Proteam Usa Branch, L.L.C.

Proteam Usa Branch, L.L.C. is a Florida limited liability company based in Hallandale. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 31, 2009.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Proteam Usa Branch, L.L.C.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMar 31, 2009
FEI Number460524820
Principal Address
1945 South Ocean Dr
FL 33009

Proteam Usa Branch, L.L.C. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Proteam Usa Branch, L.L.C.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Proteam Usa Branch, L.L.C. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Defelice Claudia Registered Agent Claudia Defelice
601 Ne 36th St
(Miami-Dade County)

Claudia Defelice
1945 South Ocean Dr
FL 33009
(Broward County)

Principal Location

Proteam Usa Branch, L.L.C. is located at 1945 South Ocean Dr in Hallandale.

Companies Located Nearby

David Howard Investments, L.L.C. (1904 South Ocean Dr) Fleet Staffing Solutions LLC (1904 South Ocean Dr) The Law Offices Of Karen Cohen, P.L.L.C. (1950 South Ocean Dr) Travie Enterprises, LLC (1950 South Ocean Dr) U.S. Center Of Marketing, Inc. (1950 South Ocean Dr) World Center Of Technologies, LLC (1950 S Ocean Dr) Geek Usa, LLC (1950 S Ocean Dr) Diversity One Group LLC (1950 S Ocean Dr) Ivonne C, Gonzalez, Pa (1950 S Ocean Dr) Fresas Investments Corp. (1950 S Ocean Dr) E.I. Jane International, Inc. (1950 S Ocean Dr) Birchtree, Inc. (1985 South Ocean Dr) Rory Florida Holdings, LLC (1985 South Ocean Dr) In & Out Inc. (1985 South Ocean Dr) Hallandale Beach Minimart Inc (1985 South Ocean Dr) International Construction Associates, Inc. (1985 South Ocean Dr) The Jewelry Collection, Inc. (1985 South Ocean Dr) Nohmis, LLC (1985 S Ocean Dr) Grifton Warehouse, LLC (1985 S Ocean Dr) Yogurt Spot Group, LLC (1985 S Ocean Dr) Success Nn, LLC (1985 S Ocean Dr) Seaside International Realty LLC (1985 S Ocean Dr) Msa States, LLC (1985 S Ocean Dr) Desktop LLC (1985 S Ocean Dr) Nirumend Miami Inc (1985 S Ocean Dr) Marian Sanchiz Pa (1985 S Ocean Dr) Nord Imperial Inc (1850 South Ocean Drive Unit 3009) Bett Realtors, LLC (1880 South Ocean Dr) Efera, Inc. (1880 South Ocean Dr) First Sbs Group Inc. (1880 South Ocean Dr) Beach Club Holdings 2604, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Beach Club 4310, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Venture East 712, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Avista, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Tog - Ph13, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Venture East 328, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) F1rst Class Travel, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Icon Brickell 1-504, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Traviata Investments, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) 1048 Hollywood Lakes, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Marina Hollywood, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Norton Hunter Gallery LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Global Eatery Group, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Surfside Habitats, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Tides 4f LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Miru Real Estate Fund LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Bree Group LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Always Success LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Grand Invest LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Aces And Kings LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Crepes 305, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Edelman Properties, LLC (1850 S Ocean Dr) Beach Club Master Association, Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) The Beach Club Of Hallandale Condominium Association, Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) North Dade-Broward County Florida Chapter Continental Societies, Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) Green Fall Properties, Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) Danny Vee Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) Chemical Trade Corp (1850 S Ocean Dr) Ygc Investment Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) Madison Medco, Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) Spartak Group, Inc. (1850 S Ocean Dr) Haor Investment Group Inc (1850 S Ocean Dr) Chimichurri Donde El Primo Inc (1850 S Ocean Dr) Software Quality Consulting Inc (1850 S Ocean Dr) Strategic Vision Partners Inc (1850 S Ocean Dr) Sofaor LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) B & Y Brooks Properties, L.L.C. (2080 S Ocean Dr) Dous International Import-Export, L.L.C. (2080 S Ocean Dr) Camjer Group, LLC (2080 Ocean Dr) Mysim, Inc. (2080 S Ocean Dr) Sonora Lake Inc. (2080 Ocean Dr) Maria Bonita Enterprises LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Blue Pen Realtors Inc (2080 S Ocean Dr) Sfc Design Group, LLC (1945 South Ocean Dr) Hmc V LLC (1945 South Ocean Dr) Saywite Investments, LLC (1945 South Ocean Dr) Abf Investments LLC (1945 South Ocean Dr) Rev Marketing LLC (1945 South Ocean Dr) Juju Tackle Company, LLC (1945 South Ocean Dr) Parnasa Investments LLC (1945 South Ocean Dr) Myl Investments, LLC (1800 South Ocean Dr) Brawn, LLC (1800 South Ocean Dr) Sundance Place, LLC (1800 South Ocean Dr) Myl # 1, LLC (1800 South Ocean Dr) Growing Network, LLC (1800 South Ocean Dr) Our Happiness LLC (1800 South Ocean Dr) Vladislava Culina, Md, Pa (1800 South Ocean Dr) International Capital Ventures Corporation (1800 South Ocean Dr) Fourthscale Systems LLC (1800 S Ocean Drive #3607) Point Real Estate Marketing Corp (1800 South Ocean Dr) Tene Holdings LLC (1830 S Ocean Drive Apt 2009) Jsr Group LLC (3113 Socean Dr) Armen Tchakmazov P.A. (3113 South Ocean Dr) For You Investments Corp (3113 S Ocean Dr) Angel & Butterfly, LLC (3113 S Ocean Dr) Medical Ar And Loans,L.L.C. (3113 South Ocean Dr) Sirius S, Inc. (3113 S Ocean Dr Apt 409) The Jona Real Estate Holdings Company, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Exa Global Corp. (2080 South Ocean Dr) First Country Homes, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Gala Catering South Beach, Inc. (3209 South Ocean Blvd #5k) Realde Financial LLC (2080 South Ocean Dr) Epimedix, Inc. (2030 S Ocean Dr #1827) The Sea Edge, Inc. (2076 S Ocean Dr -A1a-) Adelphia Realty, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) My Way Management, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Cugar LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Jrpm Consulting, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Huincarl, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Bjb 1080, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Canron Steel, LLC (2080 S Ocean Dr) Zepeda Holdings, Inc. (2080 S Ocean Dr) Civil Drafters Inc (2080 S Ocean Dr) Elite Senior Services Of South Florida LLC (2000 S Ocean Dr) 2000 Ocean Condominium Association, Inc. (2000 S Ocean Dr) Posner Realty Inc (2071 S Ocean Dr Th 19) Posner, Ma Realty Inc (2071 South Ocean Dr) Pr Usa Inc. (1913 South Ocean Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.