A.L.M Meds Management And Consultancy LLC.

A.L.M Meds Management And Consultancy LLC. is a Florida limited liability company based in Orlando. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 24, 2011.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by A.L.M Meds Management And Consultancy LLC.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateAug 24, 2011
FEI Number
Principal Address
2212 S Chickasaw Trl Suite #146

A.L.M Meds Management And Consultancy LLC. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for A.L.M Meds Management And Consultancy LLC.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between A.L.M Meds Management And Consultancy LLC. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Balkaran Susan Registered Agent Susan Balkaran
5280 Adair Oak Dr
FL 32829
(Orange County)

Susan Balkaran
2212 S Chickasaw Trail #146
(Orange County)

Susan Balkaran
2212 S Chickasaw Trail Suite 146
(Orange County)

Susan Balkaran
2212 S Chickasaw Trl
(Orange County)

Susan Balkaran
2212 S Chickasaw Trl Suite #146
FL 32825
(Orange County)

Susan Balkaran
509 S Chickasaw Trail Suite 224
(Orange County)

Principal Location

A.L.M Meds Management And Consultancy LLC. is located at 2212 S Chickasaw Trl in Orlando.

Companies Located Nearby

Weight4love LLC (2212 South Chickasaw Trl) Events-By-Design,LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Sun 2 LLC (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Prem Raheem, LLC (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Sun Oil Trucking, LLC (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Prem Properties, L.L.C. (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Prem Investments Of Alabama, LLC (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Prem Sun Neil LLC (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Prem Investments, Inc. (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Sun State Oil, Inc. (2018 S Chickasaw Trl) Cellpro Wireless LLC (2100 S Chickasaw Trail Unit 2) Ckhd Properties LLC (6441 S Chickasaw Trial) Del Pizzo'S Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria, Inc. (2140 S Chickasaw Trl) Q Nails & Spa Ii Inc (2182 S Chickasaw Trl) Lucky 888 Chinese, LLC. (2188 S Chickasaw Trl) Blackstone Global Investment Group LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Casa Nu, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Dynammek, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trail #155) Kismet Ki Moon, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Eastern Modalities, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Carol Grant, Md, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Halo Dental LLC (2206 S Chickasaw Trl) Platinum Transaction Services, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Dasonel LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Tuff Paradise, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Allibher Investments LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Advisors Club LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Savehoo LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Reliable Roofing And Construction Services LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Ideia Shop LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Caterina LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Zeffery Mims Law, Pllc (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Celeste & Duramany Associates LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Sac Financial, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) High Guard, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Kdr Global LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Dafeney Josue Art LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Cynise Cosmo L.L.C. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) The Money Makeover LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Nycpi & Ga LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Yeetlist LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Mccoy Innovations LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Streamriver L.L.C. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Fancyful Bashes LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Trust Ink LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Social Cruz Consulting LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Legacy 1st LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Wholistic Farms LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) All Aboard Transportation LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Johnnie Blooms Gift Shop LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Lucent Community LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Ifa Lode Investments LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Bin Ouchea Clothing L.L.C. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Cant Stop Proper Ops, LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Dadonn Project LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Rebecca'S Garden Of Hope, Inc. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Corporacion Premium, Inc. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Clarity Consulting Group Inc. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Sabera Enterprise Inc (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Beyond The Heart Health Care Inc (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Salas Home Improvement, Inc. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Precision Accounting & Tax Partners Inc (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Braswell Solutions Inc. (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) Wm Computing Services Inc (2212 S Chickasaw Trl) First Class Vacation Planners, LLC (2218 South Chickasaw Trl) Rodriguez Insurance Agency, Inc. (2218 South Chickasaw Trl) United Painters LLC (2212 S Chickasaw Trail Ste207) J&Y Dollar Up, LLC. (2230 S Chickasaw Trl)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.