Merry Bear'S Emporium, L.L.C.

Merry Bear'S Emporium, L.L.C. is a Florida limited liability company based in Weston. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Nov 1, 2008.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Merry Bear'S Emporium, L.L.C.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateNov 1, 2008
FEI Number263780424
Principal Address
135 Weston Rd 217

Merry Bear'S Emporium, L.L.C. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Merry Bear'S Emporium, L.L.C.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Merry Bear'S Emporium, L.L.C. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Lavrich Melody R Registered Agent Melody Lavrich
16315 Malibu Dr
FL 33326
(Broward County)

Melody Lavrich
3990 Sheridan St
(Broward County)

Melody Lavrich
3990 Sheridan St
FL 33021
(Broward County)

Melody Lavrich
3866 Sheridan St
(Broward County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Melody Lavrich
Jfh Properties, L.L.C. - Registered Agent
Lavrich, Marsh & Associates, Inc. - Registered Agent
Melody R. Lavrich, E.A. Accounting And Tax Services, Inc. - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Merry Bear'S Emporium, L.L.C. is located at 135 Weston Rd in Weston.

Companies Located Nearby

Snb Merchant Services, LLC. (138 Sw 159 Way) Dacinco Homes, LLC (135 Weston Road #320) Elmntl, LLC (135 Weston Rd) The Arzola Group, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Southern Capital Of South Florida, LLC (135 Weston Rd #284) Kd Productions, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Commercial Capital Management, LLC (135 Weston Rd) National Claim Recovery, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Stabile Consulting & Investigations Inc (135 Weston Rd) Cybergroup International Corp. (135 Weston Road Suite 317) Data & Terminal Merchant Funding LLC (135 Weston Rd #151) Laurent Creative LLC (140 Weston Rd) Bendel, LLC (134 Weston Rd) Hdj Electric LLC (135 Weston Rd) Our Enterprises LLC (135 Weston Rd) Apex Public Adjusting Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Pops Custom Clips LLC (135 Weston Rd) N.A. Professionals LLC (135 Weston Rd) Forever Lean Academy, Corp (135 Weston Rd) Pump Stop Online, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Rooftop Rescue Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Continental Trading Group, LLC (135 Weston Rd Ste 104) Justice Public Adjusters, LLC (135 Weston Rd) N.A Real Investment'S LLC (135 Weston Rd) Back Creek Bags LLC (135 Weston Rd) Far From Red, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Jyotirmaya Yoga Kendra, Inc (135 Weston Rd) Cp Consultant Services Group LLC (135 Weston Rd) Dafeld Investment Group, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Damefe1651 Investment Group, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Dayef Investment Group, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Dafeld Management, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Hegde Accounting, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Southeast Funding Solutions LLC (135 Weston Rd) S. Proctor Enterprise LLC (135 Weston Rd) Genteel Style LLC (135 Weston Rd #188) Coimbra Investments LLC (135 Weston Rd) D Divine Inc. (128 Weston Rd Suite 4) Creative Graphics & Printing, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Haimnath Ragbir, P.A. (135 Weston Rd) Nancy Lee, Dmd, Pllc (131 Weston Rd) Dolphin Shoe Co., Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Greatstone Realty, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Dst Security, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Otus Corp. Intl. LLC (135 Weston Rd) Florida Home Remodel, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Online Properties, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Offline Properties, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Glow Bowl LLC (135 Weston Rd) Blue Castle Enterprises, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Yonel Aris, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Ra & Ac Multinvestments, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Ra & Ac Horses, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Ra & Ac Capital Ventures LLC (135 Weston Rd) Rover Market Research LLC (135 Weston Rd) Viproin LLC (135 Weston Rd) Lakeshore Group LLC (135 Weston Rd) Faison United Kingdom LLC (135 Weston Rd) Blue Steel Shipping LLC (135 Weston Rd) Dolphin Footwear Company, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Crawford Consulting Group Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Dolphin Brands, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Headroom Limited, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Inco Bridge, Corp. (135 Weston Rd) Publipress Us, Corp. (135 Weston Rd) Annette M Novela Pa (135 Weston Rd) Souffront Construction Inc (135 Weston Rd) Issh Co. (135 Weston Rd) Lightcom Distributors, Inc (135 Weston Rd) Ontime Tax And Lien Service Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Sky Consulting Group Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Peerless Shipping & Packaging, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Matsumoto Narita Corp. (135 Weston Rd) F. Elysian Distribution, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Ferrus Enterprises, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Service Hq Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Greatstone Development, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Fardin Consulting, Inc (135 Weston Rd) Intercontinental Aviation Solutions, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Tornado Terrain, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Hair By Lolo LLC (128 Weston Rd) Drew The Barber Fl LLC (128 Weston Rd) New Look, Salon Suites And Spa Corp (128 Weston Rd) Rave Environmental Services Inc (135 Weston Rd) 20/20 Vision Place, Inc. (135 Weston Rd) Mundonet LLC (135 Weston Rd) H2ro Investments, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Mpower Training And Nutrition, LLC (124 Weston Rd) My Organic Corner Inc. (127 Weston Rd) Victoria Ever Inc (123 Weston Rd) Jiraphong LLC (116 Weston Rd) Lems Style Corp (111 Weston Rd) All Art Pictures Framing And Art Gallery Of Weston, Inc. (104 Weston Rd) Weston Road Donuts, LLC (100 Weston Rd) Dejesus, LLC (165 Weston Rd) Carl'S Old Time Barber Shop, Inc. (169 Weston Rd) Weston Dance Studio, Inc. (175-177 Weston Rd) Zona Blu LLC (189 Weston Rd) Ma Trust LLC (167 Weston Rd) World 2017, LLC (139 Weston Rd) Weston'S Lovely Eyebrows And Spa, Corp. (139 Weston Rd) Master Sang'S Tnt Inc. Of Weston (159 Weston Rd) Jennie Dance Studio L.L.C. (145 Weston Rd) First Stop Enterprise Inc. (141 Weston Rd) Playtown Museum, Corp (153 Weston Rd) Zenway Veterinary Group, Pa (163 Weston Rd) Beauty Market LLC (137 Weston Rd) Mara Medeiros Beauty LLC (137 Weston Rd) Gelato Gourmet LLC (143 Weston Rd) Gold Quality Living, LLC (135 Weston Rd) Noelle Flores-Smith, Pllc (135 Weston Rd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.