Winegard, Inc.

Winegard, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Windermere. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Jul 20, 1983.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Winegard, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateJul 20, 1983
FEI Number592568455
Principal Address
13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd
FL 34786

Winegard, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Winegard, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Winegard, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Butler Marina Officer (Dire) Marina Butler
531 Trellis Ct
FL 32809
(Orange County)

Marina Butler
8000 S Orange Ave
FL 32809
(Orange County)

Marina Butler
C/O Aspire Management
Winter Garden
FL 34778
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Marina Butler
Hoike Hawaii, Inc. - Officer (Coor)
Kovacevic Ramiza Officer (Dire) Ramiza Kovacevic
75 Gatlin Ave
(Orange County)

Ramiza Kovacevic
515 Trells Ct
FL 32809
(Orange County)

Ramiza Kovacevic
8000 S Orange Ave
FL 32809
(Orange County)

Ramiza Kovacevic
C/O Aspire Management
Winter Garden
FL 34778
(Orange County)

Cook Frank Officer (Pres) Frank Cook
741 Citrus Cove Dr
Winter Garden
(Orange County)

Frank Cook
75 Gatlin Ave
(Orange County)

Frank Cook
52 13th St
FL 32320
(Franklin County)

Frank Cook
570 Putter Ln
Longboat Key
FL 34228
(Manatee County)

Frank Cook
8000 S Orange Ave
FL 32809
(Orange County)

Frank Cook
C/O Aspire Management
Winter Garden
FL 34778
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Frank Cook
The Country Club Shores Association, Unit 5, Inc - Officer (VP)
Aspire Community Association Management Registered Agent Community Aspire
C/O Aspire Management
Winter Garden
FL 34778
(Orange County)

Medina Norberto Officer (Secr) Norberto Medina
75 Gatlin Ave
(Orange County)

Norberto Medina
14439 Sw 126 Pl
FL 33186
(Miami-Dade County)

Norberto Medina
8000 S Orange Ave
FL 32809
(Orange County)

Norberto Medina
C/O Aspire Management
Winter Garden
FL 34778
(Orange County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Norberto Medina
Honmed Glee LLC - Officer (Proj)
Warren Dennis Officer (VP) Dennis Warren
329 Raven Rock Ln
FL 32750
(Seminole County)

Dennis Warren
5634 Edgewater Dr
FL 32810
(Orange County)

Dennis Warren
1400 W Holden Ave
(Orange County)

Dennis Warren
403 Hodrick St
Port Saint Joe
FL 32456
(Gulf County)

Dennis Warren
C/O Aspire Management
Winter Garden
FL 34778
(Orange County)

Dennis Warren
Po Box 520220
FL 32752
(Seminole County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Dennis Warren
.Immediate Equity Assistance, LLC - Registered Agent
Lake Tyler Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (Pres)
Warren Restaurants L.L.C. - Registered Agent

Principal Location

Winegard, Inc. is located at 13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd in Windermere.

Companies Located Nearby

1st Florida Real Estate Group LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd #1080) Sun Alliance LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd #1080) New England Painting LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd #1080) Fullmoon Digital, Inc. (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd #1080) Justice Web Solutions LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Metro Academy Of Real Estate, LLC (13796 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Real Visualz LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Vesoul Music Group, Inc. (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Circulus Education Corp (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Brisana Services LLC (13796 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Florida Horizons Real Estate LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Vpd Travel LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) City Fence, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Avakata, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Tlf Enterprises LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Bmn Evolve, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Horizon West Professionals Inc (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Scribblespace LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Marketing Ingredients LLC. (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Top Housing LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Ronald Paul Baumanis, Phd, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Brisana Construction LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) 99 Metals LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Winter Garden Appliance Repair Service LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Vesoul, Inc. (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Kiwi Learn, Inc. (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Lasa Transportation Usa LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Indigo Spa & Wellness Center Management LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Firehawk Moving, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) New Perspective Consulting Services, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Umix, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Watanabe Solutions LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Office & Incidental LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Toscano Technologies Corp (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Amazing Vacation Homes Florida Inc (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Echo Visuals, Inc. (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Firehawk Artwork And Furniture Installations Inc (13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Horizon West Happenings, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossing Blvd) Y&S Consulting Financial Services LLC (13740 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Lal Solution America Screens LLC (13740 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Valkyrie Investments & Services LLC (13740 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Dth Insurance Partner, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossing Blvd) Jc Parts Corp (13790 Bridgewater Crossing Blvd) I & F Holdings LLC (1918 Bridgewater Drvie) Strongfoot Group, LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossings) De Mundi North America Cleaning & Services LLC (13790 Bridgewater Crossing Blvd) Olive Development & Construction, Inc (13794 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Metro Brokers Florida, LLC (13796 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd) Metro Real Estate Network, LLC (13796 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.