80-82 Miracle Mile LLC

80-82 Miracle Mile LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Doral. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 18, 2006.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by 80-82 Miracle Mile LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateAug 18, 2006
FEI Number205823420
Principal Address
3501 Nw 115 Avenue

80-82 Miracle Mile LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for 80-82 Miracle Mile LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between 80-82 Miracle Mile LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Mariutto Michael Registered Agent Michael Mariutto
3501 Nw 115 Ave
(Miami-Dade County)

Michael Mariutto
3501 Nw 115 Avenue
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

80-82 Miracle Mile LLC is located at 3501 Nw 115 Avenue in Doral.

Companies Located Nearby

Acqua World Swim Academy Corp (3475 Nw 115 Ave) Bill'S Equipment & Rentals Ii, Inc. (3500 Nw 115 Avenue) Doral Trade Center Condominium Association, Inc. (3500-3660 Nw 115 Avenue) Sanvall Enterprises, Inc. (3505 Nw 115 Ave) Interduo, LLC (3510 Nw 115 Avenue) Architectural Imports, LLC (3501 Nw 115th Ave) Cocoplum C7, LLC (3501 Nw 115th Ave) Mjm Italia, Inc. (3501 Nw 115th Ave) 4125 Ponce, Inc. (3501 Nw 115th Ave) Mjm Sailing Team, LLC (3501 Nw 115 Avenue) Box Deal LLC (3510 Nw 115 Ave) 227 Lake Drive, LLC (3510 Nw 115 Ave) 218 Lake Drive LLC (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Hid Worldwide LLC (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Optimus Products LLC (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Ccfg LLC (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Rond Point, Inc. (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Digital Place, Corp. (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Hd Solutions, Corp. (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Veas Inc (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Bvs Group Corp (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Audio Video Sustemas Inc. (3510 Nw 115 Ave) Gtc Aviation Corp (3509 Nw 115th Ave) Sampro Ca LLC (3520 Nw 115 Ave) Genthrust Xvii, LLC (3509 Nw 115 Ave) Dual Aero Inc (3509 Nw 115 Ave) Mercadopartes LLC (3520 Nw 115th Ave) Belcat LLC (3520 Nw 115th Ave) Grupo Global Diesel LLC (3520 Nw 115th Ave) Venegroup Services Inc. (3520 Nw 115th Ave) Audiotii Pro Inc (3520 Nw 115th Ave) Dynamic Elevator Control Corp (3517 Nw 115 Ave) Design & Construction Metrics LLC (3525 Nw 115 Ave) J.E.M. Inspections & Engineering Services Inc. (3525 Nw 115 Ave) Pneumatic Exports Inc. (3521 Nw 115 Ave) Inter-Usa Trading, LLC (3533 Nw 115 Ave) Spank Inc (3533 Nw 115 Ave) Iliv Iconic Living LLC (3540 Nw 115 Ave) Avc International, LLC (3533 Nw 115th Ave) Lumensul, LLC (3533 Nw 115th Ave) Tecmachine LLC (3533 Nw 115th Ave) Firesec, LLC (3533 Nw 115th Ave) Fire Technology Usa, LLC (3533 Nw 115th Ave) Avicom Engineering Corp. (3533 Nw 115th Ave) Dima Usa, L.L.C. (3529 Nw 115th Ave) Lindell Bay, L.L.C. (3529 Nw 115th Ave) Bridport, L.L.C. (3529 Nw 115th Ave) Printech Global Secure Payment Solutions LLC (3541 Nw 115 Avenue) Ice Man In Store Manufacturing Co LLC (3541 Nw 115 Avenue) Ivry Financial Investments, LLC. (3541 Nw 115 Avenue) Palatucci Progress Partners LLC (3541 Nw 115 Ave) Calasetta Development LLC (3541 Nw 115 Ave) Daruscan LLC (3541 Nw 115 Ave) Annchery Foundation