6800 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC

6800 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC is a Florida limited liability company based in Coral Gables. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Mar 24, 2006.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by 6800 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFLAL
Filing DateMar 24, 2006
Principal Address
10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H
Coral Gables

6800 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for 6800 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between 6800 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Kronenberg Margaret Officer (MGR) Margaret Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Margaret Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H
Coral Gables
FL 33154
(Miami-Dade County)

Margaret Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive Apt H-7
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Margaret Kronenberg
Po Box 546072
FL 33154
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Margaret Kronenberg
1055 E. 26th Street Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR)
1601 W 8th Avenue Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR)
3397 Nw 67th Street Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR)
6300 Ne 4th Avenue Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR)
6741 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR)
6800-30 Nw 37th Avenue Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR)
8170 Nw 36th Avenue Holdings LLC - Officer (MGR)
R. Cohen Real Estate LLC - Officer (MGR)
Kronenberg Richard Registered Agent Richard Kronenberg
245 E Rivo Alto Dr
Miami Beach
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Dr
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Dr
Coral Gables
FL 33133
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Dr
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive #7-H
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive #7h
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive 7-H
Coral Gables
FL 33133
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H
Coral Gables
FL 33154
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive Apt H-7
Coral Gables
(Miami-Dade County)

Richard Kronenberg
10 Edgewater Drive Apt7-H
Coral Gables
FL 33133
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Richard Kronenberg
1055 E. 26th Street Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
1601 W 8th Avenue Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
3397 Nw 67th Street Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
6300 Ne 4th Avenue Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
6741 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
6800-30 Nw 37th Avenue Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
8170 Nw 36th Avenue Holdings LLC - Registered Agent
Fmk Properties LLC - Registered Agent
K.I.W. Management, Inc. - Officer (PRES)
Kronenberg Real Estate Accociates, LLC - Registered Agent
R. Cohen Real Estate LLC - Registered Agent
Rmk Properties LLC - Registered Agent
T&J Account, LLC - Officer (MGR)

Principal Location

6800 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC is located at 10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H in Coral Gables.

Companies Located Nearby

323 Tollgate Shores LLC (30 E Sunrise Ave) Raul And Toni Greenhouse Properties LLC (20 E Sunrise Ave) 500 Brickell 2500 LLC (21 E Sunrise Ave) 1865 Brickell A913, LLC (21 E Sunrise Ave) 129 Plaza Scm, LLC (21 East Sunrise Ave) 2545211 Condo LLC (6901 Edgewater Dr) 44merritt Charter Corp (6901 Edgewater Dr) The Columbus Day Regatta, Inc. (6901 Edgewater Dr) Raquel Amoldoni, C.R.N.A, P.A. (6901 Edgewater Dr #320) Vicki Johnson Communications LLC (6901 Edgewater Dr) Mills Real Property Investments, LLC (6901 Edgewater Drive #211) Hammocks 15103 LLC (6855 Edgewater Dr) Katarina Segal Consulting LLC (6830 Sunrise Pl) Katarina & Zachary LLC (6830 Sunrise Pl) The Two Hundred Club Of Greater Miami, Inc. (6815 Edgewater Dr) R. Cohen Real Estate LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H) 6741 Nw 37th Court Holdings LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H) 3397 Nw 67th Street Holdings LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H) 1055 E. 26th Street Holdings LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H) 6800-30 Nw 37th Avenue Holdings LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H) 6300 Ne 4th Avenue Holdings LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H) Ad-Ri 1, LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Baja LLC (10 Edgewater Drive #10a) Baja Nea 9, LLC (10 Edgewater Drive #10a) Gables Real Estate LLC (10 Edgewater Drive #10a) Neighbors Of Cedar Beach LLC (10 Edgewater Drive #10a) Rmk Properties LLC (10 Edgewater Drive #7-H) Fmk Properties LLC (10 Edgewater Drive #7h) The Gables Condominium And Club Association, Inc. (10 Edgewater Dr) B.S.A. Baja Corp. (10 Edgewater Dr) 8170 Nw 36th Avenue Holdings LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt H-7) Abby, LLC (10 Edgewater Apt 7-F) K.I.W. Management, Inc. (10 Edgewater Dr) Dade Engineering Corp. (6855 Edgewater Dr) Edgewater East Condominium Apartments Ii, Inc. (6855 Edgewater Dr) Michael A Buzzi Pa (6855 Edgewater Dr) Jilco Partners, LLC (10 Edgewater Drive #12e) Sulcata Enterprises, Inc. (16 E Sunrise Ave) Alisa Ferris Photography LLC (2 East Sunrise Ave) R. Furman, L.L.C. (60 Edgewater Drive #5d) Agiatic Clothing, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) 239 Pompano LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Apm Investments LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) A.P.M. Investments, Inc. (10 Edgewater Dr) Katharine Bryce Consulting LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Rbs Asset Management, LLC (10 Edgewater Dr Ste 12f) Maribron, LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Yacht Topps LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Gables Club Marina, LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) 1601 W 8th Avenue Holdings LLC (10 Edgewater Drive Apt 7-H) Quigley Construction Management Inc. (10 Edgewater Dr) Sturges Hospitality Associates, LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Berrin Realty Inc. (10 Edgewater Dr) 139 Payson Mo LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) 100 Cooper Mo LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) 256 Seaman Mo LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Parkerbucks LLC (10 Edgewater Dr) Gables Harbour Condominium Apartments Association, Inc. (6901 E Edgewater Dr) Sscs, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Victoriana Consultants, Inc. (60 Edgewater Dr) Cut Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (60 Edgewater Dr) J & J Holdings, LLC (60 Edgewater Drive #1602) San Remos, LLC (60 Edgewater Drive #1602) American Orthosports, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Af Properties, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Karl-Hollinger Collaborations, Inc. (60 Edgewater Dr) 187and160 Holdings, LLC (60 Edgewater Drive 16d) Urban Iris Enterprises Inc (60 Edge Water) Rsm Family, Lp (60 Edgewater Dr) Reorg, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Rgsm Properties I, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Rgsm Properties Ii, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Rgsm Iii, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Rgsm Properties Iv, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Malibu Properties I, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) 8 And 62 Corporation (60 Edgewater Dr) East Fourth Corp. (60 Edgewater Dr) Smolev Associates, Lllp (60 Edgewater Dr) Sa Investment, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Nw 15th LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Swamp Cabbage Pictures, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Cra Investment Holdings, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Jggm, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Hag Properties LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Jms Funding LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) S Berco, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) E Berco, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Lee I. Weintraub, P.A. (60 Edgewater Dr) Susan L. Gordon Design, Inc. (60 Edgewater Dr) Smolev Investment Corp. (60 Edgewater Dr) J.B.E., Inc. (60 Edgewater Dr) K'S Garage Media Inc. (60 Edgewater Dr) Gsm Investments, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr #16d) Th22mar, LLC (60 Edgewater Drive Unit 5h) Cm 100 Edgewater LLC (60 Edgewater Drive Unit 8-A) Habemus LLC (60 Edgwater Dr) Jans Investment Company, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Cationix LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Rea Capital, LLC (60 Edgewater Dr) Novak Family Investments LLC (60 Edgewater Dr Apt 5c) M.H. Novak, Cpa, P.A. (60 Edgewater Dr Apt 5c) Casa Express Corp (60 Edgewater Dr) Urban Iris Orlando Investment, LLC (60 Edgewater Drive Unit 4-C) Planet Card, Inc. (60 Edgewater Dr)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.