (2520 Nw 5th Ave) Miamis Best Graffiti Guide L.L.C. (400 Nw 26 St) South Pointe Technologies LLC (400 Nw 26 St) Beycome Title LLC (400 Nw 26 St) Expetitle Exchange Company LLC (400 Nw 26 St) Expetitle Texas Group, LLC (400 Nw 26 St) One Society LLC (400 Nw 26 St) Expelaw, LLC (400 Nw 26 St) Expetitle Quality Closings, LLC (400 Nw 26 St) Made In Dr Corp (337 Nw 25th St) Made In Dr Wynwood Corp (337 Nw 25th St) Hiden, LLC (313 Nw 25th St) Poetiray Hospitality Inc. (313 Nw 25th St) Lbk Shoes Corp. (2545 Nw 3rd Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.