Inter-Bulk Land Co.

Inter-Bulk Land Co. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Tampa. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on May 20, 1985.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Inter-Bulk Land Co.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateMay 20, 1985
FEI Number592530628
Principal Address
210 S Magnolia Ave

Inter-Bulk Land Co. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Inter-Bulk Land Co.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Inter-Bulk Land Co. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Lubrano Antonio M Director Antonio Lubrano
210 S Magnolia
FL 33602
(Hillsborough County)

Antonio Lubrano
210 S Magnolia
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

Antonio Lubrano
210 S Magnolia Ave
(Hillsborough County)

Bruhn Bernd Registered Agent Bernd Bruhn
210 S Magnolia
FL 33606
(Hillsborough County)

Bernd Bruhn
210 S Magnolia Ave
(Hillsborough County)

Bernd Bruhn
4405 Woodmere Rd
FL 33609
(Hillsborough County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Bernd Bruhn
International Bulk Shipping, Inc. - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Inter-Bulk Land Co. is located at 210 S Magnolia Ave in Tampa.

Companies Located Nearby

Patricia Wolfe Cpa, LLC (310 S Brevard Ave) Rice Psychology Group, P.A. (312 S Brevard Ave) Carlcarm, LLC (609 W Azeele St) Dr. Ed'S Properties, LLC (609 W Azeele St) Carlos Ramirez Law Firm Pllc (609 W Azeele St) The Law Offices Of Omar F. Medina, Professional Association (305 S Magnolia Ave) Alvarez Injury Law Pllc (305 S Magnolia Ave) Hyde Park Market, Inc. (616 West Platt St) Magnolia Style, Inc. (303 South Magnolia Ave) Magnolia Avenue Property, LLC (307 South Magnolia Ave) Hyde Park United Methodist Church, Inc. (500 W Platt St) Rflp Group, Lllp (503 West Platt St) Rflp Balsam LLC (503 West Platt St) Rflp Mabry LLC (503 West Platt St) Rflp Pompano, LLC (503 West Platt St) Rflp Palm Harbor LLC (503 West Platt St) Rflp Bonita Springs LLC (503 West Platt St) Rflp Stratford LLC (503 West Platt St) Rflp Northlake LLC (503 West Platt St) Rflp Paradise Island LLC (503 West Platt St) Brothers L, L.L.C. (503 West Platt St) Rflp Optimist LLC (503 West Platt St) Riviera Drive Management, Inc. (503 W Platt St) Triton Development, LLC (503 W Platt St) Sr Old Pasco, LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp University East LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Coral Springs LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Polo Club LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Tampa Commons LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Franklin Square LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp St. Petersburg LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Boulevard Plaza LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Glendale LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Palmetto Place LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Green, LLC (503 W Platt St) Balsam Mountain Creek Holdings, LLC (503 W Platt St) Riviera Drive Oz Gp 1, LLC (503 W Platt St) Rflp Retail Holdings, LLC (503 W Platt St) Mark A. Linsky, P.A. (503 W Platt St) Hpumc Land Holdings, Inc. (500 West Platt St) Knoxleib, Pllc (420 W Platt St) Big Bend Associates, Inc. (420 W Platt St) Cparsons, Pmhnp, Pllc (419 West Platt St) C. Crystal-Belle'S Counseling For Change, Lmhc, LLC (419 West Platt St) Jeanne T. Tate, P.A. (418 W Platt St) Heart Of Adoptions Alliance, Inc. (418 W Platt St) Design Travel Marketing LLC (305 S Brevard Ave) Disciplined Minds Tutoring, LLC (715 West Platt St) Omni Medical Center For Women, P.L.C. (706 West Platt St) Edward C. Royer, Esquire, P.A. (310 South Brevard Ave) Natural Living Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Inc. (310 South Brevard Ave) Dt International, Inc. (305 South Brevard Ave) Rick Silverman, P.A. (311 South Brevard Ave) Kgs Designs, LLC (701 W Platt St) Timothy G. Anderson, Professional Association (213 South Brevard) Mason Black & Caballero, P.A. (307 S Magnolia Ave) Benefit Title Services, LLC (212 South Magnolia Ave) International Bulk Shipping, Inc. (210 S Magnolia Ave) Tates Pizza West, LLC (212 South Magnolia Ave) Nimrod Holdings Limited Partnership (212 S Magnolia Ave) Mercury City LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Ranch Nimrod LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Otter Creek Holdings LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Och Equipment LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Galt Gulch LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Marduk Acres LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Lir, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Lir V, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Industry Insights And Solutions LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Thor Enterprises, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Friendship Acres, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Vam14 Investment Group, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Heart Of Surrogacy, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Indian Rocks Beach Condo, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Price Place, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Irb Bungalow, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) 5021 Nassau Holdings, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Getaway Acres, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Cayuga Holdings, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Thrace Place,LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Lir V2, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Weed Lab, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Irb Beach House, LLC (212 S Magnolia Ave) Tate Pizza Company, Inc. (212 S Magnolia Ave) Mark T. Tate, P.A. (212 S Magnolia Ave) Print House Art Supply LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Fensalir Enterprises, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Fensalir Property Management, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Fensalir Holdings Ii, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Fensalir Holdings Iii, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Gunlock Homes 1, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Stre Properties, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Thre Properties, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Blackacre Mgmt, LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Lascara Real Estate LLC (217 S Cedar Ave) Innerg Therapy Services LLC (419 W Platt St) South Tampa Legal, P.A. (419 W Platt St)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.