The Jacksonville Chapter, The American Institute Of Architects, Inc.

The Jacksonville Chapter, The American Institute Of Architects, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Jacksonville. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Oct 23, 1978.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by The Jacksonville Chapter, The American Institute Of Architects, Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMNP
Filing DateOct 23, 1978
FEI Number592679709
Principal Address
1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 243
FL 32204

The Jacksonville Chapter, The American Institute Of Architects, Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for The Jacksonville Chapter, The American Institute Of Architects, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between The Jacksonville Chapter, The American Institute Of Architects, Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Hook Andrea Officer (Pres) Andrea Hook
1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 243
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Henning Shaunda J Registered Agent Shaunda Henning
2345 Harper St
(Duval County)

Shaunda Henning
1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 106
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Shaunda Henning
1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 243
FL 32204
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Shaunda Henning
Thomas Duke Architect, P.A. - Officer (Secr)
Duncan Catherine Officer (Secr) Catherine Duncan
353 Chatham R
West Palm Beach
(Palm Beach County)

Catherine Duncan
1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 243
FL 32204
(Duval County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Catherine Duncan
Chatham R Condominium Association, Inc. - Officer (Dire)
Horvath Roxanne Officer (Trea) Roxanne Horvath
1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 243
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Essa Jonathan Officer (VP) Jonathan Essa
6300 Bowden Rd
(Duval County)

Jonathan Essa
1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 243
FL 32204
(Duval County)

Principal Location

The Jacksonville Chapter, The American Institute Of Architects, Inc. is located at 1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 Box 243 in Jacksonville.

Companies Located Nearby

Cecil Vignutti Studio For Hair Inc. (1545 May St) Vanbrown Inc (710 Lomax St) Erik Myhrer, M.D., P.A. (1650 Margaret St 302) Elite Hospitalist Group LLC (1650 Margaret St) Transition Holdings - Defuniak, LLC (1650 Margaret St) N Ferdon Development, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Transition Holdings-Bluewater, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Finger & Nelson, Pllc (1650 Margaret Street Suite 302 #258) Sierra Outfitters LLC (1650-302 Margaret St #192) Bariatric Surgery Source, LLC (1650 Margaret St Ste 302) Hive Bariatrics, LLC (1650 Margaret St Ste 302) Memorial Park Association, Inc. (1650 Margaret St - 302 #322) Global Music And Publishing Group LLC (1650 Margaret St) Akia Uwanda Enterprises, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Challen Investments, LLC (1650 Margaret St) L And J Of Jacksonville Corporation (1650 Margaret St) Lucid Media, L.L.C. (1650 Margaret St) Cnc Federal Government Services, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Jaxlive Inc. (1650 Margaret Street Suite 302) Green Breeze Inc (1650 Margaret) The Resident Community News Group, Inc. (1650 Margaret Street Suite 310) Re Czar LLC (Pmb#236 1650 Margaret St) Read It Digital, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Blue Tree Interests, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Harvest Construction And Remodeling, Inc. (1650 Margaret St) Transition Holdings, LLC (1650 Margaret St Ste 302 #258) Transition Holdings - Mer, LLC (1650 Margaret St Ste 302 #258) Tgsuites - Mobile, LLC (1650 Margaret St Ste 302 #258) Tgsuites - Sf, LLC (1650 Margaret St Ste 302 #258) Dedicated Professionals, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Kailo Nutrition L.L.C. (1650 Margaret St) The Healing Project, LLC (1650 Margaret St) Cl Square Consulting, Pllc (1650 Margaret St) Elizabeth Worsham, M.D., L.L.C. (1650 Margaret St) Therapist Aid LLC (1650 Margaret St) Beauties From Within Inc. (1650 Margaret St) Rossmore Realty Corporation (1650 Margaret St) Tijuana Flats #176 LLC (2025 Riverside Ave) Nail Salon At Riverside, Inc. (2025 Riverside Ave Ste 2) Onsite Environmental Consulting, LLC (2008 Riverside Ave) Happy Face Skin Care & Waxing LLC (2008 Riverside Ave) A Balanced You Acupuncture And Wellness Ctr LLC (2008 Riverside Ave) Athletic & Therapeutic Massage Therapy, LLC (2008 Riverside Ave) 845 South Edgewood Avenue, LLC (1661 Riverside Ave #327) Hampshire House, Inc. (1661 Riverside Ave #110) Pmc Sunwest Ranch, L.L.C. (1661 Riverside Ave #406) High Atlas Real Estate LLC (1661 Riverside Ave) 7 Bridges, LLC (1661 Riverside Ave) Bedran Law, P.A. (1661 Riverside Ave) Gwynne Mims Salon LLC (1620 Margaret St 204) The Winestock Foundation, Inc. (1650 Margaret Street #302) The Dc Group, LLC (1650 Margaret St Suite 302) Asian Wang LLC (1650 Margaret St) Visual Smith, LLC (1650 Margaret St Suite 302) Cnc Federal Supplies LLC (1650 Margaret St) Drc Enterprises LLC (2055 Herschel St) Coffman Aviation, Inc. (2055 Herschel St) Nimble Hr, Inc. (1534 Oak St) Margaret And Oak Street LLC (1534 Oak St) Black Sheep LLC (1534 Oak St) Brunet-Garcia Advertising Inc. (1534 Oak St) Black Sheep Restaurant Group, Inc. (1534 Oak St) Emoore Md, Pllc (2005 Herschel St) 1522 Oak Street LLC (1522 Oak St) Ag Adams Law P.A. (1522 Oak St) Perch Island Partnership, Ltd. (2024 Herschel St) Trinity Asset Holdings, Ltd. (2024 Herschel St) Challen Partners, Ltd. (2024 Herschel St) Trinity Fund, Ltd. (2024 Herschel St) Challen Asset Management, LLC (2024 Herschel St) Worldwide Beauty Holdings, LLC (2024 Herschel St) Perch Island Management, Inc. (2024 Herschel St) Trinity Capital Of Jacksonville, Inc. (2024 Herschel St) Roessler Incorporated (1529 Margaret St) Aberdeen Condominium Assocation, Inc. (2005 Herschel St) Nalla LLC (1521 Margaret St) Kazul LLC (2054 Riverside Ave) Soleil Rouge LLC (2054 Riverside Ave) Soleil Vert LLC (2054 Riverside Ave) Soleil Jax LLC (2054 Riverside Ave) Soleil Duval LLC (2054 Riverside Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

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