Roju Properties, Lllp

Roju Properties, Lllp is a Florida limited partnership based in Winter Park. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 25, 2019.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Roju Properties, Lllp

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMLP
Filing DateApr 25, 2019
FEI Number
Principal Address
1011 North Wymore Rd
Winter Park

Roju Properties, Lllp Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Roju Properties, Lllp. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Roju Properties, Lllp and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Roju Enterprises, Inc. Officer (G) Enterprises Roju
1011 N Wymore Rd
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Enterprises Roju
1011 North Wymore Rd
Winter Park
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Enterprises Roju
Swetman Building, Lllp - Officer (G)
Hamner Frank A Registered Agent Frank Hamner
1011 N Wymore Rd
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Frank Hamner
1011 N Wymore Rd
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Frank Hamner
1011 N Wymore Rd
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Frank Hamner
1011 North Wymore Rd
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Frank Hamner
1011 North Wymore Rd
Winter Park
(Orange County)

Frank Hamner
1101 North Wymore Rd
Winter Park
FL 32789
(Orange County)

Frank Hamner
2 Cherry Blossom Ln
Winter Haven
(Polk County)

Frank Hamner
Frank A Hamner Pa
Winter Park
FL 32789
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Frank Hamner
Ar3, Ltd., Lllp - Registered Agent
Br3 Management, Inc. - Registered Agent
Br3 Of Orlando, Ltd., Lllp - Registered Agent
Cde Management, Inc. - Registered Agent
Cvjcr Management, Inc. - Registered Agent
Cvjcr Properties, Ltd., Lllp - Registered Agent
Di Lending, Inc. - Registered Agent
Di Management, Inc. - Registered Agent
Di Partners, Lllp - Registered Agent
Foundation For Civics And Governmental Excellence, Inc. - Officer (VPS)
Frank A. Hamner, P.A. - Registered Agent
Great American Investments, Inc. - Registered Agent
Great American Land Management, Inc. - Registered Agent
Harris, Schick And Hamner, LLC - Registered Agent
Hdmno, LLC - Registered Agent
Hhywp, Inc. - Registered Agent
Holler Family, LLC - Registered Agent
J And J Gem Enterprises, LLC - Officer (AP)
Marc Radio Group, LLC - Registered Agent
Mjwr, LLC - Registered Agent
Rosa Lp, Ltd., Lllp - Registered Agent
Rosa Management, Inc. - Registered Agent
Scottish Primrose, Lllp - Registered Agent
Strong Persuader, LLC - Officer (MGRM)
The Porch Juice, LLC - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Roju Properties, Lllp is located at 1011 North Wymore Rd in Winter Park.

Companies Located Nearby

Pa Partners, Lllp (1011 North Wymore Rd) Marc Properties, Lllp (1011 North Wymore Rd) Swetman Building, Lllp (1011 North Wymore Rd) Marc Radio Gainesville, LLC (1011 North Wymore Rd) Marc Radio Group, LLC (1011 North Wymore Rd) Marc Property Investments, LLC (1011 North Wymore Rd) Strong Persuader, LLC (1011 North Wymore Rd) Shepherd'S Crossing, LLC (1011 North Wymore Rd) Marc Radio Orlando, LLC (1011 North Wymore Rd) Di Lending, Inc. (1011 North Wymore Rd) The Lion And The Lamb, Inc. (1011 North Wymore Rd) Marc Properties Management, Inc. (1011 North Wymore Rd) Lakeland Imports, Inc. (1011 North Wymore Rd) Automotive Service Company Of Orlando (1011 North Wymore Rd) Scottish Primrose, Lllp (1011 N Wymore Rd) Di Partners, Lllp (1011 N Wymore Rd) Great American Land Management, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Cde Management, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Di Management, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Gal Of Winter Park, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Ar3, Ltd., Lllp (1011 N Wymore Rd) Rosa Lp, Ltd., Lllp (1011 N Wymore Rd) Cvjcr Properties, Ltd., Lllp (1011 N Wymore Rd) Rcj Of Winter Park No. 2, Ltd. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Rcj Of Winter Park No. 3, Lllp (1011 N Wymore Rd) Great American Investments, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Rosa Management, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Cvjcr Management, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Six Star, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Rcj Of Winter Park No. 1, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Hwp Partners, Lllp (1011 N Wymore Rd) The Holler Holding Company (1011 N Wymore Rd) Harris, Schick And Hamner, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Holler Family, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Marc Financial LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Crossmarc Holdings, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Crossmarc Management, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Crossmarc Gp, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Dks828, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Crossman Financial, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Crossmarc Services, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Shout It Outdoors, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) J And J Gem Enterprises, LLC (1011 N Wymore Rd) Central Florida Marketing & Promotions, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Frank A. Hamner, P.A. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Pa Management Associates, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Hwp Management, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Gameron Shield, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Roju Enterprises, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Roju Holdings, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Classic Chevrolet Co. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Car Emergency Room, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Automotive Services Network, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Hummer Of Orlando, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Classic Nissan, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Classic Holding Company (1011 N Wymore Rd) Classic 434 Holding Company (1011 N Wymore Rd) Great Helm, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Allen Brothers, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Pro-Tek Plan, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Ptp Holding Co. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Hfs Holding Company (1011 N Wymore Rd) Vehicle Marketing, Inc. (1011 N Wymore Rd) Br3 Of Orlando, Ltd., Lllp (1011 North Wymore Rd) Br3 Management, Inc. (1011 North Wymore Rd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.