Lindsay International Supplies, Inc.

Lindsay International Supplies, Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 20, 1988.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Lindsay International Supplies, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJul 20, 1988
FEI Number650061484
Principal Address
20340 Ne 15th Ct 136
FL 33179

Lindsay International Supplies, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Lindsay International Supplies, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Lindsay International Supplies, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Corsbie John Officer (Dire) John Corsbie
20340 Ne 15th Ct
(Miami-Dade County)

Corsbie Keith L Registered Agent Keith Corsbie
2080 Ne 206th St
FL 33179
(Miami-Dade County)

Principal Location

Lindsay International Supplies, Inc. is located at 20340 Ne 15th Ct in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Restaurant Beverage Service, Inc. (20219 Ne 15 Court) Advantage Destination & Meeting Service, Inc. (20211 N E 15th Ct) Ocean Administraion, LLC (20225 Ne 15 Ct) David Douenias, Inc. (20227 Ne 15th Ct) Brooklyn Stitch Inc (20227 Ne 15th Ct) Unit 305 Marina Palms, LLC (20225 Ne 15th Ct) Jefferson Solenoid Valves U.S.A., Inc. (20225 Ne 15th Ct) South Florida Premium Properties LLC (20237 Ne 15 Court) South Florida Premium Painting LLC (20237 Ne 15 Court) South Florida Premium Distribution Inc (20237 Ne 15 Court) Presstech LLC (20243 Ne 15th Ct) Safewaste Of Florida, LLC (20241 Ne 15th Ct) Creative Photographic Images, LLC (20241 Ne 15th Ct) Abp Investors Ii, LLC (20250 Ne 15th Ct) Aventura Worldwide Transportation Service, Inc, (20253 Ne 15th Ct) Aventura Limousine & Transportation Service, Inc. (20253 Ne 15th Ct) Universal Luxury Transportation LLC (20252 Ne 15th Ct) B.C.P. Enterprise LLC. (20252 Ne 15th Ct) Ngsa Holdings, LLC (20257 Ne 15th Ct) Jchef LLC (20257 Ne 15th Ct) Winslow Design Group, Inc. (20257 Ne 15th Ct) Veneto Fragrance Corporation (20402 Ne 15th Ct) Intellitech Systems Inc. (20261 Ne 15th Ct) Intellitech Wireless Systems, Inc. (20261 Ne 15th Ct) Intellitech Electronics Repair, Inc. (20261 Ne 15th Ct) Europlus Usa LLC (20261 Ne 15 Court) Culinary Depot Inc. (20256 Ne 15th Ct) Supply Source Intl, Inc. (20256 Ne 15th Ct) Fl Solar Energy LLC (20264 Ne 15th Ct) Aesthetica, LLC (20264 Ne 15 Ct) Ry Group Int, LLC (20264 Ne 15 Ct) Theraice LLC (20264 Ne 15 Ct) Blue Glove LLC (20262 Ne 15th Ct) Uspl, LLC (20262 Ne 15th Ct) Freedmanlane, Inc. (20262 Ne 15th Ct) Huck Faters, Inc. (20262 Ne 15th Ct) Pragmadics, Inc. (20262 Ne 15th Ct) The Number Two Company (20262 Ne 15th Ct) Flushd Inc (20262 Ne 15th Ct) Cesar'S Fishing Nets, Inc. (20340 Ne 15 Ct) Textiles West, Ca Inc. (20285 Ne 15 Ct) Sinotex LLC (20285 Ne 15th Ct) Eroica Enterprises Inc (20285 Ne 15th Ct) The Humbled LLC (20411 Ne 15th Ave) Then And Now Ventures LLC (20411 Ne 15th Ave) Atf Investments, LLC (20315 Ne 15th Ct) Atf Oz Fund, LLC (20315 Ne 15th Ct) Serendipity Lakeside Group, LLC (20315 Ne 15th Ct) Vinh Wa, Inc. (20315 Ne 15th Ct) Park Avenue Group United, Inc (20315 Ne 15th Ct) Chiquita Properties, LLC (20315 Ne 15 Court) 88 Real Estate Investment Corp. (20315 Ne 15 Ct) Arcadia Equity Group, Inc. (20315 Ne 15 Ct) Tin Roof, LLC (20325 Ne 15th Ct) Vincent International Distributing, Inc. (20325 Ne 15th Ct) Fine Fire Equipment Company, Inc. (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Y4l, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Pembroke Pines Self Storage, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) N. George, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) 1575 Ives Dairy, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Jacksonville Storage Management LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Jacksonville Storage Management Ii, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Jacksonville Self Storage Holdings, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Jacksonville Self Storage Ii, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Jacksonville Self Storage Iii, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Machine Work Energy LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Cjx3, LLC (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Platinum Deluxe Cosmetics Inc (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Ronald Gibbons Corp. (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Rcl Management Services, Inc. (20340 Ne 15th Ct) Local 32 Holding Corporation, Inc. (20375 Ne 15th Ct) The Grace Center Church Ministries, Inc. (20377 Ne 15 Ct) Grace Center Community Development, Corp. (20377 Ne 15 Ct) Servi Caribbean Restaurant, LLC. (20377 Ne 15 Court) Sheetmetal Workers Local Union No. 32 Apprenticeship And Training Program And Training Fund, Inc. (20401 Ne 15th Ct) Perfume On Wheels Corporation (20402 Ne 15 Court) Dede, Inc. (20408 Ne 15th Ct) United Sacrament Organization Corp (20440 Ne 15th Ct) Wolf Pack University Inc (20440 Ne 15th Ct) Ricky & Rami Inc (1550 Ives Dairy Rd) Brucaro Corp. (20202 Ne 15th Ct) Starr Cleaning, LLC (20208 Ne 15th Ct) Starr Racing Co. (20208 Ne 15th Ct) Tg Wireless LLC (20201 Ne 15th Ct) Gmoss Designs, LLC. (20341 Ne 15th Ave) The Victory Boys LLC (20410 Ne 15th Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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