Hunter & Marchman, P.A.

Hunter & Marchman, P.A. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Winter Park. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Aug 13, 1987.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Hunter & Marchman, P.A.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateAug 13, 1987
FEI Number592859138
Principal Address
% Kenneth R Marchman 1360 Palmetto Avenue
Winter Park
FL 32789

Hunter & Marchman, P.A. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Hunter & Marchman, P.A.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Hunter & Marchman, P.A. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Marchman Kenneth R Registered Agent Kenneth Marchman
1330 Palmetto Ave
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Kenneth Marchman
1360 Palmetto Ave
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Kenneth Marchman
227 West Park Ave
Winter Park
FL 32789
(Orange County)

Kenneth Marchman
760 N Lakemount Ave
Winter Park
FL 32792
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Kenneth Marchman
Corral Cinq, Inc. - Registered Agent
D & F Payroll Agents, Inc. - Registered Agent
Drucker & Falk Management Corporation Of Florida, Inc. - Registered Agent
Winter Park Christian Church -Disciples Of Christ- Incorporated - Officer (PDC)

Principal Location

Hunter & Marchman, P.A. is located at % Kenneth R Marchman in Winter Park.

Companies Located Nearby

Rock Team Sports, LLC (904 Railroad Ave) Ashley Ann Arnp, LLC (917 N Pennsylvania Ave) Diamond Cryo LLC (917 N Pennsylvania Ave) Pursue Wellness Massage Inc (917 N Pennsylvania Ave) Yp Outdoor Storage, LLC (921 North Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Iii (Active), L.P., Registered Limited Liability Limited Partnership (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Partners Iv, L.P., Registered Limited Liability Limited Partnership (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Properties Group Ii, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Investors V, Lllp (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Capital Partners, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Vi, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Westwood (Orlando) Asli V, L.L.L.P (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Georgetown (Tampa) Asli Vi, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Sanctuary Cove (Bradenton) Asli Vi, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Plaza Collina (Orlando) Asli Vi, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Artesia Naples (Holdings) Asli Vi, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Vii, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Properties Group Iii, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Viii, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Ix, L.L.L.P. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Eagle Ridge (Mulberry), LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Alafia Preserve (Mulberry), LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Westmont LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Fairbanks Village LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Sterna Properties LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Edgewater Court LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) West Fairbanks Shops, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Dubill Interests 8, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Management Equity 8, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Plaza Collina Common Area Holdings, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) St. Johns Square Jacksonville, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Dubill Interests 9, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Management Equity 9, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Apg Rjl Management, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Apg Holdings (Es), LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Management Equity 10, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Dubill Interests 10, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Rjl Management 10, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) The Isles At Old Tampa Bay Water Company, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Lake Harris (Orlando) Asli Vii Owner #2, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Lake Harris (Orlando) Asli Vii Owner #1, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Lake Harris (Orlando) Asli Vii Owner #3, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Sinclair Road (Orlando) Asli Vii, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Strategic Land Investors X, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Apg Asli X, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Apg Asli Ix Gp, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Apg Asli Viii Gp, LLC (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Sanctuary Cove Master Association, Inc. (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Avanti Development Corporation Ii (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Loeb \U.S.\ Corporation (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Adroit \U.S.\ Corporation (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Westmont Development Corporation (923 N Pennsylvania Ave) Bee Sting Properties, LLC (647 Callahan St) Siam Garden Restaurant Incorporated (1111 W Webster Ave) Pnl Commercial Corp. (720 N Pennsylvania Ave) Skousen Publishing Company (C/O James R Pratt) Apg Iii Gp, LLC (C/O Avanti Properties Group) Highland Products, Inc. (C/O John A Campbell) Cbs & C, Inc. (C/O William C Bray) Maitland Shores Protective Association (Maitland Shrs) Wine On The Way, L.L.C. (805 A South Orlando Ave) Finderscope, Inc. (601 W Webster Ave) X Studios Holdings, LLC (601 W Webster Ave) Scanetry, LLC (601 W Webster Ave) X Studios, Inc. (601 W Webster Ave) Rrhot LLC (C/O Winship Law Pa) Dmcm Associates LLC (Attn: Michael Daugherty) Recreation Associates LLC (Attn: Michael Daugherty) Nasrallah Enterprises, Inc (926 Aragon Ave) Grateful Tree Service, LLC (2839 Euston Rd) The Lyon Firm, P.A. (941 W Morse Blvdsuite 100) Decimal Florida Property LLC (C/O David R Varet) Wildfire Holdings, LLC (321 Wreading Way) Avanti Capital Partners (Asli Viii), L.L.L.P. (923 Npennsylvania Ave) Palmer Electric Company (875 Jackson Ave Suite 100) Pj-Al Corp (C/O West Plc) The Integrated Advisor, LLC (Attn: W Graham White Esq) Aunt Zelma'S Blueberries, LLC (C/O Swann Hadley Stump Dietrich Spears Pa) Rschamp, LLC (M Rene Schamp) Associated Polygraph, Inc. (% William B Frazier) Brett M. Bressler, P.A. (Florida Winter Park) Mere Image, Inc. (601 A South New York Ave) Pv Tower One, LLC (C/O Swann Hadley Stump Dietrich & Spears) Lexington Concord Condominium Association, Inc. (200 East Canton Avenueste 102) Woolmarket Investments, LLC (1801 Lee Roadsuite 200) William C. House, M.D., P.A. (% William C House Md) Anthros Ii, Inc. (400 Wmorse Blvdste 203) Miller'S Hardware Inc. (Stephen Gatch Miller) Triangle Imported Auto Parts, Inc. (% Stephen L Maszy) Avanti Investment Advisors, Inc. (Avanti Properties Group) Mwy Enterprises, Inc. (C/O Mikes Pawn & Jewelry) Mewa Enterprises, LLC (501 N Orlando Avenue 313-158) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Iii (Passive), L.P., Registered Limited Liability Limited Partnership (C/O Avanti Capital Associates) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Iv (Passive), L.P., Registered Limited Liability Limited Partnership (C/O Avanti Properties Group Lllp) Antonette Marketing, Inc. (% William H Black Jr) The Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park, Inc. (Rollins College) Avanti Strategic Land Investors Iv (Active), L.P., Registered Limited Liability Limited Partnership (C/O Avanti Properties Group Llc) Marge'S Specialties Of Orlando, Inc. (% Jed Berman) Bee-Line Media Corporation (% Robert P Hold) El Jireh, Inc. (Pizzeria Valdiano) Sorensen, Inc. (% Gary L Sorensen) J.C. Burke, Inc. (C/O 252 Park Avenue North) Fannie Hillman & Associates, Inc. (C/O 205 W Fairbanks Ave) Bpk, Inc. (C/O Thomas Zurcher & White Pa) Turtle & Tortoise Club Of Florida, Inc. (C/O Rosemary C Johnson) Hillman Referral, Inc. (% M Scott Hillman) Gene Street, LLC (Gene Street Llc) Perrin, LLC (% M Rene Schamp) Roadrunner (Fort Myers) Asli V, L.L.L.P. (C/O Avanti Development Corporation Ii) Avanti Acquisition Company, LLC (C/O Avanti Development Corporation Ii) South Shore Park, Inc. (% Robert E Carey) Colombia Childcare International, Incorporated (C/O Calvary Assembly)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.