Gospelink, Inc.

Gospelink, Inc. is a Foreign (non Florida) non profit corporation based in Lynchburg. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 18, 2002.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. Visulate.com is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Gospelink, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeFORNP
Filing DateJul 18, 2002
FEI Number582390166
Principal Address
115 Hexham Dr
VA 24502

Gospelink, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Gospelink, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Gospelink, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Nelms Stephen Officer (Chai) Stephen Nelms
4091 121st Terr N
Royal Palm Beach
FL 33411
(Palm Beach County)

Johnson Alton C Officer (Dire) Alton Johnson
63 Court Sq
GA 30828
(Warren County)

Nelms Lewis C Officer (Dire) Lewis Nelms
100 N Stonemill Dr Apt N
FL 24502
(Lynchburg City County)

Lewis Nelms
115 Hexham Dr
VA 24502
(Lynchburg City County)

Lewis Nelms
206 Wyndpark Cir
VA 24502
(Lynchburg City County)

Lewis Nelms
358 Laurel Landing Blvd
GA 31548
(Camden County)

Wilson Paul Officer (Dire) Paul Wilson
1800 The Greens Way
Jacksonville Beach
(Duval County)

Paul Wilson
13801 Nw
FL 33323
(Broward County)

Paul Wilson
1717 Main St
(Dallas County)

Paul Wilson
1717 Main Street Ste 900
(Dallas County)

Paul Wilson
2234 Se Shelter Dr
Port Saint Lucie
FL 34952
(Saint Lucie County)

Paul Wilson
2511 Se Tropical East Cir
Port Saint Lucie
FL 34952
(Saint Lucie County)

Paul Wilson
2511 Tropical East Cir
Port Saint Lucie
FL 34952
(Saint Lucie County)

Paul Wilson
2511 Tropical East Curcle
Port Saint Lucie
FL 34952
(Saint Lucie County)

Paul Wilson
3002 N Florida Ave
FL 33603
(Hillsborough County)

Paul Wilson
3054 Domino Dr
FL 34691
(Pasco County)

Paul Wilson
355 Nw 48th Pl
Des Moines
IA 50313
(Polk County)

Paul Wilson
5237 Summerlin Commons
Fort Myers
(Lee County)

Paul Wilson
634 E Newton St
MO 65026
(Miller County)

Paul Wilson
700 Sw 10th St
Pompano Beach
(Broward County)

Paul Wilson
8521 Miralago Way
FL 33076
(Broward County)

Paul Wilson
Po Box 18978
Panama City
FL 32417
(Bay County)

Paul Wilson
Po Box 897
Panama City
FL 32402
(Bay County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Paul Wilson
Dms Argentina, LLC - Officer (Assi)
Reliant Auto Services Group LLC - Registered Agent
Ti Legal Support Services, LLC - Registered Agent
Brotherhood Valerie A Registered Agent Valerie Brotherhood
1450 Scottsdale Road West
West Palm Beach
FL 33417
(Palm Beach County)

Morris Cliff Officer (Secr) Cliff Morris
9130 Pristine Cir
FL 32818
(Orange County)

Cliff Morris
1487 Nw 101st St
(Miami-Dade County)

Cliff Morris
1700 Meadowdale Dr
GA 31021
(Laurens County)

Cliff Morris
9130 Pristine Crk
FL 32818
(Orange County)

Pace Charles J Officer (Trea) Charles Pace
115 Hexham Dr
VA 24502
(Lynchburg City County)

Principal Location

Gospelink, Inc. is located at 115 Hexham Dr in Lynchburg.

Companies Located Nearby

Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.