Myerlee Square Condominium Association, Inc.

Myerlee Square Condominium Association, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Ft. Myers. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Nov 30, 1978.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Myerlee Square Condominium Association, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateNov 30, 1978
FEI Number591915362
Principal Address
8280 College Pkwy #203
Ft. Myers
FL 33919

Myerlee Square Condominium Association, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Myerlee Square Condominium Association, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Myerlee Square Condominium Association, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Oxley Dana Officer (Pres) Dana Oxley
1518 Edgewater Cir #4
Fort Myers
FL 33919
(Lee County)

Dana Oxley
1518 Edgewater Circle Apt 4
Fort Myers
FL 33919
(Lee County)

Conrad Debbie R Registered Agent Debbie Conrad
8270 College Pkwy #104
Fort Myers
(Lee County)

Debbie Conrad
8280 College Pkwy #203
Ft. Myers
FL 33919
(Lee County)

Ruby Carol Officer (Secr) Carol Ruby
7039 Cedarhurst Dr #1
Fort Myers
FL 33919
(Lee County)

Whitmore John Officer (Trea) John Whitmore
16257 Willowcrest Way
Ft. Myers
(Lee County)

John Whitmore
1710 Ne 191st St #107
(Miami-Dade County)

John Whitmore
2808 W Azeele St #202
FL 33609
(Hillsborough County)

John Whitmore
2808 W Azeele St #205
FL 33609
(Hillsborough County)

John Whitmore
9110 Southmont Cove #301
Fort Myers
FL 33908
(Lee County)

The following companies have a director or officer called John Whitmore
Whitmore Property Solutions LLC - Registered Agent
Osborn Danielle Officer (VP) Danielle Osborn
1506 Edgewater Cir #4
Fort Myers
FL 33919
(Lee County)

Principal Location

Myerlee Square Condominium Association, Inc. is located at 8280 College Pkwy #203 in Ft. Myers.

Companies Located Nearby

Fifer & Heligman, M.D., P.A. (8350 Riverwalk Park Blvd) Premier Pain Associates, LLC (12700 Creekside Ln) Ft. Myers Digestive Health And Pain Asc, LLC (12700 Creekside Ln) The Sypert Institute, P.A. (12700 Creekside Ln) Riverwalk Surgery Center Inc. (8350 River Walk Park Blvd) Solutions Harmony, Inc. (194 Riverwalk Crk) W. Bradley Cooper, Jr. Cpa Pa (8290 College Pkwy #101) Swfl Counseling, LLC (8280 College Pkwy) Stefanie Swift Counseling, LLC (8280 College Pkwy) Island Beach Condominium Association, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy) Growth Management Of North America, Inc. (8280 College Parkway Unit 104) Paragon Financial Services Of Southwest Florida, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy) K & J West Coast Management, Inc. (8280 College Parkway Ste 104) Captain'S Cove Condominium Association Of Fort Myers, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy #203) The Nancy Lane Association, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy #203) Emily Lane Association, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy #203) Canal Point Maintenance Co. (8280 College Pkwy #203) North River Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy #203) Falcon Crest Homeowners Association, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy #203) Southern Drywall & Texture, Inc. (8280 College Pkwy #203) Independent Development Services Corporation (8280 College Pkwy) Southwest Florida Oral And Facial Surgery, P.A. (8267 College Pkwy) Hst Building Investment, LLC (8267 College Pkwy) Ideal Image Of Ft. Myers, Inc. (8267 College Pkwy) Stewartdean Iii, LLC (8140 College Pkwy Ste 105) Truforte LLC (8270 College Pkwy) C. Budde Cpa, P.L. (8270 College Pkwy) Park Center For Procedures, LLC (8255 College Pkwy) Park Central, LLC (8255 College Pkwy) Friday, LLC (8255 College Pkwy) Anesthesia Partners Of Swfl, LLC (8255 College Pkwy) Advanced Pain Management Specialists, P.A. (8255 College Pkwy) Greenmed LLC (8255 College Pkwy) Nim Research Corporation (8260 College Pkwy) Tk Bradenton, LLC (8260 College Pkwy) Colonial Frontage, LLC (8260 College Parkway Ste 203) Future Realty Services, Inc. (8260 College Pkwy) Compagnie Nitot Co (8260 College Pkwy) San Carlos Island, LLC (8260 College Pkwy) Quartz Rock Us, LLC (8260 College Pkwy) The Weiner Companies, Inc. (8260 College Parkway Ste 203) Weiner Construction Company, L.L.C. (8260 College Parkway Ste 203) Association Property Management Specialists, LLC (8260 College Parkway Ste 203) Chloes Cookies LLC (8260 College Parkway Ste 203) Gulfcoast Cloud Solutions, LLC (8250 College Pkwy Suite 202) Andrea Lane, Ltd. (8250 College Pkwy) Fountain Court, Ltd. (8250 College Pkwy) South Fountain Court, Ltd. (8250 College Pkwy) Mid Cape 1020, LLC (8250 College Pkwy) Mid Cape 954, LLC (8250 College Pkwy) Gdt, Inc. Of South Florida (8250 College Pkwy) Levan Asset Management Corporation (8250 College Pkwy #201) Fcp Of South Florida, Inc. (8250 College Pkwy #201) Levan Enterprises Of Southwest Florida, Inc. (8250 College Pkwy) Burt Hill/Pollock Krieg Architects, Inc. (8250 College Pkwy)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

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