N.B.T. Transport Inc.

N.B.T. Transport Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Miami. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jun 6, 1988.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by N.B.T. Transport Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateJun 6, 1988
FEI Number650263980
Principal Address
16505 Nw 49 Ave
FL 33014

N.B.T. Transport Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for N.B.T. Transport Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between N.B.T. Transport Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Ayes, Julio C. Officer (PSD) Julio Ayes
16505 Nw 49 Ave
FL 33014
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
6800 Nw 72st #1
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Ayes Julio C Registered Agent Julio Ayes
16505 Nw 49 Ave
FL 33014
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
6800 Nw 72 St
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
6800 Nw 72 St
FL 33116
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
6800 Nw 72 Street
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
6800 Nw 72nd St
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
6800 Sw 72 Street
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
8390 Nw 53 St S 300
FL 33166
(Miami-Dade County)

Julio Ayes
P O Box 470485
FL 33247
(Miami-Dade County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Julio Ayes
16505 Holdings, LLC - Registered Agent
Jaja Services, Inc. - Officer (PDS)
North-Bound Transportation Inc. - Registered Agent

Principal Location

N.B.T. Transport Inc. is located at 16505 Nw 49 Ave in Miami.

Companies Located Nearby

Antonio Construction Services, LLC (14595 English Rd) Standing Ovations Catering,Inc. (14580 English Rd) Myriam Interiors, Inc. (5300 Nw 167 Street) 16505 Holdings, LLC (16505 Nw 49 Ave) Jaja Services, Inc. (16505 Nw 49 Ave) Mac-I Construction Corp. (1257 W 78 Terrace) Galiano Behavior Corp (15271 Nw 60 Ave Ste 106) Carolina Pacheco LLC (855 West 79 Street) Fast Tire & Service, Inc. (6371 Cowpen Rd) Eds Delivery, Corp. (701 W 81 St) Anabel Alvarez-Jimenez Pl. (6175 Nw 153 Street) Puerto Rico Marketing Services, LLC (6175 Nw 153 Street) Island Living Realty LLC (6175 Nw 153 Street) Next Goal LLC (6175 Nw 153 Street) Sharp Insurance Agency, Inc. (6175 Nw 153 Street) Brewster Group, Inc. (6175 Nw 153 Street) Gardenia Real Estate Group, Inc. (6175 Nw 153 Street) Luxury Airport Parking, Inc. (6175 Nw 153 Street) Rainbora, Corp (6175 Nw 153 Street) Horizon Realty Expert, Corporation (6175 Nw 153 Street) The Real Estate Connection Of South Florida (6175 Nw 153 Street) Chapretos Inc (6175 Nw 153 Street) Apopop Corp (6175 Nw 153 Street) S & N Investors Group, Inc. (15291 Nw 60 Ave) Rain Barrel Of The Keys, LLC (6500 Cowpen Road Suite 301) Davey Investments, LLC (6380 Miami Lakeway S) Oslymar Capital, LLC (6321 Lake Geneva Rd) La Pupusa Factory, Inc. (1804 W 68 St Bay 1) Pernas Investigation Agency, Corp. (7190 West 12 Avenue) A & S Health Services LLC (666 W 81 St) Cranican LLC (849 West 79 Place) General Impact Glass & Windows Corp. (290 W 78 Rd) General Impact Glass & Hurricane Shutter Parts, Inc (290 W 78 Rd) Educational Choice, Inc. (15327 Nw 60 Ave) Home School Of America, Inc. (15327 Nw 60 Ave) Exemplar Realty, LLC. (1474-A W 84 St) Growing Days Child Care And Learning Center Inc. (5969) Mattress Kingz LLC (7145 West 20 Ave) Mattress Kings Nmb LLC (7145 West 20 Ave) Nudream Bedding, LLC. (7145 West 20 Ave) Sleep Adjust, LLC. (7145 West 20 Ave) Hair Nails & Spa LLC (1704 W 68 St) Barber'S Ink LLC (16010 Nw 57 Ave) Sushi Runner Miami Lakes Corp (16010 Nw 57 Ave) Sefre Corp. (4980 Nw 165 St) W Y C Christian Express Corp (1095 W 77 St) Jdn Services Corp (937 West 77 Street) Arlo Barlo Brands Inc (1800 West 68 St Suite 118) Kiwi Development, L.L.C. (4748 N W 167 Street) Domenick Anthony Cama, P.A. (5705 Nw 158 Street) Cosmos Investment Group, LLC (6500 Cowpen Road Suite 204) Aeronautic Investments, Inc. (5719 Nw 158 St) Kolmiami Florida Corporation (6491 Cowpen Rd) N.R Paz Cabinets , Corp (5273 Nw 161 St) Carlos Paint Services Corp (5301 Nw 158 Terr) Targeted Case Management Of Florida Inc (14645 Nw 77 Avenue) Avcom Avionics & Instruments Inc. (16250 Nw 59 Ave) Design Crafters Graphics Inc. (5190 Nw 167 Street) 325 74 LLC (325 W 74 Place) Jet Express Courier Corp (6975 West 16 Avenue) 3790 LLC (6175 Nw 153 St Suite 321) Juan Car Invest., LLC (6500 Cowpen Rd) Wawasee, L.L.C. (6500 Cowpen Rd) Mg 65, LLC (6500 Cowpen Rd) Centurion Title Services, LLC (6500 Cowpen Rd) Mm Securities, LLC (6500 Cowpen Rd) Horizon Properties Investments, LLC (6175 Nw 153 Street) J Y A Plastering, Corp. (1140 W 74 Street) Pioneer Led Lighting Corp. (4980 Nw 165 Street) Abc Wholesale & Retail Group, Inc. (4980 Nw 165 Street) Office Express Supplies, Incorporated (8005 W 20 Avenue) Dupont Rentals, Inc. (6175 Nw 153 Rd St) Lm Style Studio Corp (441 West 77 Street) Stars Fashion, Inc. (4882 N W 167 St) We Global Investments LLC (4960 Nw 165st) We Commercial Properties, LLC (4960 Nw 165st) We Office Investments Corp (4960 Nw 165st) We Beach Investments Corp (4960 Nw 165st) We Brickell Investments Corp. (4960 Nw 165st) We Biscayne Investments Corp (4960 Nw 165st) Shiny Windows LLC (305 W 68 St) Aland Miami , Corp (480 W 84 Street) Inepro Usa LLC (6341 Lake June Rd) Oceans 3 L.L.C. (6465 Miami Lakeway S)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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