Savanna Properties LLC

Savanna Properties LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Hollywood. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 20, 2009.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Savanna Properties LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMar 20, 2009
FEI Number264719063
Principal Address
800 South Federal Hwy

Properties Owned by Savanna Properties LLC

715 Nw 8 Ave
Dania Beach
FL 33004

Savanna Properties LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Savanna Properties LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Savanna Properties LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Salvino Marco Officer (MGR) Marco Salvino
713 Nw 7 Ave
Dania Beach
FL 33004
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
10465 Southwest 17th Mnr
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
10465 Sw 17th Mnr
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
4775 Sw 61st Ave
FL 33314
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
713 Northwest 7th Ave
Dania Beach
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
713 Northwest 7th Ave
Dania Beach
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
713 Nw 7 Avenue
FL 33004
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
713 Nw 7th St
FL 33004
(Broward County)

Marco Salvino
800 South Federal Hwy
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Marco Salvino
Ava Lauren Properties LLC - Officer (MGR)
Makd Investments LLC - Officer (OMS)
The Optimist Club Of Dania, Inc. - Director
Vitkids Properties LLC - Officer (MGR)
Vitale Gregory Registered Agent Gregory Vitale
10465 Sw 17 Manor
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Vitale Gregory Secretary Gregory Vitale
800 S Federal Hwy
FL 33020
(Broward County)

Gregory Vitale
10465 Southwest 17th Mnr
(Broward County)

Gregory Vitale
10465 Sw 17 Manor
FL 33324
(Broward County)

Gregory Vitale
10465 Sw 17th Mnr
(Broward County)

Gregory Vitale
800 South Federal Hwy
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Gregory Vitale
800 South Federal Highway, L.L.C. - Registered Agent
Ava Lauren Properties LLC - Secretary
Delgj, LLC - Registered Agent
Gross Electrical Service, Inc. - Registered Agent
Verbum Srl, LLC - Registered Agent
Vitale & Miller, P.A. - Director
Vitkids Properties LLC - Secretary
Zobles Properties LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Savanna Properties LLC is located at 800 South Federal Hwy in Hollywood.

Companies Located Nearby

Architectural European Stucco LLC (1811 Jefferson St) Breeze Inn Hollywood, LLC (700 S Federal Hwy) A Paw Above LLC (699 S Federal Hwy) A Paw Above Rescue Inc (699 S Federal Hwy) Dbb Productions LLC (1734 Jefferson St) Luis A. Diaz, LLC (1750 Jefferson St) Miami Music Partners, LLC (1750 Jefferson St) Wilferz Company LLC (650 S Federal Hwy) Capdevila Homes LLC (650 S Federal Hwy) Diwi Developments LLC (650 S Federal Hwy) Mandaditos, LLC (650 S Federal Hwy) Design Market Media LLC (650 S Federal Hwy) Billion Dollar Smile Laboratories LLC (650 S Federal Hwy) Smile Design Group, Pa (650 S Federal Hwy) Roman Tile, Marble & Granite Installation Corp (1841 Adams St) Pnmb, LLC (1834 Jefferson St) Constructora Lugasa S.A LLC (1818 Jefferson St) Mj Rental Car & Sales LLC (1818 Jefferson St) J & M Auto Transport Group Inc. (1818 Jefferson St) Amphy Solutions LLC (1811 Jefferson St) Telstar Condominium, Inc. (1811 Jefferson St) Krok Services LLC (1811 Jefferson St) La Bailaora LLC (1811 Jefferson St) Kate & Elyone LLC (1811 Jefferson St) A&E I-Foundation, LLC (1734 Adams St) Tg Realty LLC (1734 Adams St) Valumaks, Inc. (1734 Adams St) S & L Tours LLC (1739 Adams St) Elite Elevator Services LLC (1739 Adams St) Linn Fancy Salon Inc (940 South Federal Hwy) Gsp Pegasus Inc. (901 S Federal Hwy) Tsg Developments Investments, Inc. (901 S Federal Hwy) Gulfstream Park Horsemen'S Bookkeeper Corporation (901 S Federal Hwy) Gulfstream Village Holdings, LLC (901 S Federal Hwy) Fc Gulfstream Park LLC (901 S Federal Hwy) 4721 Miramar LLC (901 S Federal Hwy) Winners Equine Products, LLC (901 S Federal Hwy) R&R Racing Stables, LLC (901 S Federal Hwy) Adena Holdings LLC (901 S Federal Hwy) Gulfstream Park Tower LLC (901 S Federal Hwy) Florida Horsemen'S Bookkeeper Corporation (901 S Federal Hwy) Florida Horsemen'S Charitable Foundation, Inc. (901 S Federal Hwy) The Florida Horsemen'S Benevolent & Protective Association, Inc. (901 S Federal Hwy) Gulfstream Horsemen'S Purchasing Association, Inc. (901 S Federal Hwy) A. Ed Cohen, Inc. (901 S Federal Hwy) Hallandale Health Spa And Clinic, Inc. (900 S Federal Hwy) Mitchell R. Feuer, D.M.D, P.A. (900 South Federal Hwy) Kam Eng, LLC (824 S Federal Hwy) 1836 Adams, LLC (1836 Adams St) Ralukasz Ro, Inc. (1816 Adams St) Premier Wood Flooring Inc (1816 Adams St) 800 South Federal Highway, L.L.C. (800 S Federal Hwy) M & V Investments, LLC (800 S Federal Hwy) Cart Properties, LLC (1615 Se 7th St) Pan Premier LLC (1818 Adams St) Delgj, LLC (800 South Federal Hwy) Vitkids Properties LLC (800 South Federal Hwy) Ava Lauren Properties LLC (800 South Federal Hwy) Verbum Srl, LLC (800 South Federal Hwy) Zobles Properties LLC (800 South Federal Hwy) Vitale & Miller, P.A. (800 South Federal Hwy) Elite Ppec Inc (795 S Federal Hwy)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.