3704 Ne 2nd Ave LLC
3704 Ne 2nd Ave LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in . They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 11, 2012.
Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by 3704 Ne 2nd Ave LLC
Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details
Corporation Number | |
Status | Active |
Filing Type | FLAL |
Filing Date | Apr 11, 2012 |
FEI Number | |
Principal Address |
3704 Ne 2nd Ave LLC Directors and Officers
The following table lists the directors and officers for 3704 Ne 2nd Ave LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between 3704 Ne 2nd Ave LLC and the address or company.
Name | Position | Possible Address | Possible Related Companies |
Design District Pic 1 Llc | Officer (MGR) |
District Design 4550 Sabal Palm Rd Miami 33137 (Miami-Dade County) District Design 4420 Bay Point Rd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) District Design 5781 Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) District Design 5781 Biscayne Blvd #Cs2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) District Design 5781 Biscayne Blvd Cs2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) District Design 764 Ne 76 Street Miami 33138 (Miami-Dade County) District Design 764 Ne 76th St Miami 33138 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called District Design 6700 Biscayne Blvd LLC - Officer (MGR) |
Karakhanian Alexander | Officer (MGR) |
Alexander Karakhanian 661 Melaleuca Ln Miami 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5801 Biscayne Blvd Miami 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 4550 Sabal Palm Rd Miami 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 4420 Bay Point Rd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 10101 Collins Avenue Apt 10a Bal Harbour FL 33154 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 1170 Kane Concourse Ste 402 Bay Harbor Islands 33154 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 1250 S Miami Ave #1803 Miami FL 33130 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 1250 South Miami Ave Miami 33130 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 1250 South Miami Avenue # 1803 Miami FL 33130 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 1250 South Miami Avenue Apt 1803 Miami FL 33130 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 4141 Ne 2nd Ave Ste 200-B Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd #Cs-2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd #Cs2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd Cs2 Miami FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd Cs2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd Suite Cs2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 764 Ne 76 Street Miami 33138 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 764 Ne 76th St Miami 33138 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 80 Sw 8th St Miami 33130 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 80 Sw 8th St #2802 Miami FL 33130 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Alexander Karakhanian 3404 N Miami Ave LLC - Officer (MGRM) 3620 Ak LLC - Officer (MGR) 3622 Design A, LLC - Officer (MGR) 3740 C, LLC - Registered Agent 3925 Ak LLC - Officer (MBR) 4112 Ne 1st Op Zone LLC - Officer (Auth) 45 Design District LLC - Officer (MGRM) 560 Ne 69th Street LLC - Officer (MGRM) 6100 Ak LLC - Registered Agent 6700 Biscayne Blvd LLC - Officer (MGR) 7350 Biscayne Blvd LLC - Officer (MGR) Akorp, LLC - Registered Agent Lndmrk Development Inc - Registered Agent Salty Dough LLC - Registered Agent Wynwyn 29 LLC - Officer (MGR) |
Karakhanian Rena | Officer (MGR) |
Rena Karakhanian 661 Melaleuca Ln Miami 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 4550 Sabal Palm Rd Miami 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 4420 Bay Point Rd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 1250 South Miami Avenue # 1803 Miami FL 33130 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 1250 South Miami Avenue Apt 1803 Miami FL 33130 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd #Cs2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 764 Ne 76 Street Miami 33138 (Miami-Dade County) Rena Karakhanian 764 Ne 76th St Miami 33138 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Rena Karakhanian 3404 N Miami Ave LLC - Officer (MGR) 6700 Biscayne Blvd LLC - Officer (MGR) 7350 Biscayne Blvd LLC - Officer (MGR) Lndmrk Development Inc - Officer (VP) |
Karakhanian Alexander | Registered Agent |
Alexander Karakhanian 1111 Brickell Ave Miami 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 4550 Sabal Palm Rd Miami 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 4420 Bay Point Rd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) Alexander Karakhanian 5781 Biscayne Blvd #Cs-2 Miami FL 33137 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Alexander Karakhanian 3404 N Miami Ave LLC - Registered Agent 3925 Design District LLC - Officer (Memb) 5th Ave Wynwood Ak, LLC - Registered Agent 6700 Biscayne Blvd LLC - Registered Agent 69th St Loan, LLC - Officer (Mana) S Miami Retail Bh LLC - Officer (Mana) |