Usa, Inc. (3550 Nw 115 Avenue) Annchery Fajas Usa,Inc (3550 Nw 115 Avenue) Annchery Usa, Inc (3550 Nw 115 Avenue) Ann Chery Beauty Inc (3550 Nw 115 Avenue) Vernazza Properties, L.L.C. (3560 Nw 115th Ave) Loyal Cima, LLC. (3560 Nw 115th Ave) Sweet Gladys LLC (3560 Nw 115th Ave) Chania Group, LLC (3560 Nw 115th Ave) Seven Green LLC (3560 Nw 115th Ave) J.E. Vernazza Corp (3560 Nw 115th Ave) Kulbart America Corp (3560 Nw 115th Ave) Plenticom Corp (3560 Nw 115th Ave) Worldkast Technologies LLC (3600 Nw 115 Ave) Mi Casa De Adoracion Inc. (3600 Nw 115 Ave) Mercamundi Usa, LLC (3600 Nw 115 Avenue) Sales Trust, LLC (3600 Nw 115 Avenue) Uncion Y Expansion Inc (3600 Nw 115th Ave) Life Safe Venvel Three, LLC (3610 Nw 115th Ave) Life Safe Venvel Two, LLC (3610 Nw 115th Ave) Life Safe Venvel One, LLC (3610 Nw 115th Ave) Life Save Venvel Holding, LLC (3610 Nw 115th Ave) Pci Devices Usa, Inc. (3610 Nw 115th Ave) Vencar Investment LLC (3610 Nw 115 Av) New Dreams Holdings, LLC (3610 Nw 115 Ave) Global Digital, Corp. (3610 Nw 115 Ave) Selektro Power, Inc. (3610 Nw 115 Ave) Forlong Trading LLC (3620 Nw 115th Ave) Aso Packing LLC (3620 Nw 115th Ave) Intraquip Corp (3620 Nw 115th Ave) Krk Associates LLC (3615 Nw 115th Ave) 444 Coconut Isle Drive, LLC (3615 Nw 115th Ave) Shshsh Properties LLC (3615 Nw 115th Ave) Brand Experts, LLC (3615 Nw 115th Ave) Florida Distribution And Logistics, LLC (3615 Nw 115th Ave) Khaledi Trading Group LLC (3615 Nw 115th Ave) Alsa Sales And Services LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Mount Carlo Business, LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Top Racing LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Cic Funding, LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Tg Finance, LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) 8370 Kendall, LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) 10521 Hammocks, LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Tg Usa Holdings, LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Tg Pursuit, LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Usa Business & Consulting International LLC (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Agro Industrial Sales, Inc. (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Agro & Construction Solutions, Inc. (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Zeag, Corp. (3630 Nw 115th Ave) Agro Inversiones, LLC (3630 Nw 115 Avenue) Husky Papers , LLC (11500 Nw 34th St) G.A.M.G., Inc. (11500 Nw 34th St) Miami Micro Export, Inc. (11500 Nw 34th St) Executive Key Consulting, Inc. (11475 Nw 34th St) Renaissance International Trading, Inc. (11469 Nw 34th St) One Logistic, LLC (11471 Nw 34 Street) Premium Services International Corp (11471 Nw 34 Street) Bnt Labs, LLC (11471 Nw 34th St) Miami Global Business Corp. (11471 Nw 34th St) Vision Wireless Group Inc (11471 Nw 34th St) Nova Bay Group Inc (11471 Nw 34th St) Uma Trading Corp (11471 Nw 34th St) Astec North America Inc. (11473 Nw 34th St) Av Intelligence, Inc (11473 Nw 34th St) Southway, Inc. (11465 Nw 34 St) Lvrc Real Estate LLC (11459 Nw 34 St) 1f Properties LLC (11459 Nw 34 St) King Force LLC (11459 Nw 34 St) Harmony Center Spa LLC (11459 Nw 34 St) Reis Skin Care LLC (11459 Nw 34th St) Tucan Media Marketing Corp (11461 Nw 34th St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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